Contributing to bggum

To contribute code to this repository, please use the following process: - Submit an issue describing the problem to fix or enhancement to add - Fork the repository - Make your changes in a new branch:

  git checkout -b my-new-feature master

Commit message style

Every commit should have a commit message that follows these rules:

This commit message style was popularized by Tim Pope; you can read more about it here.

Coding style

To keep the coding style uniform, please follow the following style rules:

Here is an example demonstrating the above rules:

example_function <- function(x = 2) {
    if ( x < 1 ) {
    return(log(x) * 2 + 1)

These contributing guidelines are also used by RcppDist, gpmlr, and gpirt

duckmayr/bggum documentation built on Jan. 20, 2020, 5:23 a.m.