
.shinyWidgetGalleryFuns$tabAwesome <- function() {
    tags$h1("Awesome Checkboxes And Radios", class = "fw-bold text-primary"),
      "via ",
      tags$a(href = "", "awesome-bootstrap-checkbox")

        width = 4,
          title = "Shiny default",
            fun = checkboxInput,
            args = list(inputId = ID(.shinyWidgetGalleryId), label = "A single checkbox", value = TRUE)
          title = "Shiny default",
            fun = checkboxGroupInput,
            args = list(inputId = ID(.shinyWidgetGalleryId), label = "Checkboxes", choices = c("A", "B", "C"), selected = "A")
          title = "Shiny default",
            fun = radioButtons,
            args = list(inputId = ID(.shinyWidgetGalleryId), label = "Radio buttons", choices = c("A", "B", "C"))

        width = 4,
          title = "Single",
            fun = awesomeCheckbox,
            args = list(inputId = ID(.shinyWidgetGalleryId), label = "A single checkbox", value = TRUE)
          title = "Checkbox group",
            fun = awesomeCheckboxGroup,
            args = list(inputId = ID(.shinyWidgetGalleryId), label = "Checkboxes", choices = c("A", "B", "C"), selected = "A")
          title = "Radio buttons",
            fun = awesomeRadio,
            args = list(inputId = ID(.shinyWidgetGalleryId), label = "Radio buttons", choices = c("A", "B", "C"), selected = "A")

        width = 4,
          title = "Another color",
            fun = awesomeCheckbox,
            args = list(inputId = ID(.shinyWidgetGalleryId), label = "A single checkbox", value = TRUE, status = "info")
          title = "Inline & danger",
            fun = awesomeCheckboxGroup,
            args = list(inputId = ID(.shinyWidgetGalleryId), label = "Checkboxes", choices = c("A", "B", "C"), selected = "A", inline = TRUE, status = "danger")
          title = "Inline & success",
            fun = awesomeRadio,
            args = list(inputId = ID(.shinyWidgetGalleryId), label = "Radio buttons", choices = c("A", "B", "C"), selected = "A", inline = TRUE, status = "success")
          title = "Inline & checkbox styled",
            fun = awesomeRadio,
            args = list(inputId = ID(.shinyWidgetGalleryId), label = "Radio buttons", choices = c("A", "B", "C"), selected = "A", inline = TRUE, checkbox =  TRUE)
          title = "Update selected",
            fun = awesomeRadio,
            args = list(inputId = "upAwesomeRadio", label = "Radio buttons", choices = c("A", "B", "C"), selected = "A", inline = TRUE)
          tags$p("Click to update :"),
          actionGroupButtons(inputIds = c("upAwesomeRadioA", "upAwesomeRadioB", "upAwesomeRadioC"), labels = c("A", "B", "C"))
          title = "Update choices",
            fun = awesomeCheckboxGroup,
            args = list(inputId = "upAwesomeCheckbox", label = "Checkbox group", choices = c("A", "B", "C"), selected = "A", inline = TRUE, status = "warning")
          tags$p("Click to update :"),
          actionGroupButtons(inputIds = c("upAwesomeCheckbox1", "upAwesomeCheckbox2"), labels = c("tolower & success", "TOUPPER & warning"))
dreamRs/shinyWidgets documentation built on April 28, 2024, 5:11 p.m.