
#' Generalized Joint Location Scale (gJLS) Test
#' This function performs the Joint Location Scale (JLS) test (Soave and Sun 2017, Soave et al. 2015) to simultaneously test for mean and variance differences between groups, allowing for correlated errors and group uncertainty.  The gJLS test uses Fisher's combined p-value method to combine evidence from the individual, generalized locaiton (gL) and scale (gS) tests.
#' @param model.loc a two-sided linear formula object describing the location test model, with the response (y) on the left and a ~ operator separating the covariates of interest on the right, separated by + operators.
#' @param model.scale a two-sided linear formula object describing the scale test model, with the response (y) on the left and a ~ operator separating the covariates of interest on the right, separated by + operators.
#' @param data a data frame containing the variables named in model and correlation arguments.  This is required.
#' @param correlation an optional corStruct object describing the within-group correlation structure. The correlation structure must be called directly from the nlme pacakge using "nlme::" (see examples below). See the documentation of corClasses for a description of the available corStruct classes. If a grouping variable is to be used, it must be specified in the form argument to the corStruct constructor. Defaults to NULL, corresponding to uncorrelated errors.
#' @keywords gJLS
#' @export
#' @author David Soave
#' @import nlme
#' @import quantreg
#' @details No missing data are allowed - function will return an "error".  Absolute residuals, are estimated using least absolute deviation (LAD) regression. Outcome (phenotype) must be quantitative and covariate (genotype) may be discrete (categorical) or continuous.
#' @return a table consisting of test statistics, degrees of freedom and p-vaules for each of the generalized location (gL), scale (gS) and, joint location-scale (gJLS) tests.
#' @return numDF the gS test statistic numerator degrees of freedom
#' @return denDF the gS test statistic denominator degrees of freedom
#' @return gS_p the gS test p-value
#' @references Soave, D., Corvol, H., Panjwani, N., Gong, J., Li, W., Boelle, P.Y., Durie, P.R., Paterson, A.D., Rommens, J.M., Strug, L.J., and Sun, L. (2015). A Joint Location-Scale Test Improves Power to Detect Associated SNPs, Gene Sets, and Pathways. American journal of human genetics 97, 125-138.
#' @references Soave, D. and Sun, L. (2017). A Generalized Levene's Scale Test for Variance Heterogeneity in the Presence of Sample Correlation and Group Uncertainty. Biometrics (Accepted).
#' @seealso \code{\link{gL_test}}, \code{\link{gS_test}}
#' @examples
#' #################################################################################
#' ## Example simulating data from Web Table 5 (Soave and Sun 2017 Biometrics)
#' #################################################################################
#' #### Simulation parameters
#' n=100 # number of sibling pairs
#' pA=0.2 # minor allele frequency
#' r1=0.5  # within-pair correlation
#' a=0.7 # group uncertainty
#' s0=1;s1=1.5;s2=2  # within-group variances
#' m0=0;m1=0.3;m2=0.6  # group means
#' #### identical by decent (IBD) sharing probabilities
#' GIBD1=c(pA^4,(1-pA)^4,4*pA^2*(1-pA)^2,2*pA^3*(1-pA),2*pA^3*(1-pA),2*pA*(1-pA)^3,2*pA*(1-pA)^3,
#'        pA^2*(1-pA)^2,pA^2*(1-pA)^2)
#' GIBD2=c(pA^3,(1-pA)^3,pA*(1-pA),pA^2*(1-pA),pA^2*(1-pA),pA*(1-pA)^2,pA*(1-pA)^2,0,0)
#' GIBD3=c(pA^2,(1-pA)^2,2*pA*(1-pA),0,0,0,0,0,0)
#' ### drawing the number of alleles shared IBD, D = 0, 1 or 2, from a multinomial distribution
#' ### with parameters (0.25, 0.5, 0.25), independently for each sib-pair
#' IBD=rmultinom(1,size=n,prob=c(.25,.5,.25))
#' ### Given the IBD status D, we then simulated paired genotypes (G1;G2), following
#' ### the known conditional distribution of {(G1;G2)|D}
#' dfG=cbind(data.frame(rmultinom(1,size=IBD[1],prob=GIBD1)),data.frame(rmultinom(1,size=IBD[2],
#'        prob=GIBD2)), data.frame(rmultinom(1,size=IBD[3],prob=GIBD3)))
#' G1G2=apply(dfG,1,sum)
#' XG=c(rep(c(2,0,1,1,0,2,1,2,0),c(G1G2)),rep(c(2,0,1,0,1,1,2,0,0),c(G1G2)))
#' dfr=data.frame(XG,cbind(rep(1:n,2)))
#' names(dfr)[1:2]=c("XG","FID")
#' dfr$sub=1:(2*n)
#' dfr=dfr[order(dfr$XG),]
#' dfr=dfr[order(dfr$FID),]
#' ### Generate paired outcome data from a bivariate normal distribution, BVN(0,1,r1),
#' ### where r1 is the the within sib-pair correlation.
#' blockC=matrix(c(1,r1,r1,1), 2)
#' yy=cbind(MASS::mvrnorm(n,rep(0,dim(blockC)[1]),blockC))
#' yy=data.frame(c(yy[,1],yy[,2]))
#' yy$FID=rep(1:n,2)
#' yy1=yy[order(yy$FID),]
#' dfr$y=c(yy1[,1])
#' #dfr$y=dfr$y*sqrt(s0*(dfr$XG==0)+s1*(dfr$XG==1)+s2*(dfr$XG==2))
#' ### induced scale differences and mean differences bewteen the TRUE genotype groups
#' dfr$y=dfr$y*sqrt(s0*(dfr$XG==0)+s1*(dfr$XG==1)+s2*(dfr$XG==2))+(m0*(dfr$XG==0)+
#'        m1*(dfr$XG==1)+m2*(dfr$XG==2))
#' ### Convert the genotypes to pair of indicator variables for G=1 and G=2 minor alleles.
#' dfr$X1=with(dfr,(XG==1))+0
#' dfr$X2=with(dfr,(XG==2))+0
#' #################################################################################
#' ## Analysis of true genotypes
#' #################################################################################
#' ### Generalized scale, location and joint location-scale tests, using a compound
#' ### symmetric correlation structure to account for within sib-pair correlation.
#' gS_test(model=y~X1+X2,data=dfr,correlation=nlme::corCompSymm(form=~1|FID))
#' gL_test(model=y~X1+X2,data=dfr,correlation=nlme::corCompSymm(form=~1|FID))
#' gJLS_test(model.loc=y~X1+X2,model.scale=y~X1+X2,data=dfr,correlation=nlme::corCompSymm(form=~1|FID))
#' ### Generalized scale, location and joint location-scale tests, ignoring correlation
#' ### structure (incorrect analysis)
#' gS_test(model=y~X1+X2,data=dfr)
#' gL_test(model=y~X1+X2,data=dfr)
#' gJLS_test(model.loc=y~X1+X2,model.scale=y~X1+X2,data=dfr)
#' ### Convert the simulated true genotypes (XG) to probabilistic data (p) using a Dirichlet distribution
#' ### with scale parameters a for the correct genotype category and (1-a)/2 for the other two
#' #install and load MCMCpack packageto use the rdirichlet function
#' #install.packages('MCMCpack')
#' #library(MCMCpack)
#' dfr=dfr[order(dfr$XG),]
#' XG<-dfr$XG
#' p=rbind(rdirichlet(length(XG[XG==0]),c(a,(1-a)/2,(1-a)/2)), rdirichlet(length(XG[XG==1]),
#'        c((1-a)/2,a,(1-a)/2)),rdirichlet(length(XG[XG==2]),c((1-a)/2,(1-a)/2,a))  )
#' dfr$p1=p[,2]
#' dfr$p2=p[,3]
#' dfr$dosage=dfr$p1+2*dfr$p2
#' ### Best guess genotypes based on probabilistic data
#' B_G=function(x){return(which(x==max(x)))}
#' dfr$bgX=apply(p,1, B_G)-1
#' #################################################################################
#' ## Analysis of genotype probabilities (reflecting group uncertainity)
#' #################################################################################
#' ### Generalized scale, location and joint location-scale tests, using a compound
#' ### symmetric correlation structure to account for within sib-pair correlation.
#' gS_test(model=y~p1+p2,data=dfr,correlation=nlme::corCompSymm(form=~1|FID))
#' gL_test(model=y~p1+p2,data=dfr,correlation=nlme::corCompSymm(form=~1|FID))
#' gJLS_test(model.loc=y~p1+p2,model.scale=y~p1+p2,data=dfr,correlation=nlme::corCompSymm(form=~1|FID))

gJLS_test <-function(model.loc,model.scale,data,correlation=NULL){

  ## check if there is missing data
  if(sum(is.na(data)) > 0)  stop("missing value(s) not allowed")

  ## Obtain the results from the individual location and scale test
  gL <- gL_test(model=model.loc,data=data,correlation=correlation)
  gS <- gS_test(model=model.scale,data=data,correlation=correlation)

  ## JLS test statistic (and corresponding p-value) using Fisher's combined p-value method
  t_JLS <- -2*log(gL[4])-2*log(gS[4])
  p_JLS <- 1-pchisq(t_JLS,4)

  ## return the location, scale and JLS p-values

dsoave/gJLS documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:22 p.m.