dataset14: Federica Zanca real (as opposed to inferred) ROC dataset

dataset14R Documentation

Federica Zanca real (as opposed to inferred) ROC dataset


This is referred to in the book as the "FZR" dataset. It is a real ROC study, conducted on the same images and using the same radiologists, on treatments "4" and "5" of dataset04. This was compared to highest rating inferred ROC data from dataset04 to conclude, erroneously, that the highest rating assumption is invalid. See book Section 13.6 and run "~/GitHub/RJafroc/inst/InferredVsReal/InferredVsReal.R".




A list with 3 elements: $ratings, $lesions and $descriptions; $ratings contain 3 elements, $NL, $LL and $LL_IL as sub-lists; $lesions contain 3 elements, $perCase, $IDs and $weights as sub-lists; $descriptions contain 7 elements, $fileName, $type, $name, $truthTableStr, $design, $modalityID and $readerID as sub-lists;

  • rating$NL, num [1:2, 1:4, 1:200, 1], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs

  • rating$LL, num [1:2, 1:4, 1:100, 1], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs

  • rating$LL_ILNA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data

  • lesions$perCase, int [1:100], number of lesions per diseased case

  • lesions$IDs, num [1:100, 1] , numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases

  • lesions$weights, num [1:100, 1], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions

  • descriptions$fileName, chr, "dataset14", base name of dataset in 'data' folder

  • descriptions$type, chr "ROC", the data type

  • descriptions$name, chr "FEDERICA-REAL-ROC", the name of the dataset

  • descriptions$truthTableStr, num [1:2, 1:4, 1:200, 1:2], truth table structure

  • descriptions$design, chr "FCTRL", study design, factorial dataset

  • descriptions$modalityID, chr [1:2] "4" "5", modality label(s)

  • descriptions$readerID, chr [1:4] "1" "2" "3" "4", reader labels


Zanca F, Hillis SL, Claus F, et al (2012) Correlation of free-response and receiver-operating-characteristic area-under-the-curve estimates: Results from independently conducted FROC/ROC studies in mammography. Med Phys. 39(10):5917-5929.


res <- str(dataset14)

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