#' Check design options
#' The function checks the list of design options specified by the user and
#' sets sensible defaults where no option is specified. The function is meant
#' for internal use only and is not exported to be used by the users. All
#' options can be overridden by the the user by appropriately specifying
#' \code{design_opt_input}.
#' Below is a list defining each of the options available to be specified in
#' \code{design_opt_input}.
#' \describe{
#' \item{rules}{Number of rules (i.e. rows)}
#' \item{actions}{Number of actions (i.e. columns)}
#' \item{min}{Minimum number of actions available for the considered rule}
#' \item{max}{Maximum number of actions available for the considered rule}
#' \item{min_fit}{Minimum number of rules fitting each permitted action
#' conditional on the rule}
#' \item{obligatory}{Number of rules with obligatory actions}
#' \item{sd_entropy}{Specifies the standard deviation of the entropy values}
#' \item{designs}{Number of designs to generate}
#' \item{max_iter}{Maximum number of iterations before stopping search for
#' designs}
#' \item{seed}{A seed for the random number generator. Useful for
#' replicability}
#' }
#' @inheritParams generate_designs
#' @return Returns a list of design options with the missing from input replaced
#' by default values
check_design_opt <- function(design_opt_input) {
design_opt <- list(rules = NULL,
actions = NULL,
min = NA,
max = NA,
min_fit = 0,
obligatory = 0,
sd_entropy = NA,
designs = 1,
max_iter = 1e5,
seed = NA)
# Fill in the user input
design_opt[names(design_opt_input)] <- design_opt_input
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