onset_pupil: Zero Time Index to Event Onset

View source: R/onset_pupil.R

onset_pupilR Documentation

Zero Time Index to Event Onset


Centers the sample index or time stamp of your time series to a reference marker, such that 0 always coincides with the onset of a particular event.


onset_pupil(time, marker, event)



Numeric vector of sample indices or time stamps corresponding to a single time series.


Vector containing markers of trial events.


Label in marker that indicates the onset event to which the time series should be zeroed. If this label is a character string, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.


Numeric vector that zeroes time to the trial onset. In the event that no onset marker is found, a warning is issued and a vector of NAs is returned.

dmirman/gazer documentation built on Sept. 1, 2024, 10:13 p.m.