Man pages for dwassarman/cellpanelr
Analyze Data from Cell Line Panels

add_idsAppend new column containing DepMap IDs
annotations_plotPlot data based on given cell line feature
bh_correctionBenjamini-Hochberg correction for p-value significance
cor_expressionCalculate cell line response with gene expression
cor_mutationsCorrelate cell line response with gene mutations
data_annotationsCell line annotations
data_expressionGene expression data
data_mutationsCell line mutations
data_nutlinNutlin-3 data set
exp_plot_selectedGenerate scatterplot expression vs. response, faceted by...
exp_tooltipRender a tooltip when user hovers mouse over plot
get_selected_genesGet list of selected genes based on row selections from table
helpButtonHelp button
load_fileUpload a file
mut_plot_selectedGenerate boxplot genotype vs. response, faceted by selected...
mut_vol_tipTooltip for the mutation volcano plot
n_exp_matchedNumber of cell lines present in expression data set
n_mut_matchedNumber of cell lines present in mutation data set
pipePipe operator
prepare_dataPrepare uploaded data for analysis modules
remove_multi_cellRemove IDs that map to more than one cell line
remove_multi_idRemove IDs that map to the same cell line
run_appRun the Shiny Application
volcano_plotGenerate volcano plot effect vs. p value
dwassarman/cellpanelr documentation built on Jan. 3, 2023, 8:27 a.m.