knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

This tutorial accompanies the paper Between-litter variation in developmental studies of hormones and behavior: inflated false positives and diminished power. This tutorial can address all recommendations provided in the manuscript. This tutorial is not meant to thoroughly cover the topic of analyzing dependent observations or multilevel modeling in general. Further background information can be obtained from the reference section of the paper.

I cannot provide recommendations for reporting results. I use Bayesian methods in applied settings, so do not have the expertise in reporting classical (those that include p-values, test statistics, etc.) methods. I do, however, examine the statistical properties of classical methods often.

I begin each section by providing techniques to obtain the necessary information directly from the fitted models. The aim here is to show the "inner workings" of the methods. I end each section with a convenience function that is provided in the litterEffects package.

The tutorial is organized as follows:

  1. Data Analysis

    • Multilevel Model (MLM)

      -Two Group Comparison

      -Effect Size for the Treatment Effect

      -Total Variance Explained by Litter

      -Significance Testing of the Litter Effect

      -Between-litter Variance Explained by the Treatment Effect

    • Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE)

      -Two Group Comparison

    • Litter Means

      -Two Group Comparison

  2. Prospective Power

    • MLM

      -Treatment Effect

      -Litter Effect

    • GEE

    • Litter Means
    • Retrospective Power
    • MLM

      -Treatment Effect

  3. False Positive Rates

    • t-test
  4. Bias Correction: GEE

Install the following packages:


Load the following packages:


1. Data Analysis

Load the example data set:

# data included in the litterEffects package
my_data <- litterEffects::my_data
# to load your own data
# (ensure the csv file is in the working directory)
my_data <- read.csv("your_data.csv")
# view the structure of the data  

Multilevel Model

Two Group Comparison

This first model (mlm_one) investigates the treatment effect between two groups. We use "treatment", but this is a comparison between two groups (stress vs control; high vs low LG; etc.). We also include a t-test (t_one) for comparison. While the results may appear similar please note the p-values from each method: e.g., 5 one-hundredths of a decimal place is the difference between p = 0.04 and p = 0.09. Importantly, the t-test is not appropriate for these data but is provided here for demonstrative purposes (analyzing only the litter means is appropriate; see below).

Some reading the paper may think fitting a MLM is difficult. This is not the case, but understanding the models will take some time and reading. There is not much difference in specifying each model (MLM vs. t-test) in R. The MLM only requires the addition of + (1|litter). This is the random effect (intercept) for litter that accounts for dependent observations.

# lmerTest:: is not necesary but provided to ensure 
# the packages for each function are known
mlm_one <- lmerTest::lmer(y ~ treat + (1|litter), data = my_data)
# random effect block provides the variance estimates
# compare to a t-test (assuming equal variances)
t_one  <- lm(y ~ treat, data = my_data)

Effect Size for the Treatment Effect

Compute delta total variance (standardized effect) (\delta_{t}) as:

# to compute the effect size:
#  1 ) extract the treatment effect (est: estimate)
est <- summary(mlm_one)$coefficients[[2]]

#  2) extract the variance:
#     this function (VarCorr) extracts
#     the variances from the fitted models into a data frame
var <-,comp="Variance"))

# compute delta total variance (formula (4) in the paper)
delta_t <- est / sqrt(var$vcov[1] + var$vcov[2])

# function from the litterEffects package
delta_t(y ~ treat + (1|litter), data = my_data)

Total Variance Explianed by Litter (ICC)

The paper placed great emphasis on between-litter variance. The total variance explained by litter can be computed as:

# extract variances
mlm_var <-,comp="Variance"))

# compute ICC (formula (2) in the paper)
icc_by_hand <- mlm_var$vcov[1] / (mlm_var$vcov[1] + mlm_var$vcov[2])

# function from the litterEffects package
litterEffects::litter_icc(y ~ treat + (1|litter), data = my_data)

Significance Testing of the Litter Effect

I do not recommend testing the significance of random effects. I find it more advantageous to decsribe variance (irrespective of statistical significance). Testing random effects is commonly done, however, so I provide an example here. Please note that, regardless of statistical significance, the random effect of litter must be in the model to ensure the assumption of independent observations is not violated.

# fit model
mlm_two <- lmerTest::lmer(y ~ treat + (1|litter), data = my_data)

# compute significance 

Between-litter Variance Explained by the Treatment Effect

MLM is a flexible method that allows for answering many research questions. One could investigate whether the treatment effect explains between-litter variance. This would be especially important for the natural variations in maternal care literature, because there is an explicit interest in whether pups from the same dam are similar to one another. I see this as less relevant for the pre-natal stress literature (although the same model can be applied there as well).

# begin by fitting the intercept only model.
mlm_three <- lmerTest::lmer(y  ~ 1 + (1|litter), data = my_data)

# now include the treatment effect
mlm_four <- lmerTest::lmer(y  ~ treat + (1|litter), data = my_data)

# extract variances
mlm_three_var <-,comp="Variance")
mlm_four_var  <-,comp="Variance")

# reduction in litter variance as proportion of litter
# variance in the intercept only model (mlm_three)
(mlm_three_var$vcov[1] - mlm_four_var$vcov[2])/ mlm_three_var$vcov[1] 

# conviencence function from the litterEffects package
outcome   <- my_data$y
treatment <- my_data$treat
litter    <- my_data$litter
litterEffects::litter_var_explained_by_treat(outcome = outcome, 
                                             treatment = treatment,
                                             litter = litter)

Generalized Estimating Equation

Two Group Comparison

Here I demonstrate a generalized estimating equation. Importantly, this method require a bias correction for small sample sizes. GEE is commonly used in longitudinal research and small sample sizes here might be considere large for many fields. Accordingly, this is not necessarily a small sample issue in general. Relevant references are provided in the litterEffects package (bias_correction function). To determine the optimal correction the experimental design needs to be specified (e.g., number of litter, etc.).

# this will take some time. A few warnings may arise. 
# If there is a large number for nsim, a few warnings
# is probably not problematic for this purpose
data_gee <- litterEffects::data_generator(b_0 = 5, b_treat = 3, icc = 0.5,
                                          v_overall = 10, n_litters = 10, 
                                          pups_litter = 2)
litterEffects::bias_correction(nsim = 500, icc = 0.5, v_overall = 10, 
                               n_litters = 10, pups_litter = 2)
# check with different icc value
litterEffects::bias_correction(nsim = 500, icc = 0, v_overall = 10, 
                               n_litters = 10, pups_litter = 2)
# With this experimental design correction d5 is 
# consistently around 0.05. This is the correction 
# we used in the manuscript. Details about these 
# corrections can be found in the litterEffects package

With the bias correction selected the model is fitted as:

# fit model without bias correction
gee_one <- gee::gee(y ~ treat, id = litter, data = data_gee, 
                    family = gaussian, corstr = "exchangeable",
                    silent = TRUE)

# obtain z-value
z <- summary(gee_one)[[7]][10]

# convert to two-sided p-value
p_default   <- 2*pnorm(-abs(z))

# apply bias correction for optimal SE (thus p-value)    
saws_gee  <- saws::geeUOmega(gee_one)
corrected <- saws::saws(saws_gee, method = "d5")
p_corrected <- corrected[[9]][[2]]
# compare summary results
# compare p-values

Litter Means

Two Group Comparison

The final method compares litter means. This approach averages within-litter observations and analyzes them with a t-test. As such, each litter contributes only one observation to the analysis.

# %>% is the piping function from the package dplyr 
data_means <-  my_data %>% 
               group_by(litter, treat) %>% 
               summarise(y = mean(y))
# look at data

# assuming equal variances
mean_lm <- lm(y ~ treat, data_means)

# assuming unequal variances
mean_t <- t.test(y ~ treat, data_means)

# effect size
d <- effsize::cohen.d(y ~ treat, data_means)

This concludes the data analysis section. As stated in the paper, MLMs provide far richer information for inference. This is clearly seen in this tutorial. If using a GEE or analyzing litter means with a t-test, one can only compare groups. These methods cannot provide estimates of between-litter variance or the amount of litter variance explained by the treatment effect. The former (estimates of between-litter variance) is critical for computing prospective power analyses.

2. Prospective Power

The litterEffects package allows for assessing power to detect a treatment effect (difference between two group). Delta total variance (\delta_{t}) is on Cohen's d scale: small = 0.20; medium = 0.50; large = 0.80. I recommend > 1,000 iterations for nsims, although multiple runs with smaller values can build an intuition for expected power.

Multilevel Model

Treatment Effect

# power for large effect with little between-litter variance (icc = 10 %)
litterEffects::prospective_power(nsims =  200, delta_t = 0.80, icc = .10, 
                                 v_overall = 10,n_litters = 12, pups_litter = 2, 
                                 method = "MLM", parameter = "treatment")
# power for large effect with a high amount of between-litter variance (icc = 80 %)
litterEffects::prospective_power(nsims =  200, delta_t = 0.80, icc = .80, 
                                 v_overall = 10, n_litters = 12, pups_litter = 2, 
                                 method = "MLM", parameter = "treatment")

Litter Effect

The power to detect a litter effect is related to the icc value and the sample sizes (for n_litter and pups_litter).

# power to detect litter effect when litter explains 10 % of the total variance
litterEffects::prospective_power(nsims =  200, delta_t = 0.80, icc = .10, 
                                 v_overall = 10, n_litters = 12, pups_litter = 2, 
                                 method = "MLM", parameter = "litter")
# power to detect litter effect when litter explains 60 % of the total variance
litterEffects::prospective_power(nsims =  200, delta_t = 0.80, icc = .60, 
                                 v_overall = 10, n_litters = 12, pups_litter = 2, 
                                 method = "MLM", parameter = "litter")

I re-emphasize (section 4.2. Conditional false positives of the paper) that significance testing cannot provide evidence for zero dependencies in the data. A non-significant effect should not be confused with NO litter effect, or that the litter effect is negligible and can thus be excluded. The assumption of independent observations has nothing to do with null hypothesis significance testing. Of course, if power is very high, then one could more reliably detect very small amounts of between-litter variance. This is not the case in behavioral neuroendocrinology (or all research using rodents), so even large amounts of between-litter variance can go undetected and this is where false positive rates are particularly high.

Generalized Estimating Equation

Treatment Effect

The same function (prospective_power) can be used to compute power for a GEE.

litterEffects::prospective_power(nsims =  200, delta_t = 0.80, icc = .10, 
                                 v_overall = 10, n_litters = 12, pups_litter = 2, 
                                 method = "GEE", correction = "d5")

Litter Means

Treatment Effect

The same function (prospective_power) can be used to compute power for when analyzing litter means.

litterEffects::prospective_power(nsims =  200, delta_t = 0.80, icc = .10, 
                                 v_overall = 10, n_litters = 12, pups_litter = 2, 
                                 method = "LM", correction = "d5")

2. Retrospective Power

Multilevel Model

Treatment Effect

Here I provide an example of retrospective power. That is, given some observed data, what is the power for the observed values? Please note that retrospective power is often criticized, especially when used as the reason that a finding was not significant. I have nothing to say about this, but view retrospective power as yet another tool to learn about the data and statistics. Of course, the observed values are not the true values (if such a thing exists) and may not even be representative of the substantive effect of interest.

outcome   <- my_data$y
treatment <- my_data$treat
litter    <- my_data$litter

# now compute power based on observed values
# note: this method uses the average number
# of pups per litter
litterEffects::retrospective_power(nsims = 200, outcome = outcome, 
                    treatment = treatment, 
                    litter = litter)

4. False Positive Rates


This section simulates false positive rates using a t-test. Of interest is the ICC value. When observations are independent (icc = 0), the error rate will be close to 0.05 (the default alpha (\alpha) level in the litterEffects package). However, increasing the ICC value inflates false positives.

# number of iterations
nsims <- 1000

# matrix to store results
mat <- matrix(nrow = nsims)

# simulation
type_one <- function(nsims){
    # create nsims data frames
    dat <- lapply(1:nsims, function(x) 
    litterEffects::data_generator(b_0 = 5, b_treat = 0, icc = .9, 
    v_overall = 10, n_litters = 12, pups_litter = 4))

    # loop through list of data frames
    for(i in 1:length(dat)){
    temp_dat <- dat[[i]]
    mat[i,1] <- t.test(y ~ treat, data = temp_dat)$p.value

    # return type one error rate
    list(type_one_t_test =  mean(mat[,1] < 0.05))

5. Bias Correction: Generalized Estimating Equation

I demonstrate the many p-values that can be obtained with a GEE model. After realizing this, I was reluctant to include GEE in the paper but did so for three reasons: 1) GEE can be used with adequate thoughtfulness; 2) MLM has assumptions that GEE does not (e.g.,no correlation between levels); and 3) it is important to describe many methods, as maybe others will find them more useful than myself. Additionally, this highlights issues that can arise when analyzing clustered data (even for a "simple" two group comparison). Informaton about the bias corrections can be found in the litterEffects and saws documentation (note: "d1" should be close to the default in the R package gee).

# number of litters (5, 10, 15, 20)
n_lit <- seq(5, 20, 5)

# matrix to store results
mat <- matrix(ncol = 6, nrow = length(n_lit))

# simulaton
for(j in 1:length(n_lit)){
  lit <- n_lit[j] 
  mat[j, 1:6] <- bias_correction(nsim = 500, 
                                 icc = 0.5, v_overall = 10, 
                                 n_litters = lit , 
                                 pups_litter = 4)[1:6]

# combine into data frame
res_df <-, mat))

# name columns
# Correction "d1" is the default in the gee package.
colnames(res_df) <- c("n_litters", "d1", "d2", 
                      "d3", "d4", "d5", "dm")
# melt data frame for plotting
mlt <- melt(res_df, id.vars = "n_litters")

# plot results
mlt %>% ggplot(aes(x = factor(variable), y = value)) +
         geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
         facet_grid(~ n_litters) +
         theme_bw() +
         scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), 
                            limits = c(0, 0.30),
                            breaks = seq(0, .30, 0.05)) +
         ylab("Type I Error Rate") + 
         xlab("GEE Bias Corrections") +
         geom_hline(yintercept = 0.05, col = "red")

Bias corrected type I error rates. Note that "d1" should be close to the default in the R package *gee*. References for these corrections can be found in the documentation for the R packages *litterEffects* and *saws*

donaldRwilliams/litterEffects documentation built on May 30, 2019, 9:42 p.m.