Man pages for drostlab/metablastr
Perform Massive Local BLAST Searches

blast2bedExport BLAST output table to BED file
blast_best_hitRetrieve only the best BLAST hit for each query
blast_best_reciprocal_hitRetrieve only the best reciprocal BLAST hit for each query
blast_genomesPerfrom BLAST Searches Against a Set of Genomes
blast_nucleotide_to_genomesPerfrom BLAST Searches Against a Set of Genomes
blast_nucleotide_to_nucleotidePerform Nucleotide to Nucleotide BLAST Searches (BLASTN)
blast_nucleotide_to_proteinPerform Nucleotide to Protein BLAST Searches (BLASTX)
blast_protein_to_nr_databasePerform Protein to Protein BLAST Searches Against the NCBI NR...
blast_protein_to_nucleotidePerform Protein to Nucleotide BLAST Searches (TBLASTN)
blast_protein_to_proteinPerform Protein to Protein BLAST Searches (BLASTP)
blast_protein_to_proteomesPerfrom BLAST Searches Against a Set of Proteomes
blast_repbaseQuery the RepBase to annotate putative LTRs
blast_rpsblastPerform Reverse PSI-BLAST searches (rpsblast)
detect_homologs_cds_to_cdsPerform CDS to CDS BLAST Searches against a set of CDS files
detect_homologs_proteome_to_proteomePerform Proteome to Proteome BLAST Searches against a set of...
extract_hit_seqs_from_genomesExtract sequences of BLAST hits in respective genomes and...
extract_promotor_seqs_from_genomeRetrieve all upstream promotor sequences from a genome
extract_random_seqs_from_genomeExtract random loci from a genome of interest
extract_random_seqs_from_multiple_genomesExtract random loci from a set of genomes
extract_upstream_promotor_seqsRetrieve all upstream promotor sequences from a genome
file_contains_aaHelper function to check whether input file contains amino...
file_contains_dnaHelper function to check whether input file contains dna as...
filter_best_hitsRetrieve the best hits across species from a BLAST table
filter_homologs_core_setRetrieve a core set of best hits that is shared across...
filter_homologs_core_set_n_speciesRetrieve a core set of best hits that is shared across at...
gg_blast_hitsPlot 'blast_nucleotide_to_genomes' Result
gg_blast_hits_summaryPlot 'blast_nucleotide_to_genomes' Result
gg_hits_boxplotBoxplot of a 'blast_tbl' generated with...
gg_homologs_one_to_onePlot number of BLAST hits per species as barplot from a...
gg_pairwise_orthologs_linePlot number of pairwise orthologs for multiple species...
gg_species_dnds_blast_tblPlot pairwise dN, dS, or dN/dS distributions of orthologous...
gg_species_feature_blast_tblPlot pairwise feature distributions of orthologous genes
gg_species_promotor_dist_blast_tblPlot pairwise promotor sequence distance distributions of...
list_outformatsList available BLAST output formats
motif_compareCount the number of motifs in a set of non-random versus...
motif_compare_multiCount the number of motifs in a set of non-random versus...
motif_compare_multi_promotor_seqsCount the number of motifs in a set of non-random versus...
motif_countCount the number of motifs in a set of sequences
motif_count_matrixCount the number of motifs in a set of sequences and generate...
motif_enrichmentTest motif enrichment in a set of non-random versus random...
motif_enrichment_multiStatistical assessment of motif enrichments in a set of...
motif_enrichment_multi_promotor_seqsStatistical assessment of motif enrichments in a set of...
read_blastImport BLAST output file
read_blast_databasesImport BLAST output file
sample_chromosome_intervalsHelper function to sample random intervals of length...
drostlab/metablastr documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 10:43 a.m.