Contributing to the sits R package

We welcome all contributors to sits package! Please submit questions, bug reports, and requests in the issues tracker. If you plan to contribute code, go ahead! Fork the repo and submit a pull request. A few notes:

General structure of sits code.

New functions that build on the sits API should follow the general principles below.

API design

R programming models

Adherence to the tidyverse, sf and terra

The sits code relies on the packages of the tidyverse to work with tables and list. We use dplyr and tidyr for data selection and wrangling, purrr and slider for loops on lists and table, lubridate to handle dates and times.

Adherence to the sits data types

Literal values, error messages and colors

Supporting new STAC-based image catalogues

Supporting new Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms


e-sensing/sits documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 9:08 a.m.