
construct_ir =
function(node, cmp, helper,  types, .targetType = NULL)
  cat("**CONSTRUCT_IR for", class(node)[1], "\n")

# These two don't look as if they have been changed to R2llvm so probably never invoked.
construct_ir.BranchInst =
function(node, cmp, helper,  types, .targetType = NULL) {
  # Connect block to its successors.
  # FIXME: Check condition on branch instruction.

construct_ir.ReturnInst =
function(node, cmp, helper,  types, .targetType = NULL) {
  # FIXME: What if retval is not a symbol?
  alloc = helper$get_alloc(node$value$name)
  val = helper$create_load(alloc)


# Disable these methods as we migrate them all to compile() methods
if(FALSE) {

construct_ir.Phi =
function(node, cmp, helper,  types, .targetType = NULL)
# Don't insert phis for shadowed globals.
#  if ( any(is_global(node$read)) )
#    return (NULL)

  phiName = node$write$name
  type = types[[node$write$name]]
  numIncoming = length(node$blocks)
  phi = Rllvm::createPhi(helper, type, numIncoming, id = node$write$name)
# Add the incoming. We have them in the node$blocks and in node$read

# We may not have created all of the incoming values for the phi nodes at this point
# as the order of the CFG may put put creation of the incoming after the Phi node 
# into which it comes.
# So we have to make an incomplete Phi node and add its identity and what it is waiting
# for (i.e. the variable in the Assignment) and when we process that we check to see if
# we need to add it to any of the incomplete Phi nodes.

  mapply(function(var, block) {
           val = cmp$.phiVarInstructions[[ var$name ]]

           if(is.null(val)) {
                # so the intruction has not been processed yet.
                # We create a dummy Value and then arrange to replace
                # it with the actual instruction at the end of the module/
                # routine construction. This is the purpose of
                # the llvm function replaceAllUsesWith()
                # This approach is what llvm uses itself when we create
                # the c++ API code from a .ll file. i.e., we are copying
                # that directly.
             val = .Call("R_createFwdRef_for_phi", type)
             cmp$.phiForwardRefs[[ var$name ]] = val

           addIncoming(phi, val, block)
         }, node$read, cmp$blocks[node$blocks])

  if(node$write$name %in% names(cmp$.phiVarInstructions)) 
     cmp$.phiVarInstructions[[ phiName ]] <- phi
     cmp$.allocVars[[ phiName ]] <- phi

construct_ir.Replacement =
function(node, cmp, helper,  types, .targetType = NULL)
    e = to_r(node)
    var = node$write$basename
    if(!( var %in% names(cmp$.params)) )
              var = paste0(var, "_1")
    e[[2]][[2]] = as.name(var)
    return(`compile.=`(e, cmp, helper))

# idx = match(node$fn$name, names(cmp$.compilerHandlers))
# if (is.na(idx)) 
#    compile(node, cmp, helper)
# else 
#   cmp$.compilerHandlers[[idx]](node, cmp, helper)    

construct_ir.Symbol =
function(node, cmp, helper,  types, .targetType = NULL)
  v = cmp$getAlloc(node$name)
  if(is.null(v)) {
     v = cmp$.params[[ node$name ]]

 #XXX Do we only load this if it is an AllocaInst?
 if(!is(v, "PHINode"))
    helper$createLoad( v )

construct_ir.Assign =
function(node, cmp, helper,  types, .targetType = NULL)
    # For dealing with assignments that are actually for Phi nodes.
if(node$write$name %in% names(cmp$.phiVarInstructions)) {
    .targetType = cmp$.types[[node$write$name]]
    i = compile(node$read, cmp, helper, .targetType = .targetType)
    cmp$.phiVarInstructions[[node$write$name]] = i

   call = asRCall(node)
   return(`compile.=`(call, cmp, helper, .targetType = .targetType))

  # Allocate memory for RHS.
  type = types[[node$write$name]]

  lhs = helper$createAlloc(type, id = node$write$name)
  cmp$newAlloc(node$write$name, lhs)

  # Store LHS into RHS.
  rhs = construct_ir(node$read, cmp, helper,  types, .targetType = NULL)

#Hack for now to avoid bad cast.  
if(node$write$name != "._return_") {  
  # Check the types match
  rtype = Rllvm::getType(rhs)
  if(!sameType(rtype, type)) 
    rhs = createCast(cmp, helper, type, rtype, rhs)

  helper$createStore(rhs, lhs)


construct_ir.Call =
function(node, cmp, helper,  types, .targetType = NULL)
  # FIXME: What if $fn is not a symbol?
  idx = match(node$fn$name, names(cmp$.compilerHandlers))
  if (is.na(idx)) 
     compile.call(node, cmp, helper)
    cmp$.compilerHandlers[[idx]](node, cmp, helper)

construct_ir.Integer =
function(node, cmp, helper,  types, .targetType = NULL)

construct_ir.BrTerminator =
function(node, cmp, helper,  types, .targetType = NULL) 

#??? Is this ever called?
construct_ir.RetTerminator =
function(node, cmp, helper,  types, .targetType = NULL) 
   Rllvm::createReturn(helper$builder, Rllvm::createLoad(helper$builder, helper$alloc_table[["._return__1"]]))

construct_ir.Numeric =
function(node, cmp, helper,  types, .targetType = NULL)
   createConstant(helper, node$value)

} # end of if() disabling these methods.

construct_ir.default =
function(node, cmp, helper,  types, .targetType = NULL) 
duncantl/R2llvm documentation built on May 14, 2019, 9:42 a.m.