isParameter: Determine if a variable name is a function parameter or a...

isParameterR Documentation

Determine if a variable name is a function parameter or a local variable


These functions allow one to query whether a variable name corresponds to either a formal argument/parameter of a given function or to a variable that is created locally in the body of the function, or neither.


isParameter(p, fun)
isLocalVar(p, fun, notParam = TRUE)



the name of the variable to query


the R function


a logical value related to how we treat parameters/formal arguments that are also local variables. A parameter which has no local assignments to its name will not be considered a local variable. However, if there is one or more assignments to that parameter name in the body of the function, notParam determines whether isLocalVar returns TRUE for a local variable or not in this case. If this is TRUE, then the parameter is never considered a local variable. If this is FALSE, then a variable name that corresponds to a parameter and has local assignments within the body is considered a local variable so the result will be TRUE.


A logical value


Duncan Temple Lang

See Also

findAssignsTo formals


  f = function(x, y) {
     len = length(x)
     w = !
     (x[w] + y[w])/len
  isLocalVar("x", f)
  isLocalVar("x", f, FALSE)
  isLocalVar("w", f)
  isLocalVar("len", f)

  isParameter("x", f)
  isParameter("len", f)
  isParameter("other", f)

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