hic_loess: Perform joint loess normalization on two Hi-C datasets

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Examples

View source: R/hic_loess.R


Perform joint loess normalization on two Hi-C datasets


hic_loess(hic.table, degree = 1, span = NA, loess.criterion = "gcv",
  Plot = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, BP_param = bpparam(),
  check.differences = FALSE, diff.thresh = "auto", iterations = 10000)



hic.table or a list of hic.tables generated from the create.hic.table function. list of hic.tables generated from the create.hic.table function. If you want to perform normalization over multiple chromosomes from each cell line at once utilizing parallel computing enter a list of hic.tables and set parallel = TRUE.


Degree of polynomial to be used for loess. Options are 0, 1, 2. The default setting is degree = 1.


User set span for loess. If set to NA, the span will be selected automatically using the setting of loess.criterion. Defaults to NA so that automatic span selection is performed.


Automatic span selection criterion. Can use either 'gcv' for generalized cross-validation or 'aicc' for Akaike Information Criterion. Span selection uses a slightly modified version of the loess.as() function from the fANCOVA package. Defaults to 'gcv'.


Logical, should the MD plot showing before/after loess normalization be output? Defaults to FALSE.


Logical, set to TRUE to utilize the parallel package's parallelized computing. Only works on unix operating systems. Only useful if entering a list of hic.tables. Defauts to FALSE.


Parameters for BiocParallel. Defaults to bpparam(), see help for BiocParallel for more information http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/BiocParallel/inst/doc/Introduction_To_BiocParallel.pdf


Logical, should difference detection be performed? If TRUE, the same procedure as hic_diff will be performed. If FALSE, only normalization will be performed on the entered data. Defaults to FALSE.


Fold change threshold desired to call a detected difference clinically significant. Set to "auto" by default to indicate that the difference threshold will be automatically calculated as 2 standard deviations of all the adjusted M values. For no p-value adjustment set diff.thresh = NA. To set your own threshold enter a numeric value i.e. diff.thresh = 1. If set to "auto" or a numeric value, a check will be made as follows: if permutation p-value < 0.05 AND M < diff.thresh (the log2 fold change for the difference between IF1 and IF2) then the p-value will be set to 0.5. Defaults to 'auto'.


Number of iterations for the permuation test. Will only be used if check.differences set to TRUE. Defaults to 10000.


The function takes in a hic.table or a list of hic.table objects created with the create.hic.loess function. If you wish to perform joint normalization on Hi-C data for multiple chromosomes use a list of hic.tables. The process can be parallelized using the parallel setting. The data is fist transformed into what is termed an MD plot (similar to the MA plot/Bland-Altman plot). M is the log difference log2(x/y) between the two datasets. D is the unit distance in the contact matrix. The MD plot can be visualized with the Plot option. Loess regression is then performed on the MD plot to model any biases between the two Hi-C datasets. An adjusted IF is then calculated for each dataset along with an adjusted M. See methods section of Stansfield & Dozmorov 2017 for more details. Note: if you receive the warning "In simpleLoess(y, x, w, span, degree = degree, parametric = parametric, ... :pseudoinverse used..." it should not effect your results, however it can be avoided by manually setting the span to a larger value using the span option.


An updated hic.table is returned with the additional columns of adj.IF1, adj.IF2 for the respective normalized IFs, an adj.M column for the adjusted M, and mc for the loess correction factor. If check.differences is set to TRUE a column containing the p-values for the significance of the difference between the two datasets will also be returned.


# Create hic.table object using included Hi-C data in sparse upper
# triangular matrix format
hic.table <- create.hic.table(HMEC.chr22, NHEK.chr22, chr= 'chr22')
# Plug hic.table into hic_loess()
result <- hic_loess(hic.table, Plot = TRUE)
# View result

dozmorovlab/HiCdiff documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:13 a.m.