
Defines functions unset_arrow_vars arrow_env_vars noaa_stage3 noaa_stage2 noaa_stage1

Documented in noaa_stage1 noaa_stage2 noaa_stage3

#' NOAA GEFS tables
#' Access NOAA Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) forecast predictions
#' at NEON sites. The GEFS is NOAA's longest horizon forecast, extending up
#' to 30 days at present, issued at 0.5 degree spatial resolution. 
#' EFI downsamples these forecasts at the coordinates of all NEON sites and
#' provides efficient access to archives of these forecasts in a simple tabular
#' format for a subset of variables of interest. 
#' WARNING: This combined dataset contains billions of rows. Filtering
#' to a forecast issued on specific `start_date`s or other subsets before
#' `collect()`ing data into R is essential. Be patient, especially on slow
#' network connections, and handle this data with care. See examples.
#' At each site, 31 ensemble member forecasts are provided
#' at 3 hr intervals for the first 10 days, and 6 hr intervals for up to 30 days
#' (840 hr) horizon. Forecasts include the following variables:
#' - TMP - temperature (K)
#' - RH - Relative humidity (%)
#' - PRES - Atmospheric pressure (Pa)
#' - UGRD - U-component of wind speed (m/s)
#' - VGRD - V-component of wind speed (m/s)
#' - APCP - Total precipitation in interval (kg/m^2)
#' - DSWRF - Downward shortwave radiation flux in interval
#' - DLWRF - Downward longwave radiation flux in interval
#' GEFS forecasts are issued four times a day, as indicated by the `start_date`
#' and `cycle`. Only forecasts at midnight, `cycle = "00"` extend for the full
#' 840 hour horizon. Other cycles 06, 12, 18 are provided only 6hrs ahead,
#' as mostly being of interest for short-term forecasts. (Though users should
#' note that other NOAA products provide more much accurate and higher
#' resolution short term forecasts than GEFS.)
#' All variables are given at height 2m above ground, as indicated in height.
#' See https://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/products/gens/ for more details on 
#' GEFS variables and intervals.
#' @references https://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/products/gens/
#' @param cycle Hour at which forecast was made, as character string 
#' (`"00"`, `"06"`, `"12"` or `"18"`). Only `"00"` (default) has 30 days horizon.
#' @param version GEFS forecast version. Prior versions correspond to forecasts
#' issued before 2020-09-25 which have different ensemble number and horizon,
#' among other changes, and are not made available here. Leave as default.
#' @param endpoint the EFI host address (leave as default)
#' @param verbose logical, displays or hides messages
#' @param start_date forecast start date yyyy-mm-dd format
#' @export
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' weather <- noaa_stage1()
#' # 5.7M rows of data:
#' weather |> 
#'   dplyr::filter(start_date == "2022-04-01") |>
#'   dplyr::collect()
noaa_stage1 <- function(cycle = 0,
                        version = "v12",
                        endpoint = "data.ecoforecast.org",
                        verbose = TRUE,
                        start_date = "") {

  vars <- arrow_env_vars()

  bucket <- paste0("bio230014-bucket01/neon4cast-drivers/noaa/gefs-v12/stage1/reference_datetime=",start_date)

   endpoint_override <- "https://sdsc.osn.xsede.org"
   s3 <- arrow::s3_bucket(paste0(bucket),
                         endpoint_override = endpoint_override,
                         anonymous = TRUE)

  site_df <- arrow::open_dataset(s3)


#' NOAA GEFS forecasts with EFI stage 2 processing
#' Stage2 processing involves the following transforms of the data:
#' - Fluxes are standardized to per second rates
#' - Variables are renamed to match CF conventions 
#' - Fluxes and states are interpolated to 1 hour intervals
#' @inheritParams noaa_stage1
#' @export
noaa_stage2 <- function(cycle = 0,
                        version = "v12",
                        endpoint = NA,
                        verbose = TRUE,
                        start_date = "") {

  vars <- arrow_env_vars()

  bucket <- paste0("bio230014-bucket01/neon4cast-drivers/noaa/gefs-v12/stage2/reference_datetime=",start_date)

  endpoint_override <- "https://sdsc.osn.xsede.org"
  s3 <- arrow::s3_bucket(paste0(bucket),
                         endpoint_override = endpoint_override,
                         anonymous = TRUE)

  site_df <- arrow::open_dataset(s3) |> 
    dplyr::mutate(reference_datetime = lubridate::as_datetime(start_date))



#' NOAA GEFS forecasts with EFI stage 3 processing
#' Stage 3 processing presents a 'nowcast' product by combining the most
#' recent predictions from each available cycle. Product uses CF variable
#' names and 1 hr interval
#' @param cycle Hour at which forecast was made, as character string 
#' (`"00"`, `"06"`, `"12"` or `"18"`). Only `"00"` (default) has 30 days horizon.
#' @param version GEFS forecast version. Prior versions correspond to forecasts
#' issued before 2020-09-25 which have different ensemble number and horizon,
#' among other changes, and are not made available here. Leave as default.
#' @param endpoint the EFI host address (leave as default)
#' @param verbose logical, displays or hides messages
#' @export
noaa_stage3 <- function(version = "v12",
                        endpoint = "data.ecoforecast.org",
                        verbose = TRUE) {

vars <- arrow_env_vars()

  bucket <- "bio230014-bucket01/neon4cast-drivers/noaa/gefs-v12/stage3"

  endpoint_override <- "https://sdsc.osn.xsede.org"
  s3 <- arrow::s3_bucket(bucket,
                         endpoint_override = endpoint_override,
                         anonymous = TRUE)

  site_df <- arrow::open_dataset(s3)


arrow_env_vars <- function(){
  user_region <- Sys.getenv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION")
  user_meta <- Sys.getenv("AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED")

  list(user_region=user_region, user_meta = user_meta)

unset_arrow_vars <- function(vars) {
  Sys.setenv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION" = vars$user_region)
  if (vars$user_meta != "") {
    Sys.setenv(AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED = vars$user_meta)
eco4cast/neon4cast documentation built on May 31, 2024, 9:07 a.m.