
#' Data for lakes in Ashland, Bayfield, and Douglas counties, Wisconsin.
#' Various data for lakes in Ashland, Bayfield, and Douglas counties, Wisconsin.
#' @name ABDLakes
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame with 1499 observations on the following 31 variables:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{county}{County that lake is in (Ashland, Bayfield, Douglas).}
#'     \item{waterbody.type}{Type of waterbody (LP=, RF=).}
#'     \item{wbic}{A lake code used by WiDNR}
#'     \item{name}{official name of lake.}
#'     \item{name.local}{local name of lake.}
#'     \item{named}{logical indicating whether lake is named or not.}
#'     \item{hydro.unit}{USGS hydrological unit code.}
#'     \item{basin.maj}{Major basin code ().}
#'     \item{basin.min}{Minor basin code ().}
#'     \item{seg.no}{???.} \item{landlock}{logical indicating whether lake is landlocked or not.}
#'     \item{lake.type}{type of lake (SE=seepage, DG=drainage, DP=???, DN=???).}
#'     \item{access}{type of lake access (BR=???, NW=???, T=???, P=???).}
#'     \item{area}{size of lake area (acres).}
#'     \item{impound}{total size of lake impoundment (in acres).}
#'     \item{size.code}{a qualitative size code (VS=very small, S=small, M=medium, L=large, VL=very large).}
#'     \item{dep.max}{maximum depth of lake (in ft).}
#'     \item{dep.avg}{average depth of lake (in ft).}
#'     \item{len.shore}{length of shoreline (in miles).}
#'     \item{len.shore.m}{length of shoreline (in meters).}
#'     \item{dist.ash}{approximate distance to Ashland (in miles).}
#'     \item{muskie}{muskellunge abundance code (C=common,A=abundant,P=present; NA is not present).}
#'     \item{nor.pike}{northern pike abundance code (C=common,A=abundant,P=present; NA is not present).}
#'     \item{wae}{walleye abundance code (C=common,A=abundant,P=present; NA is not present).}
#'     \item{lmb}{largemouth bass abundance code (C=common,A=abundant,P=present; NA is not present).}
#'     \item{smb}{smallmouth bass abundance code (C=common,A=abundant,P=present; NA is not present).}
#'     \item{pan}{Panfish abundance code (C=common,A=abundant,P=present; NA is not present).}
#'     \item{trout}{trout abundance code (C=common,A=abundant,P=present; NA is not present).}
#'     \item{cat}{catfish abundance code (C=common,A=abundant,P=present; NA is not present).}
#'     \item{sturg}{sturgeon abundance code (C=common,A=abundant,P=present; NA is not present).}
#'     \item{merc.warn}{mercury warning code (???).}
#'   }
#' @source online information from Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
#' @keywords datasets
droglenc/NCStats documentation built on June 5, 2021, 2:06 p.m.