
wrapAsFunction  =
  # Wrap code into a function and specify the free variables as parameters.
  # e = quote( for(i in 1:B) {
  #     d.star = data[sample(n, n, replace = TRUE), ]
  #     ans[[i]] = T(d.star)
  #  })
  # wrapAsFunction(e)
  # wrapAsFunction(quote({ x = a; y = 2}))
  # wrapAsFunction(quote({ x = 1; y = 2}))
function(code, globalFuns = character(), params = getFreeVars(code, globalFuns),
          env = globalenv())
   f = function() {}
   environment(f) = env
   if(is(code, "{"))
      body(f) = code
      body(f)[[2]] = code 
   formals(f) = params

getFreeVars =
function(code, globalFuns = character())
  fun = function() { 1 }
  if(is(code, "{"))
      body(fun) = code
     body(fun)[[2]] = code
  g = findGlobals(fun, FALSE)

  # see if any of the functions referenced are also
  g$variables = c(g$variables, globalFuns)

  if(length(g$variables)) {
    fm = rep(alist(x = ), length(g$variables))
    names(fm) = g$variables    
    formals(fun) = fm
duncantl/R2llvm documentation built on May 14, 2019, 9:42 a.m.