
#' Produce bootstrap samples from each subpopulation of a genind object
#' This function produces bootstrap samples from a genind object, with each
#' subpopulation resampled according to its size. Because there are many 
#' statistics that you may wish to calculte from these samples, this function
#' returns a list of genind objects representing bootsrap samples that can then
#' be futher processed (see examples).
#' You should note, this is a standard (frequentist) approach to quantifying
#' uncertainty - effectively asking "if the population was exactly like our
#' sample, and we repeatedly took samples like this from it, how much would 
#' those samples vary?" The confidence intervals don't include uncertainty 
#' produced from any biases in the way you collected your data. 
#' Additionally, this boostrapping procedure displays a slight upward bias for 
#' some datasets. If you plan or reporting a confidence interval for your 
#' statistic, it is  probably a good idea to subtract the difference between 
#' the point estimate of the statistic and the mean of the boostrap distribution 
#' from the extremes of the interval (as demonstrated in the expample below)
#' @param x genind object (from package adegenet)
#' @param nreps numeric number of bootstrap replicates to perform (default 1000)
#' @export
#' @references Chao, A. et al. (2008). A Two-Stage probabilistic approach to Multiple-Community similarity indices. Biometrics, 64:1178-1186
#' @return A list of genind objects
#' @examples
#' data(nancycats)
#' obs.D <- D_Jost(nancycats)
#' bs <- chao_bootstrap(nancycats)
#' bs_D <- summarise_bootstrap(bs, D_Jost)
#' bias <- bs.D$summary.global.het[1] - obs.D$global.het
#' bs.D$summary.global.het - bias
#' @family resample

chao_bootstrap <- function(x, nreps=1000){
  m <- pop_afreqs(x)
  pop_sizes <- table(pop(x))
  ploid <- unique(ploidy(x))
  if( length(ploid) > 1){
      stop("Cannot produce bootstraps from a dataset has mixed ploidy")
  BS <- replicate(nreps, genind_bs(m, pop_sizes, ploid,x)) 

  structure(list(BS=BS, obs=x), class="genind_bootstrap", n=nreps)

print.genind_bootstrap <- function(x, ...){
    cat("Bootstrap sample of genind objects\n")
    cat(" $BS: ", attr(x, "n"), "genind objects\n $obs: original dataset\n")

pop_afreqs <- function(x){
  apply(tab(x),2, function(y) tapply(y, pop(x), mean, na.rm=TRUE) )

genind_bs <- function(afreqs, pop_sizes, ploidy, x){
    X <- matrix(0L, nrow=nInd(x), ncol=sum(nAll(x)))
    start <- 1
    for(i in 1:nPop(x)){
        pop_sim <- t(do.call(rbind, tapply(afreqs[i,], locFac(x), function(p) rgenotypes(pop_sizes[i], ploidy, p))))
        end <- start+pop_sizes[i]

        X[start:(end-1),] <- pop_sim
        start <- end
    ln <- locNames(x)
    x@tab <- X
    locNames(x) <- ln
dwinter/mmod documentation built on May 15, 2019, 6:22 p.m.