Man pages for dmirman/gazer
Tools for Processing Eye Tracking Data

assign_aoiAssign coordinates to areas of interest
baseline_correction_pupilPerforms linear (sub) or divisive baseline correction...
baseline_correction_pupil_msgPerforms linear (sub) or divisive baseline correction...
behave_pupilculls important behavioral data from the sample report
binify_fixationsConvert fixation list into time bins
blink_detectTake pupil file and detect blinks merge blinks with sample...
blink_velocityThis function takes a dataframe and applies velocity blink...
calc_madcalculates the median absoulte deviation (MAD) and sets the...
code_polyBuild polynomial predictor variables
CohortRhymeCohort and rhyme competition during spoken word recognition
compare_groupsCompare groups on a set of variables.
count_missing_pupilCalculate percent missing data by subject and by trial
Crawford_HowellCrawford-Howell (1998) t-test for case-control comparisons.
cursive_agg_dataJudgments to cursive vs. type-print words in LDT
downsample_gazeDownsample gaze data
downsample_pupilDownsample pupil data
dynamic_pupilcalc dynamic pupil range (Ayasse et al., 2017; Piquado et...
extend_blinksExtends blinks if not already done in SR Data Viewer
find_messages_ascTake asc files and return important events Collect trial...
find_messages_edfTake EDF files and return a tiblle with important behavioral...
FunctThemeFixation of semantically related objects during spoken word...
FunctThemePtsFixation of semantically related objects during spoken word...
gazerTools for Processing Eye Tracking Data
generate_edf2asc_batTakes edf files and converts them to asc This code was...
get_gaze_diagnosticsCalculate gaze track diagnostics
get_pvaluesGet p-values for a multilevel regression model
get_ranefGet random effects for individual effect size quantification
get_tracklossCalculate trackloss and remove trials and subjects with...
hanning_filterPerfroms hanning smoothing on pupil data
interpolate_pupilTurns pupil sizes with blinks NA and linearly interpolates...
legend_positioningSet legend position
make_gazerPrepare data for pre-processing in Gazer
merge_asc_filesTake asc files and extract relevant data Does not merge data...
merge_eyeMerge eye files from a ufolder if filetype is from sr renames...
merge_gazer_filesMerge eye files from a ufolder if filetype is from sr renames...
merge_pupilMerge pupil files from a folder Renames column variables and...
moving_average_pupilMoving average function
NamingRecoveryPicture naming during aphasia treatment
noise_based_blink_detectionExtends blinks if not already done in SR Data Viewer
onset_pupilZero Time Index to Event Onset
parse_ascTake asc files and extract relevant data Does not merge data...
parse_edfTake EDF files and return data that is in format usable for...
parse_edf_messagesTake EDF files and return message events to extract behav...
read_fixation_reportRead EyeDataViewer fixation report
smooth_interpolate_pupilSmooths the pupil trace before linear or cubic interpolation.
speed_pupilCalculates max absoulte dilation speed as suggested in Kret &...
TargetFixTarget fixation data from a typical "visual world paradigm"...
WordLearnExEffect of transitional probability on novel word learning
dmirman/gazer documentation built on Sept. 1, 2024, 10:13 p.m.