
# This version is similar to ptx_direct.R but computes the
# index based on the grid dimension also.

  # http://llvm.org/docs/NVPTXUsage.html

m = Module("ptx kernel")

setDataLayout(m, "e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v16:16:16-v32:32:32-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-n16:32:64")

 # takes a number of elements and an array
# Using addrspace = 1  gets the st.global at the end
globalInt32PtrType = pointerType(Int32Type, , 1L)
fun = simpleFunction("kern", VoidType, n = Int32Type, out = globalInt32PtrType, module = m)

ir = fun$ir
localVars = fun$vars
fun = fun$fun

  # declare that this is a PTX kernel
setMetadata(m, "nvvm.annotations", list(fun, "kernel", 1L))

# Some of the routines we can call in our code that access the thread, block, grid
# indices and dimensions.
#blockIdx - x, y
#blockDim - x, y, z
#gridDim - x
# threadIdx - x, y, z
dimFunNames = c(blockIdx.x = "llvm.nvvm.read.ptx.sreg.ctaid.x", blockIdx.y = "llvm.nvvm.read.ptx.sreg.ctaid.y",
	        blockDim.x = "llvm.nvvm.read.ptx.sreg.ntid.x", blockDim.y = "llvm.nvvm.read.ptx.sreg.ntid.y", 
                    blockDim.z = "llvm.nvvm.read.ptx.sreg.ntid.z",
                threadIdx.x = "llvm.nvvm.read.ptx.sreg.tid.x", threadIdx.y = "llvm.nvvm.read.ptx.sreg.tid.y", 
                      threadIdx.z = "llvm.nvvm.read.ptx.sreg.tid.z",
                gridDim.x = "llvm.ptx.read.nctaid.x")
dimFuns = 
        function(id) {
          Function(id, Int32Type, module = m)
names(dimFuns) = names(dimFunNames)

# We now generate the instructions to implement our kernel
# The idea is that we will compute the index for this thread
# and put that
#   idx = blockDim.x * blockIndex + threadIndex

tmp = ir$binOp(Mul, ir$createCall(dimFuns$blockIdx.y), ir$createCall(dimFuns$gridDim.x))
myblock = ir$binOp(Add, ir$createCall(dimFuns$blockIdx.x), tmp)

blocksize = ir$binOp(Mul, ir$binOp(Mul, ir$createCall(dimFuns$blockDim.x), ir$createCall(dimFuns$blockDim.y)),

tmp = ir$binOp(Mul, ir$createCall(dimFuns$threadIdx.z),
                ir$binOp(Add, ir$createCall(dimFuns$blockDim.x), ir$createCall(dimFuns$blockDim.y)))

tmp1 = ir$binOp(Mul, ir$createCall(dimFuns$threadIdx.y), ir$createCall(dimFuns$blockDim.x))
subthread = ir$binOp(Add, ir$binOp(Add, tmp, tmp1), ir$createCall(dimFuns$threadIdx.x))

idx = ir$binOp(Add, ir$binOp(Mul, myblock, blocksize), subthread)
i = ir$createLocalVariable(Int32Type, "idx")
ir$createStore(idx, i)

#!!! Put in test that idx < N
set = Block(fun, "set")
end = Block(fun, "return")

ii = ir$createLoad(i)
params = getParameters(fun)
cond = ir$createICmp(ICMP_SLT, ii, params$n)  # localVars$n)
ir$createCondBr(cond, set, end)

#!!! We need this assignment to be in the global address space (1), not local.
#genToGlobal = Function("llvm.nvvm.ptr.gen.to.global.p1i32.p0i32", Int32PtrType, Int32PtrType, module = m)
#global = ir$createCall(genToGlobal, getParameters(fun)$out) # localVars$out)

gep = ir$createGEP(ir$createLoad(localVars$out), ir$createSExt(ir$createLoad(i), 64L))
ir$createStore(ir$createLoad(i), gep)



ptx = convertModuleToPTX(m)

cuda.mod = cuModuleLoadDataEx(ptx)
N = as.integer(2^20)
ans = integer(N)
out = .gpu(cuda.mod$kern,  N, ans = ans, outputs = "ans", gridDim = c(2^7, 2^8), blockDim = c(32))

stopifnot(identical(out, 1:length(out) - 1L))

#  out = .gpu(cuda.mod$kern,  N, ans = ans, outputs = "ans", gridBy = N)

if(FALSE) {
  code = generatePTX(code)
duncantl/Rllvm documentation built on April 23, 2024, 6:14 p.m.