interpolate.markers: interpolate haplotype or genotype probabilities from one set...

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interpolate.markersR Documentation

interpolate haplotype or genotype probabilities from one set of markers to another.


Given a matrix of data with markers in rows and data in columns, interpolate the values in each column from the marker spacing in 'from' to the marker spacing in 'to'.


  interpolate.markers(data, from, to)



Numeric matrix with markers in rows and data in columns. Marker names must be in rownames and must match column 1 of from.

itemfrom Data frame containing at least three columns with marker names, chromosome and position in columns 1, 2 & 3, respectively. itemto Data frame containing at least three columns with marker names, chromosome and position in columns 1, 2 & 3, respectively.


This function assumes an even and overlapping set of markers in from and to. It may not behave correctly if the marker sets do not overlap.


Numeric matrix of values interpolated onto the spacing provided in 'to'.


Daniel Gatti


  ## Not run: 
    interpolate.markers(data, from, to)
## End(Not run)

dmgatti/DOQTL documentation built on April 7, 2024, 10:35 p.m.