
#' Random generation of consecutive subspaces
#' Random generation of partly overlapping consecutive subspaces with a minimum
#' number of dimensions \code{mindim} 
#' and a maximum number of dimensions \code{maxdim} from a total number of
#' dimensions \code{dim}. 
#' @param dim Total number of dimensions from which to generate the subspaces.
#' @param mindim Minimum number of dimensions for a subspace.
#' @param maxdim Maximum number of dimensions for a subspace.
#' @param allowOverlap States whether overlap between subspaces are allowed 
#'        (might be a bit more complex if TRUE). Note that full overlap and
#'        subset relation are never allowed.
#' @return A list of partly overlapping subspaces spanning over the \code{dim}
#'         dimensions 
#' @details
#' Generate at most \code{round((dim*0.75)/length(mindim:maxdim)/x)} subspaces
#' of each size \code{x}.
#' For example, for \code{generate.subspaces(dim=100, maxdim=5, mindim=2)}: 
#' * at most 4 5-dim subspaces 
#' * at most 5 4-dim subspaces
#' * at most 6 3-dim subspaces
#' * at most 10 2-dim subspaces
#' This is done so to make sure that roughly a least 25% of the dimensions are
#' unaffected. This also make sure the dimensions are not dominated by
#' high-dimensional subspaces.
#' TODO: Can this be improved?
#' @examples
#' subspaces <- generate.subspaces(dim=100, maxdim=5, mindim=2)
#' @author Edouard Fouché, \email{edouard.fouche@kit.edu}
#' @md
#' @export
generate.subspaces <- function(dim=20, mindim=2, maxdim=4, allowOverlap=FALSE) {
  sanitycheck.config(dim=dim, mindim=mindim, maxdim=maxdim)

  for(x in maxdim:mindim) {
    n <- (dim*0.75)/length(mindim:maxdim)/x
    if(n < 1) {
      maxdim <- maxdim - 1
  if(maxdim < mindim) {
    stop("The minimal number of dimensions is too large for this total number
         of dimensions.")

  subspaces <- list()
  for(x in maxdim:mindim) {
    n <- round((dim*0.75)/length(mindim:maxdim)/x)
    if(n != 0) {
      for(y in 1:n) {
        possiblestart <- 1:(dim-x)
        for(i in 1:length(possiblestart)) {
          start <- sample(possiblestart,1)
          candidate <- start:(start+x-1)
          if(allowOverlap) {
            # check that the candidate is not a subspace of an existing
            # contrasted subspace
                           function(x) setequal(intersect(x, candidate),
                                                candidate) |
                           setequal(intersect(x, candidate),x)))) {
              #print(paste("candidate:", paste(candidate, collapse= ',')))
              subspaces <- c(subspaces, list(candidate))
          } else {
                           function(x) length(intersect(x, candidate)) > 0))) {
              #print(paste("candidate:", paste(candidate, collapse= ',')))
              subspaces <- c(subspaces, list(candidate))
          possiblestart <- possiblestart[possiblestart != start]

#' Replace a set of subspaces
#' Resample compatible subspaces to replace a set of subspaces.
#' The new subspaces should not include or be included in another subspace from
#' the original set. 
#' @param dim Total number of dimensions from which to generate the subspaces.
#' @param subspaces A list of generated subspaces.
#' @param indexes Positions of the subspaces to replace.
#' @param allowOverlap States whether overlap between subspaces are allowed
#'        (might be a bit more complex if TRUE). Note that full overlap and
#'        subset relation are never allowed.
#' @return The original set of subspaces, where the places at \code{indexes}
#'         were modified
#' @examples 
#' subspaces <- list(c(1,2,3), c(3,4,5), c(7,8), c(11,12), c(15,16))
#' subspaces <- replace.subspaces(20, subspaces, indexes=c(2,4))
#' @author Edouard Fouché, \email{edouard.fouche@kit.edu}
#' @md
#' @export
replace.subspaces <- function(dim, subspaces, indexes, allowOverlap=FALSE) {
  # TODO: What about overlappings? I am not sure if I cannot refrain from
  # overlapping there, might be difficult to change subspaces otherwise
  # no sanity check, assumed to be done already 
  indexes <- indexes[sample(1:length(indexes), replace=FALSE)] # shuffle it
  for(index in indexes) {
    x <- length(subspaces[[index]])
    possiblestart <- 1:(dim-x)
    possiblestart <- possiblestart[sample(1:length(possiblestart),
                                          replace=FALSE)] # shuffle it
    for(start in possiblestart) {
      candidate <- start:(start+x-1)
      if(allowOverlap) {
        # check that the candidate is not a subspace of an existing contrasted
        # subspace
                       function(x) setequal(intersect(x, candidate),candidate) |
                         setequal(intersect(x, candidate),x)))) {
          #print(paste("candidate:", paste(candidate, collapse= ',')))
          subspaces[[index]] <- candidate
      } else {
        # Still allow overlap with the replaced subspace, but not the others 
                       function(x) length(intersect(x, candidate)) > 0))) {
          #print(paste("candidate:", paste(candidate, collapse= ',')))
          subspaces[[index]] <- candidate
      possiblestart <- possiblestart[possiblestart != start]

#' Generate margins
#' Sample valid margins for a list of subspaces (not used anymore)
#' @param subspaces A list of generated subspaces.
#' @param values A vector of valid values for subspace margins.
#' @return A vector containing margins values for each subspaces
#' @examples
#' generate.margins(list(c(1,2,3), c(4,5), c(5,6)),
#'                       values=c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.8,0.7,0.9))
#' @author Edouard Fouché, \email{edouard.fouche@kit.edu}
#' @md
#' @export
generate.margins <- function(subspaces,
                             values=c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.8,0.7,0.9)) {
  sanitycheck.config(values=values)  # assume subspaces are already OK. 
  # Generate  margins for a list of subspaces. 
  sample(values, length(subspaces), replace=TRUE)

#' Generate a list of margins
#' Generate iteratively a list of margins for the same set of subspaces with a
#' particular volatility (not used currently)
#' @param subspaces A list of generated subspaces.
#' @param nstep Number of steps for which we generate new margin values.
#' @param volatility Percentage of subspaces to replace at each step.
#' @param values A vector of valid values for subspace margins.
#' @return A list containing lists of margins for each step 
#' @examples
#' generate.marginslist(list(c(1,2,3), c(4,5), c(5,6), c(7,8)), nstep=3,
#'                           volatility=0.5)
#' @author Edouard Fouché, \email{edouard.fouche@kit.edu}
#' @md
#' @export
generate.marginslist <- function(subspaces, nstep=10, volatility=0.1,
                                 values=c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.8,0.7,0.9)) {
  # Generate a marginslist for the same subspace list. Replace
  # length(subspaces) * volatility margins at each step 
  sanitycheck.config(subspaces=subspaces, nstep=nstep, volatility=volatility,
  marginslist = list()
  for(n in 1:nstep) {
    ifelse(n==1, margins <- rep(1, length(subspaces)),
           margins <- marginslist[[n - 1]])
    tochange <- sample(1:length(subspaces), 
                       max(1, as.integer(length(subspaces) * volatility)))
    newval <- sapply(margins[tochange],
                     function(x) sample(values[values != x], 1))
    margins[tochange] <- newval 
    marginslist[[n]] <- margins

#' Generate iteratively a list of subspaces and margins (dynamic)
#' Generate iteratively a list of subspaces and margins based on the initial set
#' of subspaces with a particular volatility
#' @param dim Total number of dimensions from which to generate the subspaces.
#' @param subspaces A list of generated subspaces.
#' @param nstep Number of steps for which we generate new subspaces and margin
#'        values.
#' @param volatility Percentage of subspaces to replace at each step.
#' @param values A vector of valid values for subspace margins.
#' @param cycle If > 0 the dynamic contains a cycle of this size. 
#' @param allowOverlap States whether overlap between subspaces are allowed
#'        (might be a bit more complex if TRUE). Note that full overlap and
#'        subset relation are never allowed.
#' @return A list with two elements:
#' - \code{marginlist} A list containing lists of margins for each steps
#' - \code{subspacelist} A list containing lists of subspaces for each steps
#' @details
#' For each step produce a new set of (possibly overlapping) subspaces where
#' length(subspaces)*volatility subspaces were changed and assigned a margin
#' taken from values 
#' @examples
#' subspaces <- list(c(1,2,3), c(3,4), c(5,6,7,8), c(7,8,9))
#' meta <- generate.dynamic(dim=20, subspaces=subspaces, nstep=3,
#'                          volatility=0.5)
#' meta_cycle <- generate.dynamic(dim=20, subspaces=subspaces, nstep=10,
#'                                volatility=0.5, cycle=3)
#' @author Edouard Fouché, \email{edouard.fouche@kit.edu}
#' @md
#' @export
generate.dynamic <- function(dim, subspaces, nstep=10, volatility=0.1,
                             values=c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.8,0.7,0.9), cycle=0,
                             allowOverlap=FALSE) {
  sanitycheck.config(dim=dim, subspaces=subspaces, nstep=nstep,
                     volatility=volatility, values=values, cycle=cycle)

  if(cycle==0) {
    marginslist <- list(as.list(sample(values, length(subspaces),
    subspaceslist <- list(subspaces)
    for(n in 1:(nstep - 1)) {
      indexes <- sample(1:length(subspaceslist[[n]]),
                        max(c(floor(length(subspaceslist[[n]])) *
                              volatility, 1)))
      nextsubspaces <- replace.subspaces(dim, subspaceslist[[n]], indexes,
      nextmargins <- marginslist[[n]]
      nextmargins[indexes] <- sample(values, length(indexes), replace=TRUE)
      subspaceslist[[n+1]] <- nextsubspaces 
      marginslist[[n+1]] <- nextmargins
    res <- list("marginslist" = marginslist, "subspaceslist" = subspaceslist)
  } else {
    cycle <- generate.dynamic(dim=dim, subspaces=subspaces, nstep=cycle,
                              volatility=volatility, values=values)
    # close the marginslist_cycle
    marginslist_cycle <- c(cycle$marginslist,
                      rev(cycle$marginslist[2:(length(cycle$marginslist) - 1)]))
    # close the subspaceslist_cycle
    subspaceslist_cycle <- c(cycle$subspaceslist,
                  rev(cycle$subspaceslist[2:(length(cycle$subspaceslist) - 1)]))

    res <- list("marginslist" = rep(marginslist_cycle, ceiling(nstep /
                "subspaceslist" = rep(subspaceslist_cycle, ceiling(nstep / 

#' Valid stream configuration
#' Generate a valid stream configuration.
#' @param dim Number of dimensions in the stream.
#' @param mindim Minimum number of dimensions for each subspaces. Should be
#'        >= 2.
#' @param maxdim Maximum number of dimensions for each subspaces. Should be
#'        >= mindim and <= dim/2.
#' @param values A vector of valid values for subspace margins.
#' @param nstep Number of steps for which we generate new subspaces and margin
#'        values.
#' @param dependency Type of dependencies available in the stream, currently
#'        either "Wall" or "Square" or "Donut" (in the future: "Mixed")
#' @param decretize whether the output should be discrete or not. 0 means it is
#'        real. Any other number of discrete possible values. (10 is the
#'        minumum)
#' @param cycle Number of iterations to use to create a cyclic streams. If 0,
#'        then the stream has no cycle.
#' @param volatility Proportion of subspaces to change at any step. Should be
#'        > 0 and <= 1. 1 means that all subspaces and margins at changed a each
#'        step.
#' @param allowOverlap States whether overlap between subspaces are allowed.
#'        (might be a bit more complex if TRUE.). Note that full overlap and
#'        subset relation are never allowed.
#' @return A stream.config object to be passed to a generate.dynamic.stream or
#'         generate.static.stream method.
#' @examples
#' stream.config <- generate.stream.config(dim=50, nstep=10, volatility=0.5)
#' @author Edouard Fouché, \email{edouard.fouche@kit.edu}
#' @seealso
#' * \code{\link{generate.dynamic.stream}} : generate a dynamic stream
#' * \code{\link{generate.static.stream}}  : generate a static stream 
#' @md
#' @export
generate.stream.config <- function(dim=20, mindim=2, maxdim=4,
                                  nstep=10, dependency="Wall", discretize=0,
                                  cycle=0, volatility=0.1, allowOverlap=FALSE) {
  sanitycheck.config(dim=dim, mindim=mindim, maxdim=maxdim, values=values,
                     nstep=nstep, cycle=cycle, volatility=volatility)

  res <- list("dim"=dim, "mindim"=mindim, "maxdim"=maxdim, "values"=values,
              "nstep"=nstep, "cycle"=cycle, "volatility"=volatility)
  if(nstep > 1) {  # nstep == 1 means we generate a static stream 
    subspaces <- generate.subspaces(dim, mindim, maxdim, allowOverlap)
    meta <- generate.dynamic(dim=dim, subspaces=subspaces, nstep=nstep,
                             volatility=volatility, values=values, cycle=cycle)
    subspaceslist <- meta$subspaceslist
    marginslist <- meta$marginslist
    res <- c(res, list("subspaceslist"=subspaceslist,
  } else {
    subspaces <- generate.subspaces(dim, mindim, maxdim, allowOverlap)
    margins <- generate.margins(subspaces, values=values)
    res <- c(res, list("subspaces"=subspaces, "margins"=margins))

  # We don't support mixed dependencies yet, so we don't need a list
  res <-  c(res, list("dependency"=dependency))   
  # We don't support mixed discretization yet, so we don't need a list 
  res <-  c(res, list("discretize"=discretize)) 
  attr(res, "class") <- "stream.config"
edouardfouche/R-streamgenerator documentation built on May 15, 2019, 11:02 p.m.