
#' Calculate distance between individual for co-dominant locus
#' This function calculates the distance between individuals in a genind
#' object based on their genotypes. 
#' Specifically, the simple metric of Kosman and Leonard (2005) in which 
#' distance is calculated as a propotion of shared alleles at each locus.
#' @param x genind object (from package adegenet)
#' @param matrix boolean: if TRUE return matrix (dist object if FALSE)
#' @param global boolean: if TRUE, return a single global estimate based on all
#' loci. If FALSE return a list of matrices for each locus.
#' if FALSE 
#' @param na.rm boolean: if TRUE remove individuals with NAs
#' @return either a list of distance matrices, one for each locus or a single 
#' matrix containing the mean distance between individuals across all loci
#' @return Dropped for each distance matrix and object of class "na.action" 
#' containing indices to those indivudals in the genind object which where 
#' omitted due to having NAs
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @export
#' @references
#'  Kosman E., Leonard, K.J. Similarity coefficients for molecular markers in studies of genetic relationships between individuals for haploid
#'  diploid, and polyploid species. Molecular Ecology. 14: 415-424
#' @examples
#' data(nancycats)
#' dm <- dist.codom(nancycats[40:45], matrix=FALSE)
#' head(dm)

dist.codom <- function(x, matrix=TRUE, global=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE){

  per.loc <- function(l){
    ploidy <- unique(l@ploidy) 
    if(length(ploidy) > 1){
        stop("All samples must have sample ploidy for dist.codom")
	  l@tab <- na.omit(l@tab)
	  dropped <- attr(l@tab, "na.action") 
        dropped <- NULL
	res <- dist(l@tab/ploidy, "manhattan")/2
	    res <- as.matrix(res)
    return(list(distances=res, dropped=dropped))
        has_nas <- FALSE
		# if we want a global estimate make new genind with out NAs
		# (just chopping out NAs from x@tab won't work)
			has_nas  <- TRUE
			warning("removing all individuals with NAs for global estimate")
			n_tab <- na.omit(x@tab)
			dropped <- attr(n_tab, "na.action")
			n_pop <- droplevels(x@pop[ -1 * dropped])
			x <- genind(tab=n_tab, pop=n_pop)
		dists <- lapply(seploc(x), per.loc)
        xbar <- Reduce("+", lapply(dists, function(d) d$distances)) / length(dists)
			return(list(distances=xbar, dropped=dropped))
		else return(list(distances=xbar,dropped=NULL))
		dists <- lapply(seploc(x), per.loc)	
dwinter/mmod documentation built on May 15, 2019, 6:22 p.m.