Man pages for dmattek/hcs-package

aggrStatsAggregate statistics
calcPlateQualityCalculate plate quality
calcPlateQuality2Calculate plate quality
calcPlateStatsCalculate plate statistics
freadCSV2lineHeaderRead a CSV file with a 2-line header
helloHello, World!
placeLevel1stReorder levels: place a chosen factor level as first
plotDensDensity plot of a quantity
plotDoseRespPlot dose response
plotDoseRespBoxPlot single-cell dose response as box-plots
plotDoseRespDotPlot dose response
plotDoseRespViolPlot single-cell dose response as violin plots
plotPlateHeatMapPlot heat-map of the plate
remOutliersRemove outliers from left and/or right of the distribution
remOutliersVecRemove outliers from left and/or right of the distribution
dmattek/hcs-package documentation built on May 16, 2019, 7:24 a.m.