findCallsToFunctions: Find all calls to given functions or all assignments to...

findCallsToFunctionsR Documentation

Find all calls to given functions or all assignments to specific variables


These analyze R code and find all calls to functions in the given set of interest and either returns these or the specified argument(s), either by position or name.

For findCallsToFunctions, if argIndices has length zero, the calls are returned. Otherwise, the corresponding parameters from each call are returned.

findCallsTo uses the regular R AST, not rstatic's and returns the R language objects for the call.

numCalls is a simple derivative of findCallsTo and computes the number of calls in a function. This gives a sense of the complexity of the code.


findCallsTo(code, funNames = character(),
         indirectCallFuns = getIndirectCallFunList(),
         walker = mkCallWalker(funNames, indirect = indirectCallFuns, skipIfFalse = skipIfFalse),
         parse = any(!sapply(funNames,, skipIfFalse = TRUE) 
findCallsToFunctions(allCalls, funNames, argIndices = integer(), definitions = NULL)
isCallTo(code, funName, indirect = getIndirectCallFunList(), isLHS = NA)
mkCallWalkerPred(pred, ..., skipIfFalse = TRUE)



the R code to analyze, or path to an R source file or directory containing R code


the names of functions or variables of interest. This can be a character vector of names or of R calls/expressions, or a list of previously parsed call language objects.


a named character vector or a logical value. If TRUE, we use the value from a call to getIndirectCallFunList(). If FALSE, we use the empty vector and so do not consider indirect calls. For a character vector value, the names identify the function of interest and the corresponding value identifies the name of the parameter of that function corresponding to the function argument, e.g., c( = "what", lapply = "FUN"). The default provides the information from functions in base.


the codetools-style functions that traverse the AST to find the relevant calls.


whether to parse the funNames in findCallsTo and treat them as language objects.


a logical value. If TRUE, skip if(FALSE){} code, but do process any else clause. If FALSE, process the body of the if(FALSE) code.


a character vector of file or directory names or parsed R code or list of calls


an integer or character vector identifying the parameters of interest in each of the calls


a list of functions that provides the definitions for functions that are not available on the search path. These are used in


a function that takes two arguments - a call and a logical value indicating if the function being called is a symbol/name or itself a call - and returns a logical scalar value indicating whether to collect and return the specific call. The


additional arguments passed to the pred function.


a logical value. Intended to indicate whether the call x is the left hand side of an assignment. If so, since this is a call and not a name/symbol, use the replacement function form, e.g., fun<- when calling This is not passed down yet from the functions that call isCallTo as part of the higher-level analyses.


findCallsTo returns a list of the call language objects.

mkCallWalkerPred returns a list with 3 elements which are functions:


walks the different elements of the AST


processes a call language object and determines whether to add it to the results


returns NULL

isCallTo returns a scalar logical value - TRUE or FALSE.

If argIndices has length zero, a list of all the matching Call objects. Otherwise, a list of all the parameters in each matching call identified by argIndices either by position or name.


Duncan Temple Lang


  egFun = findCallsTo

  findCallsTo(egFun, c("lapply", "walkCode"))

  findCallsTo(getNamespace("parallel"), "eval")

  isLApplyWalkCodeCall = function(x, isName, ...) isSymbol(x[[1]], "lapply") && isSymbol(x[[3]], "walkCode")
  findCallsTo(egFun, walker = mkCallWalkerPred(isLApplyWalkCodeCall))

  isLApplyWalkCodeCall = function(x, isName, ...) isCallTo(x, "lapply") && isSymbol(x[[3]], "walkCode")
  findCallsTo(egFun, walker = mkCallWalkerPred(isLApplyWalkCodeCall))

  f = system.file("sampleCode/source.R", package = "CodeAnalysis")
  a = findCallsTo(f, "source")
  b = findCallsTo(f, "source", skipIfFalse = FALSE)
  setdiff(b, a)

## Not run: 

    # Project from
  ff = list.files("~/Book/ExploreCode/Variety_trial_analysis/code", pattern = "\.R$", full = TRUE)
  e = unlist(lapply(ff, parse), recursive = FALSE)
  k = findCallsTo(e)
  z = sapply(k, function(x) deparse(x[[1]]))
  sort(table(z), decreasing = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

duncantl/CodeAnalysis documentation built on Feb. 21, 2024, 10:49 p.m.