
Defines functions aggRaster

Documented in aggRaster

#' aggRaster
#' Aggregate raster bricks from daily to monthly in parallel
#' @param  x, Raster* object
#' @param  func, character, 'mean' or ,'sum'
#' @param  inmem, logical, if FALSE the result will be stored as a netCDF file
#' @param  outdir, character, directory path where the output will be stored if inmem=FALSE
#' @param  ... additional arguments as for writeRaster
#' @return  Rasterbrick object with monthly z time dimension
#' @import raster  
#' @keywords aggregation, monthly
#' @export
#' @examples
#' *optional run beginCluster() first, for parallel computing
#' aggRaster()	
aggRaster<-function(x,func='mean',inmem=FALSE,outdir=getwd(),varnam='sm', ... ){
	# 00. Check if parallel computation is required by the user and if the dimensions of the raster objects match
	clcheck<-try(getCluster(), silent=TRUE)
		# If no cluster is initialized, assume only one core will do the calculations, beginCluster(1) saved me the time of coding serial versions of the functions
		message('Only using one core, use first beginCluster() if you want to run splash in parallel!!')

			# 00. create array for results, fluxes: mm/day, storages (wn, snow): mm
			ind.months<-seq(getZ(x)[1],getZ(x)[length(getZ(x))], by="month")					
			nm <-length(ind.months)
			# mold
			out<-brick(x[[1]], values=FALSE, nl=nm, filename=paste0(outdir,"/",y[1],"_",y[length(y)],".",varnam,".","nc"),format="CDF",overwrite=TRUE,
			varnam= varnam,..., xname="lon", yname="lat", zname="time") 
			# 01. set the clusters for parallel computing
			cl <- getCluster()
			#on.exit( returnCluster() )
			nodes <- length(cl)
			bs <- blockSize(x, minblocks=nodes)
			parallel:::clusterExport(cl, c('x','func','indmonth','bs'),envir=environment()) 
			pb <- pbCreate(bs$n)
			pb <- txtProgressBar(min=1,max = bs$n, style = 1)
			# 02. create the functions to send to the workers, split the data in chunks
			clFun <- function(i) {
				x_block<-getValues(x,bs$row[i], bs$nrows[i])
				# do calculations
					result<-t(sweep(rowsum(t(x_block),indmonth,na.rm = FALSE), 1, table(indmonth), "/") )
					result<-t(rowsum(t(x_block),indmonth,na.rm = FALSE))
			# 03. send tasks to the nodes
			for (i in 1:nodes) {
				parallel:::sendCall(cl[[i]], clFun, i, tag=i)
			# 04. write to the disk on the go, or save to the ram
			# if(varnam=='wn'){
			# 	longname='monthly soil moisture'
			# 	varunit='mm'
			# }else if(varnam=='ro'){
			# 	longname='monthly runoff'
			# 	varunit='mm'
			# }else if(varnam=='pet'){
			# 	longname='monthly potential evapotranspiration'
			# 	varunit='mm'
			# }else if(varnam=='aet'){
			# 	longname='monthly actual evapotranspiration'
			# 	varunit='mm'
			# }else if(varnam=='snow'){
			# 	longname='monthly snow water equivalent'
			# 	varunit='mm'
			# }else if(varnam=='cond'){
			# 	longname='monthly condensation'
			# 	varunit='mm'
			# }else if(varnam=='bflow'){
			# 	longname='monthly baseflow'
			# 	varunit='mm'
			# }else if(varnam=='sw_in'){
			# 	longname='monthly solar radiation'
			# 	varunit='mm'
			# }else if(varnam=='ppfd'){
			# 	longname='monthly photon flux density'
			# 	varunit='mol/m2/month'
			# } 
				out<-writeStart(out,filename=paste0(outdir,"/",y[1],"_",y[length(y)],".",varnam,".","nc"),format="CDF",overwrite=TRUE, varnam= varnam,...,
				xname="lon", yname="lat", zname="time")
			}else {
				matout <- matrix(ncol=nlayers(out), nrow=ncell(out))
			# 05. receive results from the nodes
			for (i in 1:bs$n) {
				d <- parallel:::recvOneData(cl)
				# error?
				if (! d$value$success) {
					stop('cluster error:',"\n",d$value$value)
				# which block is this?
				b <- d$value$tag
				# cat('received block: ',b,'\n'); flush.console();
				if (!inmem) {
					out <- writeValues(out,d$value$value, bs$row[b])
				} else {
					matout[startind[b]:endind[b],] <- d$value$value
				# need to send more data?
				ni <- nodes + i
				if (ni <= bs$n) {
					parallel:::sendCall(cl[[d$node]], clFun, ni, tag=ni)
			# 06. close connection with the files, or assign valueas to the raster objects
			if (!inmem) {
				out <- writeStop(out)
			} else {
dsval/splashTools documentation built on Jan. 26, 2023, 4:40 a.m.