
#' Confirms that the data dictionary is correctly formed
#' Checks that the object is a list with items named by their HIC code
#' in the "NHIC_HIC_ICU_nnnn" format where n is [0,9]
#' @param d the object to be checked
#' @return \code{TRUE}
#' @examples
#' # is.ccDict(d)

#' @export
is.ccDict <- function(d) {
    # Check the object is a list of lists
    stopifnot(class(d)[1]=="list" & class(d)[[1]]=="list")
    # Check the object is a named list
    # Check that list items match naming format
    stopifnot(sum(grepl("NIHR_HIC_ICU_\\d{4}", names(d))) == length(d))
    # Check that list items contain NHIC code
    stopifnot("NHICcode" %in% names(d[[1]]))

# Development and testing
# d <- load_ccDict("/Users/steve/usr/github/ccdata/data/ITEM_REF.yaml")
# is.ccDict(d)
docsteveharris/ccfun documentation built on May 15, 2019, 9:42 a.m.