
#' Distances acorns of two oak species were carried by acorn woodpeckers in
#' two different years.
#' A dataset containing distances acorns of two oak species were carried by
#' acorn woodpeckers (\emph{Melanerpes formicivorus}) to their granaries, in
#' two different years for each oak species.  Data were collected in oak
#' savanna habitat in central California.  Acorn woodpeckers store acorns in
#' central granaries, and different woodpecker social groups maintain
#' different granaries. The variables are as follows:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item Species, the species of oak for the observed acorn ("lobata" for
#'         \emph{Quercus lobata}, "agrifolia" for \emph{Quercus agrifolia})
#'     \item Year, the year of observation (2002 and 2004 for
#'         \emph{Quercus lobata}, 2006 and 2007 for \emph{Quercus agrifolia})
#'     \item Granary, the woodpecker granary from which the acorn was collected
#'     \item Distance, distance in metres from the acorn source tree to the
#'         granary
#' }
#' @references
#' Thompson, P. G., Smouse, P. E., Scofield, D. G. and Sork, V. L. (2014)
#' What seeds tell us about birds: a multi-year analysis of acorn woodpecker
#' foraging movements.  \emph{Movement Ecology} 2:12.
#' \url{http://www.movementecologyjournal.com/content/2/1/12}
#' @format   Data frame with 534 rows and 4 variables.
#' @author   Douglas G. Scofield \email{douglasgscofield@@gmail.com}
#' @source   Dataset originates from the lab of Victoria L. Sork
#'           \email{vlsork@@ucla.edu} and is used with permission.
#' @keywords datasets
#' @docType  data
#' @name     woodpecker_multiyear
douglasgscofield/nestedRanksTest documentation built on May 15, 2019, 10:43 a.m.