
Defines functions SmoothedPeriodogram

Documented in SmoothedPeriodogram

#' Smoothed periodogram
#' Calculates the smoothed periodogram.
#' @param data a numeric vector containing the spike times for the analyzed spike train.
#' @param f a numeric vector containing frequency estimates for a particular model.
#' @param T.data the length of the data recording window.
#' @param m a scalar determining the number of steps on each side of a given frequency over which the raw periodogram is averaged.
#' @param coef.step a scalar determining the resolution of frequency values (over 2m+1 of which the raw periodogram is averaged).
#' @return A numerical vector of smoothed periodogram values over a range of frequencies.
#' @references Brillinger, D.R. (1974), Time Series: data analysis and theory. New York, NY, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
#' @export

  #T.data<-(time.end-time.start); #m=max(1,floor(.1*length(data)))
  #commented out the above line, let's see if this works
  # In Brillinger's book, w is the angular frequency, but we use f: regular frequency
    # The next two lines have been kept this way to remind the difference
    # between angular and regular frequencies from Birllinger's book. The can be replaced by the
    # single line s.T<-round(f*T.data)
    w = 2*pi*f

    if (round(w%%pi,5)!=0){
      step.w<- -m:m; w.averaged.over<-2*pi*(s.T+step.w*coef.step)/T.data
      smoothed.perio<-(1/(2*m+1))*sum(periodogram(data , w.averaged.over/2/pi , T.data))

    if (round(w%%(2*pi),5)==0 | (round(w%%(2*pi),5)==round(pi,5) & T.data%%2==0)){
      step.w<- 1:m; w.averaged.over<-w+2*pi*step.w*coef.step/T.data
      smoothed.perio<-(1/m)*sum(periodogram(data , w.averaged.over/2/pi , T.data))

    if (round(w%%(2*pi),5)==round(pi,5) & T.data%%2!=0){
      step.w<- 1:m; w.averaged.over<-w-pi/T.data+2*pi*step.w*coef.step/T.data
      smoothed.perio<-(1/m)*sum(periodogram(data , w.averaged.over/2/pi , T.data))
    return (smoothed.perio)
dpwynne/mmnst documentation built on Aug. 1, 2023, 8:08 a.m.