Man pages for ebmtnprof/qid
Version of "rties" to accompany "Quantifying Interpersonal Dynamics"

cloCoupleOdeProvides the equation for a coupled oscillator model for the...
cloIndivCompareCompares model fit for the uncoupled and coupled oscillator...
cloPredTrajPlots the state variable's clo model predicted temporal...
cloSysVarInCompares a baseline "intercepts only" model to one including...
cloSysVarOutCompares a base line "intercept only" model to coupled and...
cloUncoupleOdeProvides the equation for an un-coupled oscillator model for...
dataPrepReformat a user-provided dataframe in a generic form...
estDerivsEstimates first and second derivatives of an oberved state...
histAllHistograms for all numeric variables in a dataframe.
indivCloCoupleEstimates a "coupled oscillator" model for each dyad.
indivCloUncoupleEstimates an "un-coupled oscillator" model (e.g., only self...
indivCoordEstimates a "coordination only" model for each dyad.
indivInertEstimates an "inertia only" model for each dyad.
indivInertCoordEstimates the full "inertia-coordination" model for each...
inertCoordIndivCompareCompares model fit for the inertia-only, coordination-only...
inertCoordSysVarInCompares a baseline "intercepts only" model to one including...
inertCoordSysVarOutCompares variants of the inertia-coordination model for...
plotLinearProduces plots of temporal trajectories predicted by linear...
plotRawPlots of observed variable over time by dyad.
QID_exampleDataData for reproducing results reported in "Quantifying...
removeDyadsRemove data for specified dyads from a dataframe
ebmtnprof/qid documentation built on May 13, 2019, 6:08 p.m.