
Defines functions .weightedMuKappa .clusterProbsTvm .dTvmCpp .besselIExponScaled .linInterp logLikWouPairs stepAheadWn2D stepAheadWn1D euler2D euler1D driftWn2D driftWn1D crankNicolson2D crankNicolson1D forwardSweepPeriodicTridiag forwardSweepTridiag solvePeriodicTridiag solveTridiagMatConsts solveTridiag safeSoftMax rStatWn2D dStatWn2D rTpdWn2D dTpdWou2D dTpdWou1D dWn1D

Documented in crankNicolson1D crankNicolson2D driftWn1D driftWn2D dStatWn2D dTpdWou1D dTpdWou2D dWn1D euler1D euler2D forwardSweepPeriodicTridiag forwardSweepTridiag logLikWouPairs rStatWn2D rTpdWn2D safeSoftMax solvePeriodicTridiag solveTridiag solveTridiagMatConsts stepAheadWn1D stepAheadWn2D

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

#' @title WN density in 1D
#' @description Computation of the WN density in 1D.
#' @param x a vector of length \code{n} containing angles. They all must be in \eqn{[\pi,\pi)} so that the truncated wrapping by \code{maxK} windings is able to capture periodicity.
#' @param mu mean parameter. Must be in \eqn{[\pi,\pi)}.
#' @param sigma diffusion coefficient.
#' @param maxK maximum absolute value of the windings considered in the computation of the WN.
#' @inheritParams safeSoftMax
#' @param vmApprox whether to use the von Mises approximation to a wrapped normal (\code{1}) or not (\code{0}, default).
#' @param kt concentration for the von Mises, a suitable output from \code{\link{momentMatchWnVm}} (see examples).
#' @param logConstKt the logarithm of the von Mises normalizing constant associated to the concentration \code{kt} (see examples)
#' @return A vector of size \code{n} containing the density evaluated at \code{x}.
#' @examples
#' mu <- 0
#' sigma <- 1
#' dWn1D(x = seq(-pi, pi, l = 10), mu = mu, sigma = sigma, vmApprox = 0)
#' # von Mises approximation
#' kt <- scoreMatchWnVm(sigma2 = sigma^2)
#' dWn1D(x = seq(-pi, pi, l = 10), mu = mu, sigma = sigma, vmApprox = 1, kt = kt,
#'       logConstKt = -log(2 * pi * besselI(x = kt, nu = 0, expon.scaled = TRUE)))
#' @export
dWn1D <- function(x, mu, sigma, maxK = 2L, expTrc = 30, vmApprox = 0L, kt = 0, logConstKt = 0) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_dWn1D', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', x, mu, sigma, maxK, expTrc, vmApprox, kt, logConstKt)

#' @title Approximation of the transition probability density of the WN diffusion in 1D
#' @description Computation of the transition probability density (tpd) for a WN diffusion.
#' @inheritParams dWn1D
#' @param x0 a vector of length \code{n} containing the starting angles. They all must be in \eqn{[\pi,\pi)}.
#' @param t a scalar containing the times separating \code{x} and \code{x0}.
#' @param alpha drift parameter.
#' @param sigma diffusion coefficient.
#' @inheritParams safeSoftMax
#' @return A vector of size \code{n} containing the tpd evaluated at \code{x}.
#' @details See Section 3.3 in García-Portugués et al. (2019) for details. See \code{\link{dTpdWou}} for the general case (less efficient for 2D).
#' @references
#' García-Portugués, E., Sørensen, M., Mardia, K. V. and Hamelryck, T. (2019) Langevin diffusions on the torus: estimation and applications. \emph{Statistics and Computing}, 29(2):1--22. \doi{10.1007/s11222-017-9790-2}
#' @examples
#' t <- 0.5
#' alpha <- 1
#' mu <- 0
#' sigma <- 1
#' x0 <- 0.1
#' dTpdWou1D(x = seq(-pi, pi, l = 10), x0 = rep(x0, 10), t = t, alpha = alpha,
#'           mu = mu, sigma = sigma, vmApprox = 0)
#' # von Mises approximation
#' kt <- scoreMatchWnVm(sigma2 = sigma^2 * (1 - exp(-2 * alpha * t)) / (2 * alpha))
#' dTpdWou1D(x = seq(-pi, pi, l = 10), x0 = rep(x0, 10), t = t, alpha = alpha,
#'           mu = mu, sigma = sigma, vmApprox = 1, kt = kt,
#'           logConstKt = -log(2 * pi * besselI(x = kt, nu = 0,
#'                                              expon.scaled = TRUE)))
#' @export
dTpdWou1D <- function(x, x0, t, alpha, mu, sigma, maxK = 2L, expTrc = 30, vmApprox = 0L, kt = 0, logConstKt = 0) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_dTpdWou1D', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', x, x0, t, alpha, mu, sigma, maxK, expTrc, vmApprox, kt, logConstKt)

#' @title Approximation of the transition probability density of the WN diffusion in 2D
#' @description Computation of the transition probability density (tpd) for a WN diffusion (with diagonal diffusion matrix)
#' @param x a matrix of dimension \code{c(n, 2)} containing angles. They all must be in \eqn{[\pi,\pi)} so that the truncated wrapping by \code{maxK} windings is able to capture periodicity.
#' @param x0 a matrix of dimension \code{c(n, 2)} containing the starting angles. They all must be in \eqn{[\pi,\pi)}. If all \code{x0} are the same, a matrix of dimension \code{c(1, 2)} can be passed for better performance.
#' @param alpha vector of length \code{3} parametrizing the \code{A} matrix as in \code{\link{alphaToA}}.
#' @param mu a vector of length \code{2} giving the mean.
#' @param sigma vector of length \code{2} containing the \strong{square root} of the diagonal of \eqn{\Sigma}, the diffusion matrix.
#' @param rho correlation coefficient of \eqn{\Sigma}.
#' @inheritParams dTpdWou1D
#' @inheritParams safeSoftMax
#' @return A vector of size \code{n} containing the tpd evaluated at \code{x}.
#' @details The function checks for positive definiteness. If violated, it resets \code{A} such that \code{solve(A) \%*\% Sigma} is positive definite.
#' @details See Section 3.3 in García-Portugués et al. (2019) for details. See \code{\link{dTpdWou}} for the general case (less efficient for 1D).
#' @references
#' García-Portugués, E., Sørensen, M., Mardia, K. V. and Hamelryck, T. (2019) Langevin diffusions on the torus: estimation and applications. \emph{Statistics and Computing}, 29(2):1--22. \doi{10.1007/s11222-017-9790-2}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(3455267)
#' alpha <- c(2, 1, -1)
#' sigma <- c(1.5, 2)
#' rho <- 0.9
#' Sigma <- diag(sigma^2)
#' Sigma[1, 2] <- Sigma[2, 1] <- rho * prod(sigma)
#' A <- alphaToA(alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma, rho = rho)
#' solve(A) %*% Sigma
#' mu <- c(pi, 0)
#' x <- t(euler2D(x0 = matrix(c(0, 0), nrow = 1), A = A, mu = mu,
#'                sigma = sigma, N = 500, delta = 0.1)[1, , ])
#' \donttest{
#' sum(sapply(1:49, function(i) log(dTpdWou(x = matrix(x[i + 1, ], ncol = 2),
#'                                          x0 = x[i, ], t = 1.5, A = A,
#'                                          Sigma = Sigma, mu = mu))))
#' }
#' sum(log(dTpdWou2D(x = matrix(x[2:50, ], ncol = 2),
#'                   x0 = matrix(x[1:49, ], ncol = 2), t = 1.5, alpha = alpha,
#'                   mu = mu, sigma = sigma, rho = rho)))
#' \donttest{
#' lgrid <- 56
#' grid <- seq(-pi, pi, l = lgrid + 1)[-(lgrid + 1)]
#' image(grid, grid, matrix(dTpdWou(x = as.matrix(expand.grid(grid, grid)),
#'                                  x0 = c(0, 0), t = 0.5, A = A,
#'                                  Sigma = Sigma, mu = mu),
#'                          nrow = 56, ncol = 56), zlim = c(0, 0.25),
#'       main = "dTpdWou")
#' image(grid, grid, matrix(dTpdWou2D(x = as.matrix(expand.grid(grid, grid)),
#'                                    x0 = matrix(0, nrow = 56^2, ncol = 2),
#'                                    t = 0.5, alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma,
#'                                    mu = mu),
#'                          nrow = 56, ncol = 56), zlim = c(0, 0.25),
#'       main = "dTpdWou2D")
#' x <- seq(-pi, pi, l = 100)
#' t <- 1
#' image(x, x, matrix(dTpdWou2D(x = as.matrix(expand.grid(x, x)),
#'                              x0 = matrix(rep(0, 100 * 2), nrow = 100 * 100,
#'                                          ncol = 2),
#'                              t = t, alpha = alpha, mu = mu, sigma = sigma,
#'                              maxK = 2, expTrc = 30),
#'                              nrow = 100, ncol = 100),
#'       zlim = c(0, 0.25))
#' points(stepAheadWn2D(x0 = rbind(c(0, 0)), delta = t / 500,
#'                      A = alphaToA(alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma), mu = mu,
#'                      sigma = sigma, N = 500, M = 1000, maxK = 2,
#'                      expTrc = 30))
#' }
#' @export
dTpdWou2D <- function(x, x0, t, alpha, mu, sigma, rho = 0, maxK = 2L, expTrc = 30) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_dTpdWou2D', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', x, x0, t, alpha, mu, sigma, rho, maxK, expTrc)

#' @title Simulation from the approximated transition distribution of a WN diffusion in 2D
#' @description Simulates from the approximate transition density of the WN diffusion in 2D.
#' @param n sample size.
#' @param x0 a matrix of dimension \code{c(nx0, 2)} giving the starting values.
#' @param t vector of length \code{nx0} containing the times between observations.
#' @inheritParams dTpdWou2D
#' @inheritParams safeSoftMax
#' @return An array of dimension \code{c(n, 2, nx0)} containing the \code{n} samples of the transition distribution,
#' conditioned on that the process was at \code{x0} at \code{t} instants ago. The samples are all in \eqn{[\pi,\pi)}.
#' @examples
#' alpha <- c(3, 2, -1)
#' sigma <- c(0.5, 1)
#' mu <- c(pi, pi)
#' x <- seq(-pi, pi, l = 100)
#' t <- 0.5
#' image(x, x, matrix(dTpdWou2D(x = as.matrix(expand.grid(x, x)),
#'                             x0 = matrix(rep(0, 100 * 2),
#'                                         nrow = 100 * 100, ncol = 2),
#'                             t = t, mu = mu, alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma,
#'                             maxK = 2, expTrc = 30), nrow = 100, ncol = 100),
#'       zlim = c(0, 0.5))
#' points(rTpdWn2D(n = 500, x0 = rbind(c(0, 0)), t = t, mu = mu, alpha = alpha,
#'                 sigma = sigma)[, , 1], col = 3)
#' points(stepAheadWn2D(x0 = rbind(c(0, 0)), delta = t / 500,
#'                      A = alphaToA(alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma),
#'                      mu = mu, sigma = sigma, N = 500, M = 500, maxK = 2,
#'                      expTrc = 30), col = 4)
#' @export
rTpdWn2D <- function(n, x0, t, mu, alpha, sigma, rho = 0, maxK = 2L, expTrc = 30) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_rTpdWn2D', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', n, x0, t, mu, alpha, sigma, rho, maxK, expTrc)

#' @title Stationary density of a WN diffusion (with diagonal diffusion matrix) in 2D
#' @description Stationary density of the WN diffusion.
#' @inheritParams dTpdWou2D
#' @inheritParams safeSoftMax
#' @return A vector of size \code{n} containing the stationary density evaluated at \code{x}.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(345567)
#' alpha <- c(2, 1, -1)
#' sigma <- c(1.5, 2)
#' Sigma <- diag(sigma^2)
#' A <- alphaToA(alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma)
#' mu <- c(pi, pi)
#' dStatWn2D(x = toPiInt(matrix(1:20, nrow = 10, ncol = 2)), mu = mu,
#'           alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma)
#' dTpdWou(t = 10, x = toPiInt(matrix(1:20, nrow = 10, ncol = 2)), A = A,
#'          mu = mu, Sigma = Sigma, x0 = mu)
#' xth <- seq(-pi, pi, l = 100)
#' contour(xth, xth, matrix(dStatWn2D(x = as.matrix(expand.grid(xth, xth)),
#'                                    alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma, mu = mu),
#'                          nrow = length(xth), ncol = length(xth)), nlevels = 50)
#' points(rStatWn2D(n = 1000, mu = mu, alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma), col = 2)
#' @export
dStatWn2D <- function(x, alpha, mu, sigma, rho = 0, maxK = 2L, expTrc = 30) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_dStatWn2D', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', x, alpha, mu, sigma, rho, maxK, expTrc)

#' @title Simulation from the stationary density of a WN diffusion in 2D
#' @description Simulates from the stationary density of the WN diffusion in 2D.
#' @param n sample size.
#' @inheritParams dTpdWou2D
#' @return A matrix of dimension \code{c(n, 2)} containing the samples from the stationary distribution.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(345567)
#' alpha <- c(2, 1, -1)
#' sigma <- c(1.5, 2)
#' Sigma <- diag(sigma^2)
#' A <- alphaToA(alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma)
#' mu <- c(pi, pi)
#' plot(rStatWn2D(n = 1000, mu = mu, alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma))
#' points(toPiInt(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = 1000, mean = mu,
#'                                 sigma = solve(A) %*% Sigma / 2,
#'                                 method = "chol")), col = 2)
#' @export
rStatWn2D <- function(n, mu, alpha, sigma, rho = 0) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_rStatWn2D', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', n, mu, alpha, sigma, rho)

#' @title Safe softmax function for computing weights
#' @description Computes the weights \eqn{w_i = \frac{e^{p_i}}{\sum_{j=1}^k e^{p_j}}} from \eqn{p_i}, \eqn{i=1,\ldots,k}
#' in a safe way to avoid overflows and to truncate automatically to zero low values of \eqn{w_i}.
#' @param logs matrix of logarithms where each row contains a set of \eqn{p_1,\ldots,p_k} to compute the weights from.
#' @param expTrc truncation for exponential: \code{exp(x)} with \code{x <= -expTrc} is set to zero. Defaults to \code{30}.
#' @return A matrix of the size as \code{logs} containing the weights for each row.
#' @details The \code{logs} argument must be always a matrix.
#' @examples
#' # A matrix
#' safeSoftMax(rbind(1:10, 20:11))
#' rbind(exp(1:10) / sum(exp(1:10)), exp(20:11) / sum(exp(20:11)))
#' # A row-matrix
#' safeSoftMax(rbind(-100:100), expTrc = 30)
#' exp(-100:100) / sum(exp(-100:100))
#' @export
safeSoftMax <- function(logs, expTrc = 30) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_safeSoftMax', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', logs, expTrc)

#' @title Thomas algorithm for solving tridiagonal matrix systems, with optional presaving of LU decomposition
#' @description Implementation of the Thomas algorithm to solve efficiently the tridiagonal matrix system
#' \deqn{b_1 x_1 + c_1 x_2 + a_1x_n = d_1}{b[1] x[1] + c[1] x[2] + a[1]x[n] = d[1]}
#' \deqn{a_2 x_1 + b_2 x_2 + c_2x_3 = d_2}{a[2] x[1] + b[2] x[2] + c[2]x[3] = d[2]}
#' \deqn{\vdots \vdots \vdots}{...}
#' \deqn{a_{n-1} x_{n-2} + b_{n-1} x_{n-1} + c_{n-1}x_{n} = d_{n-1}}{a[n-1] x[n-2] + b[n-1] x[n-1] + c[n-1]x[n] = d[n-1]}
#' \deqn{c_n x_1 + a_{n} x_{n-1} + b_nx_n = d_n}{c[n] x[1] + a[n] x[n-1] + b[n]x[n] = d[n]}
#' with \eqn{a_1=c_n=0}{a[1]=c[n]=0} (usual tridiagonal matrix). If \eqn{a_1\neq0}{a[1]/=0} or \eqn{c_n\neq0}{c[n]/=0} (circulant tridiagonal matrix), then the Sherman--Morrison formula is employed.
#' @param a,b,c subdiagonal (below main diagonal), diagonal and superdiagonal (above main diagonal), respectively. They all are vectors of length \code{n}.
#' @param d vector of constant terms, of length \code{n}. For \code{solveTridiagMatConsts}, it can be a matrix with \code{n} rows.
#' @param LU flag denoting if the forward sweep encoding the LU decomposition is supplied in vectors \code{b} and \code{c}. See details and examples.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{solve*} functions: the solution, a vector of length \code{n} and a matrix with \code{n} rows for\cr \code{solveTridiagMatConsts}.
#' \item \code{forward*} functions: the matrix \code{cbind(b, c)} creating the suitable \code{b} and \code{c} arguments for calling \code{solve*} when \code{LU} is \code{TRUE}.
#' }
#' @details The Thomas algorithm is stable if the matrix is diagonally dominant.
#' For the periodic case, two non-periodic tridiagonal systems with different constant terms (but same coefficients) are solved using \code{solveTridiagMatConsts}. These two solutions are combined by the Sherman--Morrison formula to obtain the solution to the periodic system.
#' Note that the output of \code{solveTridiag} and \code{solveTridiagMatConsts} are independent from the values of \code{a[1]} and \code{c[n]}, but \code{solvePeriodicTridiag} is not.
#' If \code{LU} is \code{TRUE}, then \code{b} and \code{c} must be precomputed with \code{forwardSweepTridiag} or\cr \code{forwardSweepPeriodicTridiag} for its use in the call of the appropriate solver, which will be slightly faster.
#' @references
#' Thomas, J. W. (1995). \emph{Numerical Partial Differential Equations: Finite Difference Methods}. Springer, New York. \doi{10.1007/978-1-4899-7278-1}
#' Conte, S. D. and de Boor, C. (1980). \emph{Elementary Numerical Analysis: An Algorithmic Approach}. Third edition. McGraw-Hill, New York. \doi{10.1137/1.9781611975208}
#' @examples
#' # Tridiagonal matrix
#' n <- 10
#' a <- rnorm(n, 3, 1)
#' b <- rnorm(n, 10, 1)
#' c <- rnorm(n, 0, 1)
#' d <- rnorm(n, 0, 1)
#' A <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
#' diag(A) <- b
#' for (i in 1:(n - 1)) {
#'   A[i + 1, i] <- a[i + 1]
#'   A[i, i + 1] <- c[i]
#' }
#' A
#' # Same solutions
#' drop(solveTridiag(a = a, b = b, c = c, d = d))
#' solve(a = A, b = d)
#' # Presaving the forward sweep (encodes the LU factorization)
#' LU <- forwardSweepTridiag(a = a, b = b, c = c)
#' drop(solveTridiag(a = a, b = LU[, 1], c = LU[, 2], d = d, LU = 1))
#' # With equal coefficient matrix
#' solveTridiagMatConsts(a = a, b = b, c = c, d = cbind(d, d + 1))
#' cbind(solve(a = A, b = d), solve(a = A, b = d + 1))
#' LU <- forwardSweepTridiag(a = a, b = b, c = c)
#' solveTridiagMatConsts(a = a, b = LU[, 1], c = LU[, 2], d = cbind(d, d + 1), LU = 1)
#' # Periodic matrix
#' A[1, n] <- a[1]
#' A[n, 1] <- c[n]
#' A
#' # Same solutions
#' drop(solvePeriodicTridiag(a = a, b = b, c = c, d = d))
#' solve(a = A, b = d)
#' # Presaving the forward sweep (encodes the LU factorization)
#' LU <- forwardSweepPeriodicTridiag(a = a, b = b, c = c)
#' drop(solvePeriodicTridiag(a = a, b = LU[, 1], c = LU[, 2], d = d, LU = 1))
#' @export
solveTridiag <- function(a, b, c, d, LU = 0L) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_solveTridiag', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', a, b, c, d, LU)

#' @rdname solveTridiag
#' @export
solveTridiagMatConsts <- function(a, b, c, d, LU = 0L) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_solveTridiagMatConsts', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', a, b, c, d, LU)

#' @rdname solveTridiag
#' @export
solvePeriodicTridiag <- function(a, b, c, d, LU = 0L) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_solvePeriodicTridiag', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', a, b, c, d, LU)

#' @rdname solveTridiag
#' @export
forwardSweepTridiag <- function(a, b, c) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_forwardSweepTridiag', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', a, b, c)

#' @rdname solveTridiag
#' @export
forwardSweepPeriodicTridiag <- function(a, b, c) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_forwardSweepPeriodicTridiag', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', a, b, c)

#' @title Crank--Nicolson finite difference scheme for the 1D Fokker--Planck equation with periodic boundaries
#' @description Implementation of the Crank--Nicolson scheme for solving the Fokker--Planck equation
#' \deqn{p(x, t)_t = -(p(x, t) b(x))_x + \frac{1}{2}(\sigma^2(x) p(x, t))_{xx},}{p(x, t)_t = -(p(x, t) * b(x))_x + 1/2 * (\sigma^2(x) p(x, t))_{xx},}
#' where \eqn{p(x, t)} is the transition probability density of the circular diffusion
#' \deqn{dX_t=b(X_t)dt+\sigma(X_t)dW_t}{dX_t=b(X_t)dt+\sigma(X_t)dW_t}.
#' @param u0 matrix of size \code{c(Mx, 1)} giving the initial condition. Typically, the evaluation of a density highly concentrated at a given point. If \code{nt == 1}, then \code{u0} can be a matrix \code{c(Mx, nu0)} containing different starting values in the columns.
#' @param b vector of length \code{Mx} containing the evaluation of the drift.
#' @param sigma2 vector of length \code{Mx} containing the evaluation of the squared diffusion coefficient.
#' @param N increasing integer vector of length \code{nt} giving the indexes of the times at which the solution is desired. The times of the solution are \code{delta * c(0:max(N))[N + 1]}.
#' @param deltat time step.
#' @param Mx size of the equispaced spatial grid in \eqn{[-\pi,\pi)}.
#' @param deltax space grid discretization.
#' @param imposePositive flag to indicate whether the solution should be transformed in order to be always larger than a given tolerance. This prevents spurious negative values. The tolerance will be taken as \code{imposePositiveTol} if this is different from \code{FALSE} or \code{0}.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item If \code{nt > 1}, a matrix of size \code{c(Mx, nt)} containing the discretized solution at the required times.
#' \item If \code{nt == 1}, a matrix of size \code{c(Mx, nu0)} containing the discretized solution at a fixed time for different starting values.
#' }
#' @details The function makes use of \code{\link{solvePeriodicTridiag}} for obtaining implicitly the next step in time of the solution.
#' If \code{imposePositive = TRUE}, the code implicitly assumes that the solution integrates to one at any step. This might b unrealistic if the initial condition is not properly represented in the grid (for example, highly concentrated density in a sparse grid).
#' @references
#' Thomas, J. W. (1995). \emph{Numerical Partial Differential Equations: Finite Difference Methods}. Springer, New York. \doi{10.1007/978-1-4899-7278-1}
#' @examples
#' # Parameters
#' Mx <- 200
#' N <- 200
#' x <- seq(-pi, pi, l = Mx + 1)[-c(Mx + 1)]
#' times <- seq(0, 1, l = N + 1)
#' u0 <- dWn1D(x, pi/2, 0.05)
#' b <- driftWn1D(x, alpha = 1, mu = pi, sigma = 1)
#' sigma2 <- rep(1, Mx)
#' # Full trajectory of the solution (including initial condition)
#' u <- crankNicolson1D(u0 = cbind(u0), b = b, sigma2 = sigma2, N = 0:N,
#'                      deltat = 1 / N, Mx = Mx, deltax = 2 * pi / Mx)
#' # Mass conservation
#' colMeans(u) * 2 * pi
#' # Visualization of tpd
#' plotSurface2D(times, x, z = t(u), levels = seq(0, 3, l = 50))
#' # Only final time
#' v <- crankNicolson1D(u0 = cbind(u0), b = b, sigma2 = sigma2, N = N,
#'                      deltat = 1 / N, Mx = Mx, deltax = 2 * pi / Mx)
#' sum(abs(u[, N + 1] - v))
#' @export
crankNicolson1D <- function(u0, b, sigma2, N, deltat, Mx, deltax, imposePositive = 0L) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_crankNicolson1D', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', u0, b, sigma2, N, deltat, Mx, deltax, imposePositive)

#' @title Crank--Nicolson finite difference scheme for the 2D Fokker--Planck equation with periodic boundaries
#' @description Implementation of the Crank--Nicolson scheme for solving the Fokker--Planck equation
#' \deqn{p(x, y, t)_t = -(p(x, y, t) b_1(x, y))_x -(p(x, y, t) b_2(x, y))_y+}
#' \deqn{+ \frac{1}{2}(\sigma_1^2(x, y) p(x, y, t))_{xx} + \frac{1}{2}(\sigma_2^2(x, y) p(x, y, t))_{yy} + (\sigma_{12}(x, y) p(x, y, t))_{xy},}{p(x, y, t)_t = -(p(x, y, t) * b_1(x, y))_x -(p(x, y, t) * b_2(x, y))_y + 1/2 * (\sigma_1^2(x, y) *p(x, y, t))_{xx} + 1/2 * (\sigma_2^2(x, y) p(x, y, t))_{yy} + (\sigma_{12}(x, y) p(x, y, t))_{xy},}
#' where \eqn{p(x, y, t)} is the transition probability density of the toroidal diffusion
#' \deqn{dX_t=b_1(X_t,Y_t)dt+\sigma_1(X_t,Y_t)dW^1_t+\sigma_{12}(X_t,Y_t)dW^2_t,}{dX_t=b_1(X_t,Y_t)dt+\sigma_1(X_t,Y_t)dW^1_t+\sigma_{12}(X_t,Y_t)dW^2_t,}
#' \deqn{dY_t=b_2(X_t,Y_t)dt+\sigma_{12}(X_t,Y_t)dW^1_t+\sigma_2(X_t,Y_t)dW^2_t.}{dY_t=b_2(X_t,Y_t)dt+\sigma_{12}(X_t,Y_t)dW^1_t+\sigma_2(X_t,Y_t)dW^2_t.}
#' @param u0 matrix of size \code{c(Mx * My, 1)} giving the initial condition matrix column-wise stored. Typically, the evaluation of a density highly concentrated at a given point. If \code{nt == 1}, then \code{u0} can be a matrix \code{c(Mx * My, nu0)} containing different starting values in the columns.
#' @param bx,by matrices of size \code{c(Mx, My)} containing the evaluation of the drift in the first and second space coordinates, respectively.
#' @param sigma2x,sigma2y,sigmaxy matrices of size \code{c(Mx, My)} containing the evaluation of the entries of the diffusion matrix (it has to be positive definite)\cr
#' \code{rbind(c(sigma2x, sigmaxy),
#'             c(sigmaxy, sigma2y))}.
#' @inheritParams crankNicolson1D
#' @param Mx,My sizes of the equispaced spatial grids in \eqn{[-\pi,\pi)} for each component.
#' @param deltax,deltay space grid discretizations for each component.
#' @param imposePositive flag to indicate whether the solution should be transformed in order to be always larger than a given tolerance. This prevents spurious negative values. The tolerance will be taken as \code{imposePositiveTol} if this is different from \code{FALSE} or \code{0}.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item If \code{nt > 1}, a matrix of size \code{c(Mx * My, nt)} containing the discretized solution at the required times with the \code{c(Mx, My)} matrix stored column-wise.
#' \item If \code{nt == 1}, a matrix of size \code{c(Mx * My, nu0)} containing the discretized solution at a fixed time for different starting values.
#' }
#' @details The function makes use of \code{\link{solvePeriodicTridiag}} for obtaining implicitly the next step in time of the solution.
#' If \code{imposePositive = TRUE}, the code implicitly assumes that the solution integrates to one at any step. This might b unrealistic if the initial condition is not properly represented in the grid (for example, highly concentrated density in a sparse grid).
#' @references
#' Thomas, J. W. (1995). \emph{Numerical Partial Differential Equations: Finite Difference Methods}. Springer, New York. \doi{10.1007/978-1-4899-7278-1}
#' @examples
#' # Parameters
#' Mx <- 100
#' My <- 100
#' N <- 200
#' x <- seq(-pi, pi, l = Mx + 1)[-c(Mx + 1)]
#' y <- seq(-pi, pi, l = My + 1)[-c(My + 1)]
#' m <- c(pi / 2, pi)
#' p <- c(0, 1)
#' u0 <- c(outer(dWn1D(x, p[1], 0.5), dWn1D(y, p[2], 0.5)))
#' bx <- outer(x, y, function(x, y) 5 * sin(m[1] - x))
#' by <- outer(x, y, function(x, y) 5 * sin(m[2] - y))
#' sigma2 <- matrix(1, nrow = Mx, ncol = My)
#' sigmaxy <- matrix(0.5, nrow = Mx, ncol = My)
#' # Full trajectory of the solution (including initial condition)
#' u <- crankNicolson2D(u0 = cbind(u0), bx = bx, by = by, sigma2x = sigma2,
#'                      sigma2y = sigma2, sigmaxy = sigmaxy,
#'                      N = 0:N, deltat = 1 / N, Mx = Mx, deltax = 2 * pi / Mx,
#'                      My = My, deltay = 2 * pi / My)
#' # Mass conservation
#' colMeans(u) * 4 * pi^2
#' # Only final time
#' v <- crankNicolson2D(u0 = cbind(u0), bx = bx, by = by, sigma2x = sigma2,
#'                      sigma2y = sigma2, sigmaxy = sigmaxy,
#'                      N = N, deltat = 1 / N, Mx = Mx, deltax = 2 * pi / Mx,
#'                      My = My, deltay = 2 * pi / My)
#' sum(abs(u[, N + 1] - v))
#' \dontrun{
#' # Visualization of tpd
#' library(manipulate)
#' manipulate({
#'   plotSurface2D(x, y, z = matrix(u[, j + 1], Mx, My),
#'                 main = round(mean(u[, j + 1]) * 4 * pi^2, 4),
#'                 levels = seq(0, 2, l = 21))
#'   points(p[1], p[2], pch = 16)
#'   points(m[1], m[2], pch = 16)
#' }, j = slider(0, N))
#' }
#' @export
crankNicolson2D <- function(u0, bx, by, sigma2x, sigma2y, sigmaxy, N, deltat, Mx, deltax, My, deltay, imposePositive = 0L) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_crankNicolson2D', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', u0, bx, by, sigma2x, sigma2y, sigmaxy, N, deltat, Mx, deltax, My, deltay, imposePositive)

#' @title Drift of the WN diffusion in 1D
#' @description Computes the drift of the WN diffusion in 1D in a vectorized way.
#' @inheritParams dWn1D
#' @inheritParams dTpdWou1D
#' @inheritParams safeSoftMax
#' @return A vector of length \code{n} containing the drift evaluated at \code{x}.
#' @examples
#' driftWn1D(x = seq(0, pi, l = 10), alpha = 1, mu = 0, sigma = 1, maxK = 2,
#'           expTrc = 30)
#' @export
driftWn1D <- function(x, alpha, mu, sigma, maxK = 2L, expTrc = 30) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_driftWn1D', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', x, alpha, mu, sigma, maxK, expTrc)

#' @title Drift of the WN diffusion in 2D
#' @description Computes the drift of the WN diffusion in 2D in a vectorized way.
#' @param A drift matrix of size \code{c(2, 2)}.
#' @inheritParams dTpdWou2D
#' @inheritParams dWn1D
#' @inheritParams safeSoftMax
#' @return A matrix of size \code{c(n, 2)} containing the drift evaluated at \code{x}.
#' @examples
#' alpha <- 3:1
#' mu <- c(0, 0)
#' sigma <- 1:2
#' rho <- 0.5
#' Sigma <- diag(sigma^2)
#' Sigma[1, 2] <- Sigma[2, 1] <- rho * prod(sigma)
#' A <- alphaToA(alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma, rho = rho)
#' x <- rbind(c(0, 1), c(1, 0.1), c(pi, pi), c(-pi, -pi), c(pi / 2, 0))
#' driftWn2D(x = x, A = A, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, rho = rho)
#' driftWn(x = x, A = A, mu = c(0, 0), Sigma = Sigma)
#' @export
driftWn2D <- function(x, A, mu, sigma, rho = 0, maxK = 2L, expTrc = 30) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_driftWn2D', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', x, A, mu, sigma, rho, maxK, expTrc)

#' @title Simulation of trajectories of the WN or vM diffusion in 1D
#' @description Simulation of the Wrapped Normal (WN) diffusion or von Mises (vM) diffusion by the Euler method in 1D, for several starting values.
#' @param x0 vector of length \code{nx0} giving the initial points.
#' @inheritParams driftWn1D
#' @inheritParams dTpdWou1D
#' @param N number of discretization steps.
#' @param delta discretization step.
#' @param type integer giving the type of diffusion. Currently, only \code{1} for WN and \code{2} for vM are supported.
#' @return A matrix of size \code{c(nx0, N + 1)} containing the \code{nx0} discretized trajectories. The first column corresponds to the vector \code{x0}.
#' @examples
#' N <- 100
#' nx0 <- 20
#' x0 <- seq(-pi, pi, l = nx0 + 1)[-(nx0 + 1)]
#' set.seed(12345678)
#' samp <- euler1D(x0 = x0, mu = 0, alpha = 3, sigma = 1, N = N,
#'                 delta = 0.01, type = 2)
#' tt <- seq(0, 1, l = N + 1)
#' plot(rep(0, nx0), x0, pch = 16, col = rainbow(nx0), xlim = c(0, 1))
#' for (i in 1:nx0) linesCirc(tt, samp[i, ], col = rainbow(nx0)[i])
#' @export
euler1D <- function(x0, alpha, mu, sigma, N = 100L, delta = 0.01, type = 1L, maxK = 2L, expTrc = 30) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_euler1D', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', x0, alpha, mu, sigma, N, delta, type, maxK, expTrc)

#' @title Simulation of trajectories of the WN or MvM diffusion in 2D
#' @description Simulation of the Wrapped Normal (WN) diffusion or Multivariate von Mises (MvM) diffusion by the Euler method in 2D, for several starting values.
#' @param x0 matrix of size \code{c(nx0, 2)} giving the initial points.
#' @inheritParams driftWn2D
#' @inheritParams euler1D
#' @inheritParams safeSoftMax
#' @return An array of size \code{c(nx0, 2, N + 1)} containing the \code{nx0} discretized trajectories. The first slice corresponds to the matrix \code{x0}.
#' @examples
#' N <- 100
#' nx0 <- 5
#' x0 <- seq(-pi, pi, l = nx0 + 1)[-(nx0 + 1)]
#' x0 <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x0, x0))
#' nx0 <- nx0^2
#' set.seed(12345678)
#' samp <- euler2D(x0 = x0, mu = c(0, 0), A = rbind(c(3, 1), 1:2),
#'                 sigma = c(1, 1), N = N, delta = 0.01, type = 2)
#' plot(x0[, 1], x0[, 2], xlim = c(-pi, pi), ylim = c(-pi, pi), pch = 16,
#'      col = rainbow(nx0))
#' for (i in 1:nx0) linesTorus(samp[i, 1, ], samp[i, 2, ],
#'                            col = rainbow(nx0, alpha = 0.5)[i])
#' @export
euler2D <- function(x0, A, mu, sigma, rho = 0, N = 100L, delta = 0.01, type = 1L, maxK = 2L, expTrc = 30) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_euler2D', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', x0, A, mu, sigma, rho, N, delta, type, maxK, expTrc)

#' @title Multiple simulation of trajectory ends of the WN or vM diffusion in 1D
#' @description Simulates \code{M} trajectories starting from different initial values \code{x0} of the WN or vM diffusion in 1D, by the Euler method, and returns their ends.
#' @inheritParams euler1D
#' @inheritParams dTpdWou1D
#' @param M number of Monte Carlo replicates.
#' @return A matrix of size \code{c(nx0, M)} containing the \code{M} trajectory ends for each starting value \code{x0}.
#' @examples
#' N <- 100
#' nx0 <- 20
#' x0 <- seq(-pi, pi, l = nx0 + 1)[-(nx0 + 1)]
#' set.seed(12345678)
#' samp1 <- euler1D(x0 = x0, mu = 0, alpha = 3, sigma = 1, N = N,
#'                  delta = 0.01, type = 2)
#' tt <- seq(0, 1, l = N + 1)
#' plot(rep(0, nx0), x0, pch = 16, col = rainbow(nx0), xlim = c(0, 1))
#' for (i in 1:nx0) linesCirc(tt, samp1[i, ], col = rainbow(nx0)[i])
#' set.seed(12345678)
#' samp2 <- stepAheadWn1D(x0 = x0, mu = 0, alpha = 3, sigma = 1, M = 1,
#'                        N = N, delta = 0.01, type = 2)
#' points(rep(1, nx0), samp2[, 1], pch = 16, col = rainbow(nx0))
#' samp1[, N + 1]
#' samp2[, 1]
#' @export
stepAheadWn1D <- function(x0, alpha, mu, sigma, M, N = 100L, delta = 0.01, type = 1L, maxK = 2L, expTrc = 30) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_stepAheadWn1D', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', x0, alpha, mu, sigma, M, N, delta, type, maxK, expTrc)

#' @title Multiple simulation of trajectory ends of the WN or MvM diffusion in 2D
#' @description Simulates \code{M} trajectories starting from different initial values \code{x0} of the WN or MvM diffusion in 2D, by the Euler method, and returns their ends.
#' @inheritParams euler2D
#' @inheritParams dTpdWou2D
#' @inheritParams stepAheadWn1D
#' @return An array of size \code{c(nx0, 2, M)} containing the \code{M} trajectory ends for each starting value \code{x0}.
#' @examples
#' N <- 100
#' nx0 <- 3
#' x0 <- seq(-pi, pi, l = nx0 + 1)[-(nx0 + 1)]
#' x0 <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x0, x0))
#' nx0 <- nx0^2
#' set.seed(12345678)
#' samp1 <- euler2D(x0 = x0, mu = c(0, 0), A = rbind(c(3, 1), 1:2),
#'                  sigma = c(1, 1), N = N, delta = 0.01, type = 2)
#' plot(x0[, 1], x0[, 2], xlim = c(-pi, pi), ylim = c(-pi, pi), pch = 16,
#'      col = rainbow(nx0))
#' for (i in 1:nx0) linesTorus(samp1[i, 1, ], samp1[i, 2, ],
#'                            col = rainbow(nx0, alpha = 0.75)[i])
#' set.seed(12345678)
#' samp2 <- stepAheadWn2D(x0 = x0, mu = c(0, 0), A = rbind(c(3, 1), 1:2),
#'                        sigma = c(1, 1), M = 2, N = N, delta = 0.01,
#'                        type = 2)
#' points(samp2[, 1, 1], samp2[, 2, 1], pch = 16, col = rainbow(nx0))
#' samp1[, , N + 1]
#' samp2[, , 1]
#' @export
stepAheadWn2D <- function(x0, mu, A, sigma, rho = 0, M = 100L, N = 100L, delta = 0.01, type = 1L, maxK = 2L, expTrc = 30) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_stepAheadWn2D', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', x0, mu, A, sigma, rho, M, N, delta, type, maxK, expTrc)

#' @title Loglikelihood of WN in 2D when only the initial and final points are observed
#' @description Computation of the loglikelihood for a WN diffusion (with diagonal diffusion matrix) from a sample of initial and final pairs of angles.
#' @param x a matrix of dimension \code{c(n, 4)} of initial and final pairs of angles. Each row is an observation containing \eqn{(\phi_0, \psi_0, \phi_t, \psi_t)}.
#' They all must be in \eqn{[\pi,\pi)} so that the truncated wrapping by \code{maxK} windings is able to capture periodicity.
#' @param t either a scalar or a vector of length \code{n} containing the times the initial and final dihedrals. If \code{t} is a scalar, a common time is assumed.
#' @inheritParams dTpdWou2D
#' @inheritParams safeSoftMax
#' @inheritParams dWn1D
#' @return A scalar giving the final loglikelihood, defined as the sum of the loglikelihood of the initial angles according to the stationary density
#' and the loglikelihood of the transitions from initial to final angles.
#' @details A negative penalty is added if positive definiteness is violated. If the output value is Inf, -100 * N is returned instead.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(345567)
#' x <- toPiInt(matrix(rnorm(200, mean = pi), ncol = 4, nrow = 50))
#' alpha <- c(2, 1, -0.5)
#' mu <- c(0, pi)
#' sigma <- sqrt(c(2, 1))
#' # The same
#' logLikWouPairs(x = x, t = 0.5, alpha = alpha, mu = mu, sigma = sigma)
#' sum(
#'   log(dStatWn2D(x = x[, 1:2], alpha = alpha, mu = mu, sigma = sigma)) +
#'   log(dTpdWou2D(x = x[, 3:4], x0 = x[, 1:2], t = 0.5, alpha = alpha, mu = mu,
#'                  sigma = sigma))
#' )
#' # Different times
#' logLikWouPairs(x = x, t = (1:50) / 50, alpha = alpha, mu = mu, sigma = sigma)
#' @export
logLikWouPairs <- function(x, t, alpha, mu, sigma, rho = 0, maxK = 2L, expTrc = 30) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_logLikWouPairs', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', x, t, alpha, mu, sigma, rho, maxK, expTrc)

.linInterp <- function(x, xGrid, yGrid, equalSpaces = FALSE) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_linInterp', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', x, xGrid, yGrid, equalSpaces)

.besselIExponScaled <- function(x, nu = 0L, maxK = 10L, equalSpaces = FALSE) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_besselIExponScaled', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', x, nu, maxK, equalSpaces)

.dTvmCpp <- function(x, K, M, alpha, besselInterp = FALSE, l2pi = 0) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_dTvmCpp', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', x, K, M, alpha, besselInterp, l2pi)

.clusterProbsTvm <- function(cosData, sinData, M, K, alpha, l2pi, besselInterp = TRUE) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_clusterProbsTvm', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', cosData, sinData, M, K, alpha, l2pi, besselInterp)

.weightedMuKappa <- function(cosData, sinData, weights, kappaMax = 250, isotropic = FALSE) {
    .Call('_sdetorus_weightedMuKappa', PACKAGE = 'sdetorus', cosData, sinData, weights, kappaMax, isotropic)
egarpor/sdetorus documentation built on March 4, 2024, 1:23 a.m.