
Defines functions sits_factory_function

Documented in sits_factory_function

#' @title Create a closure for calling functions with and without data
#' @name sits_factory_function
#' @author Rolf Simoes, \email{rolf.simoes@@inpe.br}
#' @author Gilberto Camara, \email{gilberto.camara@@inpe.br}
#' @description This function implements the factory method pattern.
#' Its creates a generic interface to closures in R so that the functions
#' in the sits package can be called in two different ways:
#' 1. Called directly, passing input data and parameters.
#' 2. Called as second-order values (parameters of another function).
#'    In the second case, the call will pass no data values
#'    and only pass the parameters for execution
#' The factory pattern is used in many situations in the sits package,
#' to allow different alternatives
#' for filtering, pattern creation, training, and cross-validation
#' Please see the chapter "Technical Annex" in the sits book for details.
#' @param data      Input data.
#' @param fun       Function that performs calculation on the input data.
#' @return          A closure that encapsulates the function applied to data.
#' @examples
#' # example code
#' if (sits_run_examples()) {
#'     # Include a new machine learning function (multiple linear regression)
#'     # function that returns mlr model based on a sits sample tibble
#'     sits_mlr <- function(samples = NULL, formula = sits_formula_linear(),
#'                          n_weights = 20000, maxit = 2000) {
#'         train_fun <- function(samples) {
#'             # Data normalization
#'             ml_stats <- sits_stats(samples)
#'             train_samples <- sits_predictors(samples)
#'             train_samples <- sits_pred_normalize(
#'                 pred = train_samples,
#'                 stats = ml_stats
#'             )
#'             formula <- formula(train_samples[, -1])
#'             # call method and return the trained model
#'             result_mlr <- nnet::multinom(
#'                 formula = formula,
#'                 data = train_samples,
#'                 maxit = maxit,
#'                 MaxNWts = n_weights,
#'                 trace = FALSE,
#'                 na.action = stats::na.fail
#'             )
#'             # construct model predict closure function and returns
#'             predict_fun <- function(values) {
#'                 # retrieve the prediction (values and probs)
#'                 prediction <- tibble::as_tibble(
#'                     stats::predict(result_mlr,
#'                         newdata = values,
#'                         type = "probs"
#'                     )
#'                 )
#'                 return(prediction)
#'             }
#'             class(predict_fun) <- c("sits_model", class(predict_fun))
#'             return(predict_fun)
#'         }
#'         result <- sits_factory_function(samples, train_fun)
#'         return(result)
#'     }
#'     # create an mlr model using a set of samples
#'     mlr_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_mlr)
#'     # classify a point
#'     point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI")
#'     point_class <- sits_classify(point_ndvi, mlr_model, multicores = 1)
#'     plot(point_class)
#' }
#' @export
sits_factory_function <- function(data, fun) {
    # if no data is given, we prepare a
    # function to be called as a parameter of other functions
    if (.has_not(data)) {
        result <- fun
    } else {
        # ...otherwise compute the result on the input data
        result <- fun(data)
e-sensing/sits documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 9:08 a.m.