


# Input data --------------------------------------------------------------
cr_data <- ncaa2005
input_stoch <- matrix(c(0.3, 0.2,
                        0.7, 0.8),
                      ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

# rate_markov -------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("rate_markov simply works", {
  output_1 <- rate_markov(
    cr_data = cr_data,
    # player2 "votes" for player1 if player1 won
    !!! h2h_funs["num_wins"],
    fill = list(num_wins = 0), stoch_modify = vote_equal,
    weights = 1, force_nonneg_h2h = FALSE
  output_1$rating_markov <- round(output_1$rating_markov, 3)

  output_ref_1 <- tibble::tibble(
    player = c("Duke", "Miami", "UNC", "UVA", "VT"),
    rating_markov = c(0.088, 0.438, 0.146, 0.109, 0.219)

  expect_equal_tbls(output_1, output_ref_1)

  output_2 <- rate_markov(
    cr_data = cr_data,
    # player2 "votes" for player1 proportionally to the amount player1 scored
    # more in direct confrontations
    !!! h2h_funs["mean_score_diff_pos"],
    fill = list(mean_score_diff_pos = 0), stoch_modify = vote_equal,
    weights = 1, force_nonneg_h2h = FALSE
  output_2$rating_markov <- round(output_2$rating_markov, 3)

  output_ref_2 <- output_ref_1
  output_ref_2$rating_markov <- c(0.088, 0.442, 0.095, 0.11, 0.265)

  expect_equal_tbls(output_2, output_ref_2)

test_that("rate_markov handles factor `player`", {
  fac_levs <- c("Duke", "Miami", "UNC", "UVA", "Extra", "VT")
  input <- cr_data
  input$player <- factor(input$player, levels = fac_levs)

  output <- rate_markov(
    cr_data = input,
    # player2 "votes" for player1 if player1 won
    !!! h2h_funs["num_wins"],
    fill = list(num_wins = 0), stoch_modify = vote_equal,
    weights = 1, force_nonneg_h2h = FALSE
  output$rating_markov <- round(output$rating_markov, 3)

  output_ref <- tibble::tibble(
    player = factor(fac_levs, levels = fac_levs),
    rating_markov = c(0.081, 0.403, 0.134, 0.101, 0.081, 0.201)

  expect_equal_tbls(output, output_ref)

test_that("rate_markov handles numeric `player`", {
  input <- cr_data
  input$player <- as.integer(factor(input$player))

  output <- rate_markov(
    cr_data = input,
    # player2 "votes" for player1 if player1 won
    !!! h2h_funs["num_wins"],
    fill = list(num_wins = 0), stoch_modify = vote_equal,
    weights = 1, force_nonneg_h2h = FALSE
  output$rating_markov <- round(output$rating_markov, 3)

  output_ref <- tibble::tibble(
    player = 1:5,
    rating_markov = c(0.088, 0.438, 0.146, 0.109, 0.219)

  expect_equal_tbls(output, output_ref)

test_that("rate_markov handles multiple Head-to-Head values", {
  output_1 <- rate_markov(
    cr_data = cr_data,
    !!! h2h_funs[c("num_wins", "mean_score_diff_pos")],
    fill = list(num_wins = 0, mean_score_diff_pos = 0),
    stoch_modify = vote_equal,
    weights = c(0.3, 0.7), force_nonneg_h2h = FALSE
  output_1$rating_markov <- round(output_1$rating_markov, 3)

  output_ref_1 <- tibble::tibble(
    player = c("Duke", "Miami", "UNC", "UVA", "VT"),
    rating_markov = c(0.088, 0.44, 0.11, 0.11, 0.252)

  expect_equal_tbls(output_1, output_ref_1)

  output_2 <- rate_markov(
    cr_data = cr_data,
    !!! h2h_funs[c("num_wins", "mean_score_diff_pos")],
    fill = list(num_wins = 0, mean_score_diff_pos = 0),
    stoch_modify = list(vote_equal, teleport(0.15)),
    weights = c(0.8, 0.2), force_nonneg_h2h = FALSE
  output_2$rating_markov <- round(output_2$rating_markov, 3)

  output_ref_2 <- tibble::tibble(
    player = c("Duke", "Miami", "UNC", "UVA", "VT"),
    rating_markov = c(0.09, 0.432, 0.139, 0.112, 0.228)

test_that("rate_markov uses argument `fill`", {
  input <- cr_data[-c(1, 2), ]
  output <- rate_markov(
    cr_data = input,
    !!! h2h_funs[c("num_wins", "mean_score_diff_pos")],
    fill = list(num_wins = 0.5, mean_score_diff_pos = 10),
    stoch_modify = list(vote_equal, teleport(0.15)),
    weights = c(0.8, 0.2), force_nonneg_h2h = FALSE
  output$rating_markov <- round(output$rating_markov, 3)

  output_ref <- tibble::tibble(
    player = c("Duke", "Miami", "UNC", "UVA", "VT"),
    rating_markov = c(0.305, 0.308, 0.103, 0.094, 0.191)

  expect_equal_tbls(output, output_ref)

test_that("rate_markov handles function and list `stoch_modify`", {
    rate_markov(cr_data, !!h2h_funs[["num"]], stoch_modify = vote_equal),
    rate_markov(cr_data, !!h2h_funs[["num"]], stoch_modify = list(vote_equal))

test_that("rate_markov does recycling", {
  h2h_fun_list <- h2h_funs[c("num_wins", "num")]
  weights <- c(1, 1)
  stoch_modify <- list(vote_equal, vote_self)

    rate_markov(cr_data = cr_data, !!!h2h_fun_list,
                stoch_modify = stoch_modify[1], weights = weights),
    rate_markov(cr_data = cr_data, !!!h2h_fun_list,
                stoch_modify = rep(stoch_modify[1], 2), weights = weights)
    rate_markov(cr_data = cr_data, !!!h2h_fun_list,
                stoch_modify = stoch_modify, weights = weights[1]),
    rate_markov(cr_data = cr_data, !!!h2h_fun_list,
                stoch_modify = stoch_modify, weights = rep(weights[1], 1))

test_that("rate_markov throws errors", {
    rate_markov(cr_data, !! h2h_funs[["num_wins"]], weights = "a"),
    rate_markov(cr_data, !! h2h_funs[["num_wins"]],
                stoch_modify = list(vote_equal, "a")),

test_that("rate_markov throws error on no Head-to-Head expression", {
  expect_error(rate_markov(cr_data), "Head-to-Head")

# rank_markov -------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("rank_markov works", {
  output <- rank_markov(
    cr_data = cr_data,
    !! h2h_funs[["num_wins"]],
    stoch_modify = vote_equal,
    weights = 1,
    force_nonneg_h2h = FALSE
  output_ref <- tibble::tibble(
    player = c("Duke", "Miami", "UNC", "UVA", "VT"),
    ranking_markov = c(5, 1, 3, 4, 2)

  expect_equal(output, output_ref)

test_that("rank_markov handles factor `player`", {
  fac_levs <- c("Duke", "Miami", "UNC", "UVA", "Extra", "VT")
  input <- cr_data
  input$player <- factor(input$player, levels = fac_levs)

  output <- rank_markov(
    cr_data = input,
    # player2 "votes" for player1 if player1 won
    !!! h2h_funs["num_wins"],
    fill = list(num_wins = 0), stoch_modify = vote_equal,
    weights = 1, force_nonneg_h2h = FALSE
  output_ref <- tibble::tibble(
    player = factor(fac_levs, levels = fac_levs),
    ranking_markov = c(5.5, 1, 3, 4, 5.5, 2)

  expect_equal_tbls(output, output_ref)

test_that("rank_markov handles numeric `player`", {
  input <- cr_data
  input$player <- as.integer(factor(input$player))

  output <- rank_markov(
    cr_data = input,
    # player2 "votes" for player1 if player1 won
    !!! h2h_funs["num_wins"],
    fill = list(num_wins = 0), stoch_modify = vote_equal,
    weights = 1, force_nonneg_h2h = FALSE

  output_ref <- tibble::tibble(
    player = 1:5,
    ranking_markov = c(5, 1, 3, 4, 2)

  expect_equal_tbls(output, output_ref)

test_that("rank_markov uses argument `fill`", {
  input <- cr_data[-c(1, 2), ]
  output <- rank_markov(
    cr_data = input,
    !!! h2h_funs[c("num_wins", "mean_score_diff_pos")],
    fill = list(num_wins = 0.5, mean_score_diff_pos = 10),
    stoch_modify = list(vote_equal, teleport(0.15)),
    weights = c(0.8, 0.2),
    force_nonneg_h2h = FALSE
  output_ref <- tibble::tibble(
    player = c("Duke", "Miami", "UNC", "UVA", "VT"),
    ranking_markov = c(2, 1, 4, 5, 3)

  expect_equal(output, output_ref)

# teleport ----------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("teleport works", {
  teleport_fun <- teleport(0.5)

  # Works correctly
  output <- teleport_fun(input_stoch)
  output_ref <- matrix(c(0.4, 0.35,
                         0.6, 0.65),
                       ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  expect_equal(teleport_fun(input_stoch), output_ref)

  # Throws errors
  expect_error(teleport_fun(input_stoch[, 1, drop = FALSE]), "square")
  expect_error(teleport_fun(input_stoch[, 1, drop = TRUE]), "matrix")

test_that("teleport normilizes columns", {
  teleport_fun_1 <- teleport(0.5)
  input <- input_stoch
  input[, 1] <- 0

  output_1 <- teleport_fun_1(input)
  output_ref_1 <- matrix(c(0.5, 0.35,
                           0.5, 0.65),
                         ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

  expect_equal(output_1, output_ref_1)

  teleport_fun_2 <- teleport(0)

  expect_equal(teleport_fun_2(input), input)

test_that("teleport throws errors", {

# vote_equal --------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("vote_equal works", {
  expect_equal(vote_equal(input_stoch), input_stoch)

  input_1 <- input_stoch
  input_1[, 1] <- 0

  output_ref_1 <- input_1
  output_ref_1[, 1] <- 0.5

  expect_equal(vote_equal(input_1), output_ref_1)

  input_2 <- input_1
  input_2[, 2] <- 0
  output_ref_2 <- output_ref_1
  output_ref_2[, 2] <- 0.5

  expect_equal(vote_equal(input_2), output_ref_2)

# vote_self ---------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("vote_self works", {
  expect_equal(vote_self(input_stoch), input_stoch)

  input_1 <- input_stoch
  input_1[, 1] <- 0

  output_ref_1 <- input_1
  output_ref_1[1, 1] <- 1

  expect_equal(vote_self(input_1), output_ref_1)

  input_2 <- input_1
  input_2[, 2] <- 0
  output_ref_2 <- output_ref_1
  output_ref_2[1, 2] <- 0
  output_ref_2[2, 2] <- 1

  expect_equal(vote_self(input_2), output_ref_2)

# to_stoch_mat ------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("to_stoch_mat works", {
  expect_equal(to_stoch_mat(2 * input_stoch), input_stoch)

  input_1 <- input_stoch
  input_1[, 1] <- 0

  expect_equal(to_stoch_mat(input_1), input_1)

test_that("to_stoch_mat replaces NA with 0", {
  input_1 <- input_stoch
  input_1[1, 1] <- NA
  output <- to_stoch_mat(input_1)
  output_ref <- matrix(c(0, 0.2,
                         1, 0.8),
                       ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

  expect_equal(output, output_ref)

# assert_square_mat -------------------------------------------------------
test_that("assert_square_mat works", {
  expect_error(assert_square_mat(input_stoch[, 1, drop = FALSE]), "square")
  expect_error(assert_square_mat(input_stoch[, 1, drop = TRUE]), "matrix")
echasnovski/comperank documentation built on Jan. 31, 2023, 7:57 a.m.