cloSysVarIn: Compares a baseline "intercepts only" model to one including...

Description Usage Arguments Value


Multivariate correlated residuals dyadic models are used to predict the set of coupled oscillator parameters (obs_0, obs_1, d1_0, d1_1, p_obs_0, p_obs_1, p_d1_0, p_d1_1) from the system variable. The system variable can be either dyadic (sysVarType = "dyad"), where both partners have the same score (e.g., relationship length) or individual (sysVarType = "indiv"), where the partners can have different scores (e.g., age). If it is individual then both actor and partner effects of the system variable are included. To make it easier to read the output, the dynamic parameters are renamed as follows: obs = freq, d1 = damp, p_obs = freqCoupling, p_d1 = dampCoupling. For the individual model, a_ and p_ distinguish actor and partner effects respectively.


cloSysVarIn(basedata, sysVarType, dist0name, dist1name)



A dataframe containing the coupled oscillator parameter estimates produced by the "indivCloCouple" function.


Whether the system variable is "dyad", which means both partners have the same socre, or "indiv" which means the partners can have different scores


A name for the level-0 of the distinguishing variable (e.g., "Women").


A name for the level-1 of the distinguishing variable (e.g., "Men").


The function returns a list including: 1) the gls objects containing the full results for each model (called "models"), and 2) adjusted R^2 information for each model (called "R2").

ebmtnprof/qid documentation built on May 13, 2019, 6:08 p.m.