VarLookup: Lookup table for long, long with a period, and short WiDNR...

Description Format Examples


Lookup table for long, long with a period, and short WiDNR Fisheries Management database variable names.


A data frame with 62 observations on the following 4 variables.


A character vector that contains the “long” variable names as they appear in the WiDNR Fisheries Management central database. These variable names have spaces as would appear when the database output is read into R with read.table or read.csv using check.names=FALSE.


A character vector that contains the “long” variable names as from the central database but with spaces replaced by periods. These variable names would appear when the database output is read into R with read.table or read.csv using check.names=TRUE (the default of those functions).


A character vector that contains the “short” variable names for ease of use in R scripts.


A character vector that contains the target mode for each of the variables.



droglenc/fishWiDNR documentation built on May 15, 2019, 2:51 p.m.