na_rle_impl <- function(x) {
#' Run lengths encoding for missing values (`NA`)
#' Compute the lengths and indices of runs of `NA` in a vector – or the reverse
#' operation.
#' @param x A vector.
#' @param index_by A vector of the same length as `x`.
#' @param interval if `NULL`, determined by the greatest common denominator;
#' otherwise a supplied "interval" class. See `?tsibble::tsibble` for details.
#' @inheritParams vctrs::as_list_of
#' @return
#' An object of class `rle_na` or `list_of_rle_na`. A named list of:
#' * `lengths`: the lengths of `NA` runs
#' * `indices`: the starting indices of runs
#' @section Mathematical operations:
#' Many math operations can be applied to objects returned from `na_rle()` and
#' `list_of_na_rle()`, regarding the *lengths* of runs.
#' * `sum()`: the total number of `NA` over all runs.
#' * `mean()`: the average `NA`s per run.
#' * `min()` & `max()`: the minimum and maximum of runs.
#' * `median()` & `quantile()`
#' @rdname na-rle
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' df <- tibble(year = 2000:2019, temp = sample(0:30, size = 20))
#' df[c(1, 6, 13:16, 19), "temp"] <- NA
#' df
#' na_rle(df$temp) # indexed by the default positions
#' (x <- na_rle(df$temp, index_by = df$year)) # indexed by a variable
#' # getters
#' na_rle_inverse(x)
#' na_rle_lengths(x)
#' na_rle_starts(x)
#' na_rle_ends(x)
#' # subsetting
#' x[1:2]
#' # math operations
#' length(x) # the number of runs
#' sum(x) # the total number of `NA`
#' range(x) # min & max runs
#' # list_of_na_rle() is useful when working with tabular data
#' na_rle_df <- df %>%
#' mutate(group = rep(letters[1:2], each = 10)) %>%
#' group_by(group) %>%
#' summarise(na_runs = list_of_na_rle(temp, year))
#' na_rle_df
#' na_rle_inverse(na_rle_df$na_runs)
#' sum(na_rle_df$na_runs)
#' range(na_rle_df$na_runs)
#' @export
na_rle <- function(x = double(), index_by = seq_along(x), interval = NULL) {
stopifnot(vec_size(x) == vec_size(index_by))
if (vec_is_empty(x)) {
indices <- index_by
list(lengths = integer(), indices = indices),
interval = interval_pull(index_by)
if (vec_duplicate_any(index_by) || anyNA(index_by)) {
abort("`index_by` requires unique non-NA indices.")
ord <- vec_order(index_by)
x <- x[ord]
if (is_null(interval)) {
int <- interval_pull(index_by)
} else {
if (!inherits(interval, "interval")) {
abort("`interval` must be class interval.")
int <- interval
res <- na_rle_impl(x)
from <- c(1L, head(cumsum(res[["lengths"]]), -1L) + 1L)[res[["values"]]]
indices <- index_by[ord][from]
lengths = res[["lengths"]][res[["values"]]],
indices = indices
), interval = int)
#' @rdname na-rle
#' @export
list_of_na_rle <- function(x = double(), index_by = seq_along(x),
interval = NULL) {
!!! list2(na_rle(x, index_by = index_by, interval = interval))
#' @rdname na-rle
#' @export
na_rle_inverse <- function(x) {
#' @export
na_rle_inverse.rle_na <- function(x) {
field(na_rle_reverse(x), "indices")
#' @export
na_rle_inverse.list_of_rle_na <- function(x) {
# TODO: should wrap into as_list_of(), but vctrs with integer date issue
map(x, na_rle_inverse)
#' @rdname na-rle
#' @export
na_rle_lengths <- function(x) {
#' @export
na_rle_lengths.rle_na <- function(x) {
field(x, "lengths")
#' @export
na_rle_lengths.list_of_rle_na <- function(x) {
as_list_of(map(x, na_rle_lengths))
#' @rdname na-rle
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
na_rle_indices <- function(x) {
#' @export
na_rle_indices.rle_na <- function(x) {
field(x, "indices")
#' @export
na_rle_indices.list_of_rle_na <- function(x) {
as_list_of(map(x, na_rle_indices))
#' @rdname na-rle
#' @export
na_rle_starts <- function(x) {
#' @rdname na-rle
#' @export
na_rle_ends <- function(x) {
#' @export
na_rle_ends.rle_na <- function(x) {
rle_lengths <- na_rle_lengths(x)
rle_indices <- na_rle_indices(x) - 1
tunit <- tunit(x)
vec_c(!!! map2(rle_indices, rle_lengths, function(.x, .y) .x + tunit * .y)),
#' @export
na_rle_ends.list_of_rle_na <- function(x) {
as_list_of(map(x, na_rle_ends.rle_na))
new_rle_na <- function(x = list(lengths = integer(), indices = double()),
interval = new_interval()) {
rle_na_assert(x, interval)
new_rcrd(x, "interval" = interval, class = "rle_na")
new_list_of_rle_na <- function(...) {
ptype = new_rle_na(),
class = "list_of_rle_na"
rle_na_assert <- function(x, interval) {
if (is_false(is_bare_list(x) && all(fields(x) == c("lengths", "indices")))) {
abort("Run length encoding must be a named list with `lengths` and `indices`.")
if (is_null(interval) || is_missing(interval)) {
abort("Missing \"interval\".")
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