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A repository of the functions and datasets I use. Many of the Applied Econ function code was inspired from Professor Roger Keener at Illinois (found here while the methodologies are attributable to my classes with Professor Robert Kaufmann at Boston University.
Evan Friedland Maintainer: Evan Friedland <>
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## load package ##
#update.packages(checkBuilt = TRUE)
## load data ##
data(Asymmetry) # dataset
data(MacKinnon) # needed for computing pvalue of the Augmented Dickey-Fuller statistic (adf)
# package also includes data(NhemShem)
## turn data into time series class ##
dat.ts <- ts(Asymmetry[,-1], start = c(2003,6), frequency = 12)
## choose max lag with ad hoc method ##
## determine if variable stationary or nonstationary, where k is maxlag ##
args(UnitRoot) # default
UnitRoot(variable = dat.ts[,"Pcrude"], k = 5, trend = F)
## do the above process quickly across all variables in the dataset with the UnitRootApply() function ##
UnitRootApply(dat.ts, k = 5, trend = F) # drift = T and cointvariables = 1 is the default
## We can decompose the Pcrude value into its vectors of its
## maximum values, cumulative upward movements, and cumulative
## downward movements with the gatelyPriceAsymm() function ##
str(gatelyPriceAsymm(dat.ts[,"Pcrude"])) # output is a list class
## putting all the data in the same table despite not having the same start and end dates ##
newdat.ts.list <- c(as.list(dat.ts), gatelyPriceAsymm(dat.ts[,"Pcrude"]) )
newdat.ts <-, newdat.ts.list) # will keep NA
#,newdat.ts.list) ## would not keep NA row, don't worry about this
## double check unit roots now that we have new variables ##
UnitRootApply(newdat.ts, k = 5, trend = F)
## Test for cointegration ##
# We do a simple regression for the residual where we use the decomposed prices of crude instead
mu <- residuals(dynlm(Pgasoline ~ Pmax + Prec + Pcut, data = newdat.ts)) # notices uses dynlm() to keep residuals in ts format, not lm()
UnitRoot(mu, k=5, trend = F, cointvariables = 4)$reason
# the residual is stationary, there is cointegration
# Use the buildDOLS function which does a number of steps
DOLS.list <- buildDOLS(Pgasoline ~ Pmax + Prec + Pcut, data = newdat.ts)
DOLS.list$data.names # returns the column names of the dataset you put in
DOLS.list$call # returns the dynlm formula used to make the DOLS
DOLS.list$selection # returns a table showing the lags/leads and the SBC, fixed observations, for choosing the number of lags/leads to use
DOLS.list$leadslags # returns the # of lags/leads identified for the model with the smallest SBC
fit <- DOLS.list$model # returns the final model, where you can also find the dates used
DOLS.list$robusterrors # returns the robust errors using Newey West
# Vector Error Correction Model is as follows
buildVECM(Pgasoline ~ Pmax + Prec + Pcut, newdat.ts,
stationary.vars = ~ Utilization + Stocks) # add the stationary variables like so
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