cloSysVarOut: Compares a base line "intercept only" model to coupled and...

Description Usage Arguments Value


The dynamic parameters used in these models come from the set of clo parameter: obs_0, obs_1, d1_0, d1_1, p_obs_0, p_obs_1, p_d1_0, p_d1_1. The 3 models compared are the baseline intercept-only, the uncoupled CLO (obs_0, obs_1, d1_0, d1_1), and the full coupled CLO. The system variable can be either dyadic (sysVarType = "dyad"), where both partners have the same score (e.g., relationship length) or individual (sysVarType = "indiv"), where the partners can have different scores (e.g., age). To make it easier to read the output, the dynamic parameters are renamed as follows: obs = freq, d1 = damp, p_obs = freqCoupling, p_d1 = dampCoupling.


cloSysVarOut(basedata, sysVarType, dist0name, dist1name, sysVarName,
  coVar = FALSE)



A dataframe produced by the "indivCloCouple" function.


Whether the system variable is "dyad", which means both partners have the same socre, or "indiv" which means the partners can have different scores


A name for the level-0 of the distinguishing variable (e.g., "Women").


A name for the level-1 of the distinguishing variable (e.g., "Men").


A name for the system variable being predicted (e.g., "Satisfaction").


The function returns a list including: 1) the lm or lme objects containing the full results for each model(called "models"), and 2) adjusted R^2 information for each model (called "R2"). The function also displays histograms of the residuals and plots of the predicted values against observed values for each model.

ebmtnprof/qid documentation built on May 13, 2019, 6:08 p.m.