
Defines functions create.geotop.inpts.keyword

Documented in create.geotop.inpts.keyword

# TODO: Add comment
# Author: ecor
#### color.bar
#' Creates an 'geotop.inpts'  files the keyword and their values of a date.frame like the one returned by \code{\link{declared.geotop.inpts.keywords}}
#' @param df data frame returend by \code{\link{declared.geotop.inpts.keywords}}
#' @param file connetion or file name where to write 'df'
#' @param wpath complere path to \code{file} (optional). Default is \code{NULL}. 
#' @param comment.lines string or vector of strings to add as comments for each keyword. If it is \code{NULL} the comment lines are omitted. 
#' @param header string or vector of strings to add as a header. If it is \code{NULL} the header is omitted. 
#' @param ... further arguments for \code{\link{writeLines}}
### @details The arguments \code{comment.lines} and \code{header} are set equal to \code{"default"} if not indicated (see the function usage). 
### In this case they will be replaced by the character string: \n
### \n
### \code{paste("!",c(""," insert optional comment for the keyword below",""),sep="")} for  \code{comment.lines} 
### and 
### c("",paste("!",file,"automatically generated by create.geotop.inpts.keyword (\'geotobricks\' CRAN R Paackage)"),"","")
### for \code{header}
#' @details In case \code{comment.lines} and \code{header} are set equal to \code{"default"}, 
#' they are suitably modified within the function code. 
#' See the example output.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' library(geotopbricks)
#' \dontrun{
#' #Simulation working path
#' wpath <- 
#' 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ecor/geotopbricks_doc/master/simulations/panola13_run2xC_test3'
#' ## URL path (RAW VERSION) of 
#' ## https://github.com/ecor/geotopbricks_doc/tree/master/simulations/panola13_run2xC_test3
#' df <- declared.geotop.inpts.keywords(wpath=wpath)
#' create.geotop.inpts.keyword(df=df)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{writeLines}},\code{\link{declared.geotop.inpts.keywords}}

create.geotop.inpts.keyword <- function(df,file='geotop.inpts.copy',wpath=NULL,
		header="default",...) {

	if (comment.lines=="default") comment.lines <- paste("!",c(""," insert optional comment for the keyword below",""),sep="")
	if (header=="default") heeader <- c("",paste("!",file,"automatically generated by create.geotop.inpts.keyword (\'geotobricks\' CRAN R Paackage)"),"","")
	condition_wpath <- (!is.null(wpath) & !is.na(wpath) & wpath!=FALSE)
	if (length(condition_wpath)==0)  condition_wpath=FALSE
	if (condition_wpath)  file <- paste(wpath,file,sep="/")
	df <- df[df$Keyword!="",]
	lines <- paste(df$Keyword,"=",df$Value)
	if (!is.null(comment.lines)) {
		NLINES <- (length(comment.lines)+1)*length(lines)
		lines_temp <- lines 
		lines <- rep(c(comment.lines,"KEYWORD"),length(lines_temp))
		lines[lines=="KEYWORD"] <- lines_temp
	if (!is.null(header)) lines <- c(header,lines)
ecor/geotopbricks documentation built on Aug. 16, 2024, 3:28 a.m.