
#       Functions for minimum variance portfolio ####
#' Get the minimum-variance portfolio for a target expected return.
#' @param er.target A vector of asset-class expected returns.
#' @param ersd A data frame with class (asset-class names), er (expected return by class), and sd (standard deviation by class)
#' @param cormat Correlation martrix.
#' @param aa.lb Asset allocation lower bounds
#' @param aa.ub Asset allocation upper bounds
#' @return The portfolio expected return.
#' @examples
#' library("magrittr")
#' library("quadprog")
#' library("tidyverse")
#' # no restrictions on asset allocation - shorting and leverage allowed
#' minvport(.09, stalebrink$ersd, stalebrink$cormat)$portfolio
#' # shorting and leverage NOT allowed:
#' minvport(.09, stalebrink$ersd, stalebrink$cormat, 0, 1)$portfolio
#' # shorting and leverage NOT allowed, 40% upper bound on real estate:
#' minvport(.09, stalebrink$ersd, stalebrink$cormat, 0, c(1, 1, 1, .4, 1, 1))$portfolio
#' @export
minvport <- function(er.target, ersd, cormat, aa.lb=-1e9, aa.ub=1e9) {
  # get the minimum variance portfolio, where:
  #   er.target is the desired return (scalar)
  #   ersd is a dataframe with variables class, er, sd (asset class, expected return, standard deviation)
  #   cormat is the correlation matrix
  #   aa.lb is lower bound of asset allocations
  #   aa.ub is upper bound of asset allocations
  #     aa.lb and aa.ub each can be a single value, in which case that value will be used for ALL asset classes
  #     or each can be vector of length nassets, given a different bound for each class
  #     It is fine for one to be a single value and the other to be a vector.
  # The function forces the asset class weights to sum to 1
  # It returns a portfolio object

  # TODO: Add error checking.

  # require("quadprog")
  # require("magrittr")
  # require("tidyverse")
  requireNamespace("tidyverse", quietly = TRUE)

  # preliminaries
  nassets <- nrow(ersd)
  covmat <- covmat(cormat, ersd$sd)
  if(length(aa.lb)==1) aa.lb <- rep(aa.lb, nassets)
  if(length(aa.ub)==1) aa.ub <- rep(aa.ub, nassets)

  # 2 equality constraints:
  #   portfolio return must equal the target
  #   weights must sum to 1
  A.equality <- matrix(c(ersd$er, rep(1, nassets)), ncol=2) # equality constraints LHS
  b.equality <- c(er.target, 1) # equality constraints RHS

  # inequality constraints for asset allocation requirements
  #   LHS (A) is the constraint value
  #   RHS (b) is the lower bound
  #   quadprog will require that A^T b >= b_0
  minwt <- rep(1, nassets)
  maxwt <- rep(1, nassets)
  A.inequality <- cbind(diag(minwt), -diag(maxwt))
  # A.inequality
  # b.inequality <- c(rep(0, nassets), rep(-1, nassets))
  b.inequality <- c(aa.lb, -aa.ub)

  Amat <- cbind(A.equality, A.inequality)

  bvec <- c(b.equality, b.inequality)
  # must be equal:
  # ncol(Amat) == length(bvec)
  # rbind(Amat, bvec)

  # initialize the list to return from the function
  port <- list()
  # we can always return the first two items below
  port$er.target <- er.target
  port$cormat <- cormat

  # done with setup, solve the problem, with simple error handling
  qp <- try(quadprog::solve.QP(Dmat=2*covmat, dvec=rep(0, nassets), Amat=Amat, bvec=bvec, meq=length(b.equality)),

  if(!is.list(qp)){ # if not a list, we have an error
    port$msg <- qp[1]
    port$er.port <- NA
    port$sd.port <- NA
    port$portfolio <- ersd %>% mutate(er.target=NA, asset.weight=NA, per=NA, psd=NA)

  } else{
    port$msg <- "success"
    port$er.port <- per(ersd$er, qp$solution)
    port$sd.port <- psd(cormat, ersd$sd, qp$solution)
    port$portfolio <- ersd %>% mutate(er.target=er.target, asset.weight=qp$solution, per=port$er.port, psd=port$sd.port)
    port$qp <- qp


# er.target <- .03
# ersd <- stalebrink$ersd
# cormat <- stalebrink$cormat
# aa.lb <- 0
# aa.ub <- 1

# minvport(.06, stalebrink$ersd, stalebrink$cormat, aa.lb=0, aa.ub=1)
# minvport(.03, stalebrink$ersd, stalebrink$cormat, aa.lb=0, aa.ub=1)
donboyd5/portopt documentation built on May 20, 2019, 2:58 p.m.