
Defines functions fields_info

Documented in fields_info

#' @title Return details about form's fields
#' @description The Fields API describes a hierarchy of your data. At the heart of this API is the
#' listing of FieldId values. Each FieldId corresponds to a value in the Entries API.
#' @return Title - The title is the friendly name you gave the field when creating your form. For
#' example, if you were building a table with the API, the Title would be a column header.
#' @return Type - The Type represents a Wufoo field type. A listing of the these types can be found
#' in the Field Type section of this documentation.
#' @return ID - This is the unique reference ID for your field. There will be one corresponding ID
#' for each Entry in return value of the the Entries API.
#' @return IsRequired - This value can be one or zero, representing whether or not the field has
#' been marked required in the Form Builder.
#' @return OtherField - This value is true or false and is only set if the field has choices. Only
#' Multiple-Choice fields have the option of an Other field. When a Multiple-Choice field is marked
#' as HasOtherField, the last choice is the Other field.
#' @note For developers: This function returns 2 data frames. One containing only default fields, another one containing
#' subfields as described \url{http://help.wufoo.com/articles/en_US/SurveyMonkeyArticleType/The-Fields-API#Fancypants}.
#' "These include name, shortname, checkbox, address, and likert."
#' @inheritParams user_info
#' @inheritParams form_info
#' @import dplyr
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fields_info(formIdentifier = "z5kqx7h1gtvg4g", showRequestURL = TRUE)
#' fields_info(formIdentifier = "z5kqx7h1gtvg4g", debugConnection = 1L)
#' }
#' @export
fields_info <- function(wufoo_name = auth_name(NULL), formIdentifier = NULL, showRequestURL = FALSE,
                        debugConnection = 0L, domain = "wufoo.com") {
  fields_url <- paste0("https://", wufoo_name, ".", domain, "/api/v3/forms/", formIdentifier, "/fields.json")

  executedFieldsGetRst <- doRequest(fields_url, showURL = showRequestURL, debugConnection = debugConnection)

  # Subfields go into a different data frame
  df_fields <- executedFieldsGetRst$Fields
  df_fields$SubFields <- NULL
  df_fields[df_fields == ""] <- NA

  df_subfields <- executedFieldsGetRst$Fields$SubFields
  df_subfields <- bind_rows(df_subfields)
  df_subfields[df_subfields == ""] <- NA
  df_subfields <- df_subfields[-1, ]
  df_subfields <- df_subfields[-2, ]

  # join both data frames, and sort them by ID
  fjoined <- full_join(df_fields, df_subfields, by = c("ID", "DefaultVal"))
  fjoined <- fjoined[order(fjoined$ID), ]

  fjoined$Title <- ifelse(!is.na(fjoined$Title), fjoined$Title, fjoined$Label)

  fjoined[fjoined$Title == "Name", ]$Title <- "First Name"
  fjoined[fjoined$Title == "Last", ]$Title <- "Last Name"

dmpe/wufoor documentation built on April 17, 2020, 2:12 a.m.