assign_aoi: Assign coordinates to areas of interest

View source: R/assign_aoi.R

assign_aoiR Documentation

Assign coordinates to areas of interest


Takes a data frame of gaze positions (or other locations), plus screen size and aoi size (or location), and computes the area of interest (AOI) for each location. Defaults assume standard four-corner design.


assign_aoi(gaze, screen_size = c(1024, 768), aoi_size = c(400, 300),
  aoi_loc = NULL, X = "CURRENT_FIX_X", Y = "CURRENT_FIX_Y")



data frame containing positions


size of the screen in pixels. Defaults to c(1024, 768) and assumes reversed vertical (i.e., 0,0 is top left).


size of AOIs in pixels. Defaults to a c(400, 300) width-height pair and assumes AOIs are in screen corners. AOIs will be coded numerically 1 to 4 in reading order (left to right, top to bottom), with 0 as center location.


location of rectangular AOIs. Use as alternative to aoi_size for non-corner AOIs. Each AOI location should be a separate row in a data frame that has variables xmin, xmax, ymin, and ymax. Assumes reversed vertical (i.e., 0,0 is top left). AOIs will be coded numerically in row order.


name of variable containing X coordinates. Defaults to "CURRENT_FIX_X"


name of variable containing Y coordinates. Defaults to "CURRENT_FIX_Y"


Original gaze data frame with AOI column added. Non-AOI and off-screen gazes are marked NA.

dmirman/gazer documentation built on Sept. 1, 2024, 10:13 p.m.