Man pages for easystats/insight
Easy Access to Model Information for Various Model Objects

all_models_equalChecks if all objects are models of same class
check_if_installedChecking if needed package is installed
clean_namesGet clean names of model terms
clean_parametersGet clean names of model parameters
color_ifColor-formatting for data columns based on condition
compact_characterRemove empty strings from character
compact_listRemove empty elements from lists
displayGeneric export of data frames into formatted tables
dot-colour_detectDetect coloured cells
download_modelDownload circus models
ellipsis_infoGather information about objects in ellipsis (dot dot dot)
export_tableData frame and Tables Pretty Formatting
find_algorithmFind sampling algorithm and optimizers
find_formulaFind model formula
find_interactionsFind interaction terms from models
find_offsetFind possible offset terms in a model
find_parametersFind names of model parameters
find_parameters.averagingFind model parameters from models with special components
find_parameters.betamfxFind names of model parameters from marginal effects models
find_parameters.BGGMFind names of model parameters from Bayesian models
find_parameters.emmGridFind model parameters from estimated marginal means objects
find_parameters.gamlssFind names of model parameters from generalized additive...
find_parameters.glmmTMBFind names of model parameters from mixed models
find_parameters.zeroinflFind names of model parameters from zero-inflated models
find_predictorsFind names of model predictors
find_randomFind names of random effects
find_random_slopesFind names of random slopes
find_responseFind name of the response variable
find_smoothFind smooth terms from a model object
find_statisticFind statistic for model
find_termsFind all model terms
find_transformationFind possible transformation of response variables
find_variablesFind names of all variables
find_weightsFind names of model weights
fishSample data set
format_bfBayes Factor formatting
format_capitalizeCapitalizes the first letter in a string
format_ciConfidence/Credible Interval (CI) Formatting
format_messageFormat messages and warnings
format_numberConvert number to words
format_pp-values formatting
format_pdProbability of direction (pd) formatting
format_ropePercentage in ROPE formatting
format_stringString Values Formatting
format_tableParameter table formatting
format_valueNumeric Values Formatting
get_auxiliaryGet auxiliary parameters from models
get_callGet the model's function call
get_dataGet the data that was used to fit the model
get_datagridCreate a reference grid
get_devianceModel Deviance
get_dfExtract degrees of freedom
get_familyA robust alternative to stats::family
get_interceptGet the value at the intercept
get_modelmatrixModel Matrix
get_parametersGet model parameters
get_parameters.betamfxGet model parameters from marginal effects models
get_parameters.betaregGet model parameters from models with special components
get_parameters.BGGMGet model parameters from Bayesian models
get_parameters.emmGridGet model parameters from estimated marginal means objects
get_parameters.gammGet model parameters from generalized additive models
get_parameters.glmmGet model parameters from mixed models
get_parameters.htestGet model parameters from htest-objects
get_parameters.zeroinflGet model parameters from zero-inflated and hurdle models
get_predictedModel predictions (robust) and their confidence intervals
get_predicted_ciConfidence intervals around predicted values
get_predictorsGet the data from model predictors
get_priorsGet summary of priors used for a model
get_randomGet the data from random effects
get_residualsExtract model residuals
get_responseGet the values from the response variable
get_sigmaGet residual standard deviation from models
get_statisticGet statistic associated with estimates
get_transformationReturn function of transformed response variables
get_varcovGet variance-covariance matrix from models
get_varianceGet variance components from random effects models
get_weightsGet the values from model weights
has_interceptChecks if model has an intercept
insight-packageinsight: A Unified Interface to Access Information from Model...
is_convergedConvergence test for mixed effects models
is_empty_objectCheck if object is empty
is_gam_modelChecks if a model is a generalized additive model
is_mixed_modelChecks if a model is a mixed effects model
is_modelChecks if an object is a regression model or statistical test...
is_model_supportedChecks if a regression model object is supported by the...
is_multivariateChecks if an object stems from a multivariate response model
is_nested_modelsChecks whether a list of models are nested models
is_nullmodelChecks if model is a null-model (intercept-only)
link_functionGet link-function from model object
link_inverseGet link-inverse function from model object
model_infoAccess information from model objects
model_nameName the model
n_grouplevelsCount number of random effect levels in a mixed model
n_obsGet number of observations from a model
n_parametersCount number of parameters in a model
null_modelCompute intercept-only model for regression models
object_has_namesCheck names and rownames
print_colorColoured console output
print_parametersPrepare summary statistics of model parameters for printing
standardize_column_orderStandardize column order
standardize_namesStandardize column names
text_remove_backticksRemove backticks from a string
trim_wsSmall helper functions
easystats/insight documentation built on Oct. 2, 2024, 8:19 a.m.