getGlobals: Compute information about uses of globals, etc. for a...

getGlobalsR Documentation

Compute information about uses of globals, etc. for a function


This is an alternative version of findGlobals in the codetools package for finding the names of global variables and functions used in the code of an R function. This version uses more context, has additional features we need, and also computes additional information that we use in compilation of R code in the RLLVMCompile package and which also may be useful for other purposes.

I also find this function easier to understand and adapt as it is more direct. (However, I wrote it so of course I understand it!)


getGlobals(f, expressionsFor = character(), .ignoreDefaultArgs = FALSE,
           skip = c(".R", ".typeInfo", ".signature", ".pragma", ".Internal", ".Primitive"),
           .debug = TRUE, .assert = TRUE, localVars = character(),
           mergeSubFunGlobals = TRUE, old = TRUE,
           indirectCallFunctions = names(getIndirectCallFunList()),
           handleTextConnections = TRUE)



the function to be analyzed


names of R functions we are interested in so that we collect all calls to those functions in the body of this function


a logical value which controls whether we ignore or process the code in the default values of the parameters/formal arguments of the function.


this is not intended to be provided by the caller. a character vector


a character vector that allows us to ignore calls to particular functions, e.g. .R or .debug. These are typically functions that will be handled in a special way by, e.g., a compiler.


whether ignore calls to .debug or another debugging function. This can be a logical value to enable/disable skipping .debug calls, or it can be the name of another function, e.g. "myDebug" which we will add to the skip vector.


whether ignore calls to .assert or another assertion function. This can be a logical value to enable/disable skipping .assert calls, or it can be the name of another function, e.g. "assert_that" which we will add to the skip vector.


a logical scalar value that controls whether we merge the global functions used in any function defined within this functions f into the answer or keep them separate.


a logical value controlling whether we use the old mechanism or the new mechanism. Will be removed in the future when we decide on correct approach.


a character vector specifying the names of functions which treat one of the arguments as a function, e.g.,, lapply.


a logical value that controls whether we treat calls to textConnection such as textConnection("bob", open = "w", local = TRUE). This creates a local variable named bob and if code uses that (rather than textConnectionValue) that is a legitimate local variable.


A list of class GlobalUses with numerous elements:


the names of all the variables that are assigned in the body of the function.


the names of non-local/global variables referenced in this code.


the names of non-local/global functions referenced in this code.


a list with an element for each globally referenced function. Each element is a frequency table of the symbols (i.e., variables/functions) that are in the calls for this function. In other words, these are the symbols used in the calls to the external function.


a list with an element for each function named in expressionsFor that was actually invoked in the body of the function. Each such element is a collection of the expressions which called that function in expressionsFor.


a list with an element for each of the nested functions defined within the body of this code. Each element is the result from calling getGlobals on that function definition.


a list containing all of the call expressions that were skipped based on the call contents of skip.


Duncan Temple Lang

See Also



g =
function(a = x, b = y)
   x = 1
   y = 2
   a + b * (x + y)


tmp = substituteDefaultValues(g)
getGlobals(tmp, .ignoreDefaultArgs = TRUE)$variables


account =
function(balance = 0L)
    deposit = function(amt)
                  balance <<- balance + amt
    withdrawl = function(amt)
                    balance <<- balance - amt

    list(deposit = deposit, withdraw = withdrawl,  balance = function() balance)

duncantl/CodeAnalysis documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 10:10 a.m.