
Metadata Management README:

The EIDITH R package automatically updates PREDICT-2 metadata via a googlesheets query whenever an ed2_metadata() call is made. This occurs when downloading tables, when tables are validated through a status check, and when a user explicitly uses ed2_metadata() to return a dataframe of PREDICT-2 metadata.

If an internet connection is not available, then the ed2_metadata() call will return the metadata file stored in the package. Depending on how long it has been since the master branch metadata file has been updated, this file may be significantly out of date.

The ed2_metadata google spreadsheet is available at and requires an EHA email login to access.

If a new field is added to a PREDICT-2 table, it needs to be added to the spreadsheet or else it will not be recognized on EIDITH database download and will be dropped. This is as easy as finding the appropriate table (eg. "Events" or "HumanSickPerson") and adding a new row with the new field information. To keep things neat, it makes sense to keep the metadata spreadsheet grouped by table; however, the actual location of a row doesn't matter.

Once a change is made, the spreadsheet will automatically save and generate a csv file which gets pulled from the ed2_metadata() call. There is no need to do anything but edit the google spreadsheet in order to change existing metadata or add a new metadata field. Below are descriptions of each column in the metadata spreadsheet:

Spreadsheet Column Descriptions:

The table column in the spreadsheet requires all lower-case letters with a trailing "_2" to indicate that it is a PREDICT 2 table.

The endpoint2 column must be one of the p2 endpoints (a list of these endpoints can be found with a call of the eidith::p2_api_endpoints() function).

The order column is used to order columns for the user, and isn't necessary unless there is a reason why a new

The original_name column reflects the exact case-sensitive and space-sensitive name of each column as it appears when downloaded raw from the EIDITH API. Sometimes there are misspellings, added spaces, or unusual names, so it's good to be careful here.

The auto_processed_name column is just the lower_snake_case version of the original_name column. The value in this column will get used as the field name, unless there is an entry in the replacement_name column.

The replacement_name column is used to override an auto_processed_name as the name given to a field in case the auto_processed_name is misspelled or misleading. The vast majority of replacement_name rows are blank, because the auto_processed_name is just fine. In general, we try to mostly stick with the auto_processed_name to ease communication, since users may be used to these names from the website or other sources. It makes sense to change field names when there are spelling errors, they are truly misleading, or if they are identical to field names from other tables that might be joined together. In the first two cases, it is good to let the IM team at Metabiota know that there is a misspelling or a very confusing name.

The description field is for the metadata description of the field. Please use the actual wording of a question asked, or the description of a field from another form of documentation. It is better practice to leave the description blank or put a ?? to indicate that the exact definition of the field isn't known to the R package team than to make something up which might confuse or mislead users.

The processing_notes column is used for notes in processing, and in many cases mentions if the field is semi-colon separated or is a categorical variable with a certain number of categories.

The question column is specifically for questionnaire data and identifies exactly which question this field refers to, e.g. (Q8 or Q17).

ecohealthalliance/eidith documentation built on Aug. 30, 2022, 7:45 a.m.