

test_that("scale test", {
  p <- logical_parameter(
    id = "scale",
    default = TRUE,
    description = "Whether or not to scale the input variables"

  expect_is(p, "logical_parameter")
  expect_equal(p$id, "scale")
  expect_equal(p$default, TRUE)
  expect_equal(p$description, "Whether or not to scale the input variables")

  expect_match(as.character(p), "logical")
  expect_match(as.character(p), "scale")
  expect_match(as.character(p), "default=TRUE")

  li <- as.list(p)

  expect_equal(li$type, "logical")
  expect_equal(li$id, "scale")
  expect_equal(li$default, TRUE)
  expect_equal(li$description, "Whether or not to scale the input variables")

  p2 <- as_parameter(li)
  expect_equal(p2, p)

  ph <- as_paramhelper(p)

  expect_equal(ph$id, "scale")
  expect_equal(ph$default, TRUE)
  expect_equal(ph$len, 1)

test_that("multiple value test", {
  p <- logical_parameter(
    id = "num_iter",
    default = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE),
    description = "The number of iterations."

  expect_equal(p$id, "num_iter")
  expect_equal(p$default, c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))
  expect_equal(p$description, "The number of iterations.")

  expect_match(as.character(p), "logical")
  expect_match(as.character(p), "num_iter")
  expect_match(as.character(p), "default=\\{TRUE, FALSE, TRUE\\}")

  li <- as.list(p)

  expect_equal(li$type, "logical")
  expect_equal(li$id, "num_iter")
  expect_equal(li$default, c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))
  expect_equal(li$description, "The number of iterations.")

  p2 <- as_parameter(li)
  expect_equal(p2, p)

  ph <- as_paramhelper(p)

  expect_equal(ph$id, "num_iter")
  expect_equal(ph$default, c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))
  expect_equal(ph$len, 3)

test_that("wrong parse fails gracefully", {
  expect_error(logical_parameter(id = 1, default = TRUE, description = "d"), "id is not a character vector")
  expect_error(logical_parameter(id = "a", default = "TrUe", description = "d"), "is.logical\\(default\\) is not TRUE") # ??!
  expect_error(logical_parameter(id = "a", default = TRUE,  description = 3), "description is not NULL or description is not a character vector")
dynverse/dynparam documentation built on May 29, 2019, 8 a.m.