define: Define parameter transformations by 'define()', 'branch()'...

View source: R/parameters.R

defineR Documentation

Define parameter transformations by define(), branch() and insert()


Define parameter transformations by define(), branch() and insert()


define(trafo, expr, ..., conditionMatch = NULL)

insert(trafo, expr, ..., conditionMatch = NULL)

branch(trafo, table = NULL, conditions = rownames(table))



named character vector of parametric expressions or object of class eqnvec


character of the form "lhs ~ rhs" where both lhs and rhs can contain a number of symbols for which vaues are passed by the ... argument


used to pass values for symbols as named arguments


optional character, Use as regular expression to apply the reparameterization only to conditions containing conditionMatch


table of covariates as data frame. Rownames are used as unique identifier, usually called "conditions", and columns represent covariates associated with these conditions.


character vector with condition names. Overwrites the rownames of table.


object of the same class as trafo or list thereof, if branch() has been used.


# Define some parameter names
parameters <- c("A", "B", "k1", "k2")
# Define a covariate table
covtable <- data.frame(dose = c(1, 1, 10), 
                       inhibitor = c("no", "inh", "no"), 
                       row.names = c("Low_noInh", "Low_Inh", "High_noInh"))

# Start with an empty transformation
trans <- NULL

# Generate the identity transformation for parameters
trans <- define(trans, "x ~ x", x = parameters); print(trans)

# Insert exp(x) wherever you find x
trans <- insert(trans, "x ~ exp(x)", x = parameters); print(trans)

# Some new expressions instead of k1 and k2
trans <- insert(trans, "x ~ y", x = c("k1", "k2"), y = c("q1 + q2", "q1 - q2")); print(trans)

# Define some parameters as 0
trans <- define(trans, "x ~ 0", x = "B"); print(trans)

# The parameter name can also be directly used in the formula
trans <- insert(trans, "q1 ~ Q"); print(trans)

# Replicate the transformation 3 times with the rownames of covtable as list names
trans <- branch(trans, table = covtable); print(trans)

# Insert the rhs wherever the lhs is found in the transformation
# column names of covtable can be used to perform specific replacements
# for each transformation
trans <- insert(trans, "x ~ x_inh", x = c("Q", "q2"), inh = inhibitor); print(trans)

# Also numbers can be inserted
trans <- define(trans, "A ~ dose", dose = dose); print(trans)

# Turn that into a parameter transformation function
p <- P(trans)
parnames <- getParameters(p)
pars <- rnorm(length(parnames))
names(pars) <- parnames


# Advanced tricks exploiting the quoting-mechanism when capturing "..."

mydataframe <- data.frame(
  name = rep(letters[1:2], each = 3),
  value = 1:6,
  time = rep(1:3, 2),
  sigma = 0.1,
  par1 = rep(0:1, each = 3),
  par2 = rep(9:10, each = 3),
  par3 = rep(1:3, each = 2),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

parameters <- c("a", "b", "par1", "par2", "par3")
pars_to_insert <- c("par1", "par2")

# this would be the usual way when setting up a model
# pars_to_insert <- intersect(getParameters(g*x), names(data)) 

trafo <- define(NULL, "x~x", x = parameters) 
trafo <- branch(trafo, covariates(as.datalist(mydataframe)))

# Trick 1: Access values from covariates()-Table with get/mget. 
    # The names of the parameters which are supplied in the covariates()-table 
    # have to be supplied manually.
trafo <- insert(trafo, "name ~ value", value = unlist(mget(pars_to_insert)), name = pars_to_insert)

# Trick 2: Access symbols from current condition-specific trafo with .currentSymbols, access 
    # current condition-specific trafo by .currentTrafo
    # The input passed by the dots is "quoted" (substituted) and eval()'ed in the environment 
    # of the lapply(1:length(conditions), function(i) {})
trafo <- insert(trafo, "x~exp(X)", x = .currentSymbols, X = toupper(.currentSymbols))

# Trick 3: Condition specificity. There are two ways to do this
  # 1. Apply reparametrization only for specific conditions using Regular Expressions for the 
  # conditionMatch argument. This matches the condition name agains a regex
trafo <- define(NULL, "x~x", x = parameters) 
trafo <- branch(trafo, covariates(as.datalist(mydataframe)))

# Conditions starting with 0_9
insert(trafo, "x~x_par3", x = "a", conditionMatch = "^0_9", par3 = par3)  
# Conditions NOT starting with 0_9
insert(trafo, "x~0", x = "a", conditionMatch = "^(?!0_9)")
  # 2. Specify conditions by boolean arguments
  #    Conditions which satisfy par1 == 0
insert(trafo, "x~x_par2", par1 == 0, x = parameters, par2 = par2)       
  # Special case: Pass two arguments with the same name. This is only possible if one of them 
  # is logical and the other is not.
  # Conditions which satisfy par2 == 9
insert(trafo, "x~x_par2", par2 == 9, x = .currentSymbols, par2 = par2)       

dkaschek/dMod documentation built on March 1, 2025, 9:04 p.m.