
if (Sys.getenv("Run_RPushbullet_Tests")=="yes") {
    ## These simple tests rely on the existence of a config file with key and device info
    ## Otherwise we would have to hardcode a key and/or device id, and that is not something
    ## one should store in a code repository.
    ## I put a request in to the authors of Pushbullet to provide a "test id" key, and they
    ## are sympathetetic but do not have one implemented yet, and only suggested a woraround
    # of a 'throwaway' GMail id which I find unappealing.


    ## As there is a file, check the package global environment 'pb' we create on startup

    ## As well as the options we create then too

    ## Check the internal helper functions

    ## Show the list of devices registered to the key

    ## Test destinations
    devices <- unlist(RPushbullet:::.getNames())
    email <- RPushbullet:::.getTestEmail()  ## or res$receiver_email?!?
    channel <- RPushbullet:::.getTestChannel()

    hasEmail <- (length(email) > 0L)
    hasDevices <- (length(devices) > 0L)
    hasChannel <- (length(channel) > 0L)

    ## Function to add incremental counts to titles
    count <- local({
        counter <- 0L
        function(msg=NULL) {
            if (identical(msg, FALSE)) return(counter)
            counter <<- counter + 1L
            if (identical(msg, TRUE)) return(counter)
            sprintf("%02d. %s", counter, msg)

    ## Function to create incremental counted dummy files
    testfile <- function(count=1L) {
        filename <- sprintf("test_file_for_post_%02d.txt", count)
        pathname <- file.path(tempdir(), filename)
        cat(filename, file=pathname)

    ## Post a note item
    title <- "A Simple Test"
    body <- "We think this should work.\nWe really do."
    res <- fromJSON(pbPost("note", count(title), body, debug=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)[[1]])

    ## storing this test result to allow us to use active user's email for testing below.

    ## Post a URL -- should open browser
    str(fromJSON(pbPost(type="link", title=count("Some title"), body="Some URL to click on",

    #### Posting Files with different arguments ####

    ## Post a file with no recipients
    file <- testfile(count(TRUE))
    str(fromJSON(pbPost(type="file", url=file)[[1]]))

    if (hasDevices) {

        ## Post a file with numeric recipient
        file <- testfile(count(TRUE))
        str(fromJSON(pbPost(type="file", url=file, recipients = 1)[[1]]))

        ## Post a file with device name of recipient specified
        file <- testfile(count(TRUE))
        str(fromJSON(pbPost(type="file", url=file, recipients = devices)[[1]]))

        ## Post a file with an email recipient specified:
        file <- testfile(count(TRUE))
        str(fromJSON(pbPost(type="file", url=file,
                           email = res$receiver_email)[[1]]))

        ## Post file with both email and numeric recipient specified:
        file <- testfile(count(TRUE))
        str(fromJSON(pbPost(type="file", url=file,
                           recipients = devices[1],
                           email = res$receiver_email)[[1]]))
    } # end of if (hasDevices)

    if (Sys.getenv("Run_RPushbullet_Tests_All")=="yes" &&
        hasChannel && hasDevices && hasEmail) {
        ## Test hierarchy of arguments with channel specified:
        ## 1) All three should send to recipients.
        ## 2) Email and channel should send to email.
        ## 3) Recipients and channel should send to recipients
        ## 4) Only channel should send to channel.

        ## Post a note with recipients, email and channel specified.
        result <- fromJSON(pbPost(type="note", title=count(title), body=body,
                                  recipients = devices[1],
                                  email = email,
                                  channel = channel)[[1]])
        if (is.null(result$target_device_iden)) {
            warning("Test failed on note with recipient/email/channel.")

        ## Post a note with email and channel specified.
        result <- fromJSON(pbPost(type="note", title=count(title), body=body,
                                  email = email,
                                  channel = channel)[[1]])
        if (is.null(result$receiver_email)) {
            warning("Test Failed on note with email/channel.")

        ## Post a note with recipients and device and channel specified.
        result <- fromJSON(pbPost(type="note", title=count(title), body=body,
                                  recipients = devices[1],
                                  channel = channel)[[1]])
        if (is.null(result$target_device_iden)) {
            warning("Test Failed on note with recipient/channel.")

        ## Post a note with only the channel specified.
        str(fromJSON(pbPost(type="note", title=count(title), body=body,
                            channel = channel,
        ## Returns empty list, but posts successfully.
        ## API seems to return empty JSON. (tested curl command)

    } # if ('runAll' && hasChannel && hasDevices && hasEmail)

    if (Sys.getenv("Run_RPushbullet_Tests_All")=="yes") {
        ## real channel bad token
        if (hasChannel) {
            err <- try(pbPost(type="note", title=count(title), body=body,
                              channel = channel, apikey = "0123456789",
            if (inherits(err, "try-error")) warning("Expected failure on fake apikey.")
            if (!(grepl("401:",err[1]))) warning("Test Failed. Expected error code 401")

        ## fake channel
        err <- try(pbPost(type="note", title=count(title), body=body,
                          channel = "0123456789-9876543210-{}",
        if (inherits(err, "try-error")) warning("Expected failure on non-existing channel")
        if (!(grepl("400:",err[1]))) warning("Test Failed. Expected error code 400")

    ## basic device info
    devs <- pbGetDevices()

    ## basic channel info
    res <- pbGetChannelInfo("xkcd", TRUE)

    ## basic user info
    usr <- pbGetUser()

    ## basic validity
    RPushbullet:::.isValidDevice(devs$devices[1, "iden"], RPushbullet:::.getKey())

    jsonfile <- tempfile(pattern="pb", fileext=".json")
    pbSetup(RPushbullet:::.getKey(), jsonfile, 0)

    ## Post closing note
    title <- count(sprintf("Test of RPushbullet %s completed", packageVersion("RPushbullet")))
    body <- sprintf("In total %d posts were made including this one", count(FALSE))
    res <- fromJSON(pbPost("note", title, body)[[1]])

    ## Return code checking -- from an earlier draft of #64 but without imposing new depends
    ## Full credit to Thomas Shafer for the test logic.
    ## No credit though for insisting on a unit test framework.

    ## Tests for init.checkReturnCode
    fakeRes <- function(status_code = 200, message = "") {
        res <- list(
            status_code = status_code,
            content = charToRaw(message)
    .checkReturnCode <- RPushbullet:::.checkReturnCode

    ## .checkReturnCode does not warn and returns null for 200 response"
    res <- fakeRes()
    actual <- suppressWarnings(.checkReturnCode(res))

    ## .checkReturnCode warns and returns null for 400 response"
    res <- fakeRes(status_code = 400)
    actual <- suppressWarnings(.checkReturnCode(res), "Bad Request - Usually")

    ## .checkReturnCode warns and returns null for 400 response with content"
    res <- fakeRes(status_code = 400, message = "test content")
    actual <- suppressWarnings(.checkReturnCode(res), "test content")

eddelbuettel/rpushbullet documentation built on Dec. 4, 2022, 2:33 a.m.