Tools for Ecological Time Series (Tools4ETS)

Project Status: Inactive – The project has reached a stable, usable state but is no longer being actively developed; support/maintenance will be provided as time allows.

Tools4ETS is an R package which provides tools for ecological time series. This includes data exploration, time series processing, the computation of simple statistics from time series or models of time series and simulations to guide model-based ecological inference. Tools4ETS was motivated by analyses of new, high-resolution depth time series for a Critically Endangered elasmobranch.


You can install the development version of Tools4ETS from GitHub as shown below:

devtools::install_github("edwardlavender/Tools4ETS", dependencies = TRUE, build_vignette = TRUE)

To access the vignettes, use vignette("Tools4ETS", package = "Tools4ETS") for a general introduction to the package and vignette("GAMS4DTS", package = "Tools4ETS") for a specific introduction to the GAMS4DTS() function (see below).

Data visualisation

The R package prettyGraphics was designed to complement Tools4ETS via the provision of tools for rapid time series visualisation in relation to covariates, across factor levels (e.g. individuals) and timescales with prettyGraphics::pretty_ts() and an interactive R Shiny application (prettyGraphics::vis_ts()).

Data processing

Tools4ETS streamlines common data processing operations for ecological time series. These include:

Tools4ETS includes additional functions designed specifically for processing depth time series, including the identification and description of recapture events (suggest_recapture() and define_recapture()) and the definition common covariates (e.g. via define_photoperiod()).

Simple statistics

A few functions facilitate the computation of simple statistics from time series or models. These include:


Tools4ETS advocates simulation-informed model-based inference; i.e, the use of simulations to explore the consequences of data structure, processing and modelling decisions for model performance and ecological inferences.

This includes functions for simulating de novo time series with known properties; namely:

A interactive application designed specifically to explore the use of GAMs as a tool for modelling depth time series (GAMS4DTS()) via the comparison of simulated datasets and model inferences under different conditions is included as well.

Tools4ETS also includes functions which facilitate posterior simulation from generalised additive models (GAMs), a widely used modelling approach in ecology; namely:

Interactive applications

Tools4ETS includes an interactive Shiny-Dashboard application for the simulation and modelling of depth time series using GAMs (GAMS4DTS()).


Tools4ETS is a new package at an early stage of evolution. Package development has been particularly motivated by high-resolution movement time series collected from a Critically Endangered elasmobranch. Please report issues, comments or suggestions!

edwardlavender/Tools4ETS documentation built on Nov. 29, 2022, 7:41 a.m.