
#' Source tree assignments for acorns harvested from acorn woodpecker granaries in 2002
#' A dataset containing seed source tree assignments for acorns of
#' valley oak (\emph{Quercus lobata}), harvested in 2002 from acorn
#' woodpecker (\emph{Melanerpes formicivorus}) granaries. Data were collected
#' in oak savanna habitat in central California.  Acorn woodpeckers store
#' acorns in central granaries, and different woodpecker social groups
#' maintain different granaries.
#' The dataset is stored as a matrix, with the variables are as follows:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item Granary_Year, the row names, indicating the granary identifier
#'         and year of harvest
#'     \item Source, the column names, indicating the identified source of
#'         harvested acorns.  Where the source name is prefixed with "S",
#'         the source tree was identified among the adult trees genotyped at
#'         the study site.  Where the prefix is "U", the source tree was not
#'         genotyped and thus not located, but could still be identified as
#'         unique among the harvested acorns.
#' }
#' Each element of the matrix represents a count of the number of acorns
#' harvested from that granary in 2002 that were assigned to that seed
#' source tree.
#' Some, but not all, granaries and seed sources are common between this
#' dataset and \code{granaries_2004_Qlob}, also available in this package.
#' See Thompson \emph{et al}. (2014) for more study details.
#' @references
#' Thompson, P. G., Smouse, P. E., Scofield, D. G. and Sork, V. L. (2014)
#' What seeds tell us about birds: a multi-year analysis of acorn woodpecker
#' foraging movements.  \emph{Movement Ecology} 2:12.
#' \url{http://www.movementecologyjournal.com/content/2/1/12}
#' @format   Matrix with 20 rows and 50 variables.
#' @author   Douglas G. Scofield \email{douglasgscofield@@gmail.com}
#' @source   Dataset originates from the lab of Victoria L. Sork
#'           \email{vlsork@@ucla.edu} and is used with permission.
#' @keywords datasets
#' @docType  data
#' @name     granaries_2002_Qlob

#' Source tree assignments for acorns harvested from acorn woodpecker granaries in 2004
#' A dataset containing seed source tree assignments for acorns of
#' valley oak (\emph{Quercus lobata}), harvested in 2004 from acorn
#' woodpecker (\emph{Melanerpes formicivorus}) granaries. Data were collected
#' in oak savanna habitat in central California.  Acorn woodpeckers store
#' acorns in central granaries, and different woodpecker social groups
#' maintain different granaries.
#' The dataset is stored as a matrix, with the variables are as follows:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item Granary_Year, the row names, indicating the granary identifier
#'         and year of harvest
#'     \item Source, the column names, indicating the identified source of
#'         harvested acorns.  Where the source name is prefixed with "S",
#'         the source tree was identified among the adult trees genotyped at
#'         the study site.  Where the prefix is "U", the source tree was not
#'         genotyped and thus not located, but could still be identified as
#'         unique among the harvested acorns.
#' }
#' Each element of the matrix represents a count of the number of acorns
#' harvested from that granary in 2004 that were assigned to that seed
#' source tree.
#' Some, but not all, granaries and seed sources are common between this
#' dataset and \code{granaries_2002_Qlob}, also available in this package.
#' See Thompson \emph{et al}. (2014) for more study details.
#' @references
#' Thompson, P. G., Smouse, P. E., Scofield, D. G. and Sork, V. L. (2014)
#' What seeds tell us about birds: a multi-year analysis of acorn woodpecker
#' foraging movements.  \emph{Movement Ecology} 2:12.
#' \url{http://www.movementecologyjournal.com/content/2/1/12}
#' @format   Matrix with 16 rows and 34 variables.
#' @author   Douglas G. Scofield \email{douglasgscofield@@gmail.com}
#' @source   Dataset originates from the lab of Victoria L. Sork
#'           \email{vlsork@@ucla.edu} and is used with permission.
#' @keywords datasets
#' @docType  data
#' @name     granaries_2004_Qlob
douglasgscofield/dispersalDiversity documentation built on March 30, 2021, 9:50 a.m.