
Defines functions rtModSet

# rtModSet.R
# ::rtemis::
# 2016-2021 E.D. Gennatas www.lambdamd.org

#' \pkg{rtemis} model
#' Creates an \pkg{rtemis} object of your choice of class. All available class systems are supported,
#' but at this point `R6` is the default and most widely tested.
#' @param rtclass Character: Object class
#' @param mod Trained model
#' @param mod.name Model (algorithm) name
#' @param type "Regression" or "Classification"
#' @param parameters List of model hyperparameters
#' @param call Originating call
#' @param y.train Training y data
#' @param y.test Validation y data
#' @param x.name Name of x data
#' @param y.name Name of y data
#' @param xnames Column names of x
#' @param fitted Fitted values
#' @param fitted.prob Fitted probabilities (Classification only)
#' @param se.fit Standard error of the fit
#' @param error.train Training error
#' @param predicted Predicted values
#' @param predicted.prob Predicted probabilities (Classification only)
#' @param se.prediction Standard error of the prediction
#' @param error.test Validation error
#' @param varimp Variable importance
#' @param question Question the model is attempting to answer
#' @param extra List with algorithm-specific extra fields
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

rtModSet <- function(
    rtclass = "rtMod",
    mod.name = character(),
    type = character(),
    gridsearch = NULL,
    parameters = list(),
    call = "",
    y.train = numeric(),
    y.test = numeric(),
    x.name = character(),
    y.name = character(),
    xnames = character(),
    bag.resample.params = list(),
    fitted.bag = numeric(),
    fitted = numeric(),
    fitted.prob = numeric(),
    se.fit.bag = numeric(),
    se.fit = numeric(),
    error.train = list(),
    predicted.bag = numeric(),
    predicted = numeric(),
    predicted.prob = numeric(),
    se.predicted.bag = numeric(),
    se.prediction = numeric(),
    error.test = list(),
    varimp = numeric(),
    question = character(),
    extra = list()) {
  # Arguments ----
  # rtclass will be NULL in all s.* learners so that it can be set to the same default
  if (is.null(rtclass)) rtclass <- "rtMod"
  if (type == "Classification" && rtclass == "rtMod") rtclass <- "rtModClass"

  se.fit <- ifNotNull(se.fit, numeric)
  predicted <- ifNotNull(predicted, numeric)
  se.prediction <- ifNotNull(se.prediction, numeric)
  error.test <- ifNotNull(error.test, list)

  if (rtclass == "rtMod") {
    # R6: rtMod ----
    s.out <- rtMod$new(
      mod = mod,
      mod.name = mod.name,
      type = type,
      gridsearch = gridsearch,
      parameters = parameters,
      # call = call,
      y.train = y.train,
      y.test = ifNotNull(y.test, numeric),
      x.name = ifNotNull(x.name, character),
      y.name = ifNotNull(y.name, character),
      xnames = ifNotNull(xnames, character),
      fitted = fitted,
      se.fit = ifNotNull(se.fit, numeric),
      error.train = error.train,
      predicted = ifNotNull(predicted, numeric),
      se.prediction = ifNotNull(se.prediction, numeric),
      error.test = ifNotNull(error.test, list),
      varimp = ifNotNull(varimp, numeric),
      question = ifNotNull(question, character),
      extra = ifNotNull(extra, list)
  } else if (rtclass == "rtModClass") {
    # R6: rtModClass ----
    s.out <- rtModClass$new(
      mod = mod,
      mod.name = mod.name,
      type = type,
      gridsearch = gridsearch,
      parameters = parameters,
      y.train = y.train,
      y.test = ifNotNull(y.test, numeric),
      x.name = ifNotNull(x.name, character),
      y.name = ifNotNull(y.name, character),
      xnames = ifNotNull(xnames, character),
      fitted = fitted,
      fitted.prob = fitted.prob,
      se.fit = ifNotNull(se.fit, numeric),
      error.train = error.train,
      predicted = predicted,
      predicted.prob = predicted.prob,
      se.prediction = se.prediction,
      error.test = ifNotNull(error.test, list),
      varimp = ifNotNull(varimp, numeric),
      question = ifNotNull(question, character),
      extra = ifNotNull(extra, list)
  } else if (rtclass == "rtModBag") {
    # R6: rtModBag ----
    s.out <- rtModBag$new(
      mod = mod,
      mod.name = mod.name,
      type = type,
      call = call,
      y.train = y.train,
      y.test = ifNotNull(y.test, numeric),
      x.name = ifNotNull(x.name, character),
      y.name = ifNotNull(y.name, character),
      xnames = ifNotNull(xnames, character),
      bag.resample.params = bag.resample.params,
      fitted.bag = fitted.bag,
      fitted = fitted,
      se.fit.bag = ifNotNull(se.fit.bag, numeric),
      se.fit = ifNotNull(se.fit, numeric),
      error.train = error.train,
      predicted.bag = ifNotNull(predicted.bag, numeric),
      predicted = ifNotNull(predicted, numeric),
      se.predicted.bag = ifNotNull(se.predicted.bag, numeric),
      se.prediction = ifNotNull(se.prediction, numeric),
      error.test = ifNotNull(error.test, list),
      question = ifNotNull(question, character),
      extra = ifNotNull(extra, list)
  } else if (rtclass == "rtModLite") {
    # R6: rtModLite ----
    s.out <- rtModLite$new(
      mod = mod,
      mod.name = mod.name,
      fitted = fitted

} # rtemis::rtModSet
egenn/rtemis documentation built on May 4, 2024, 7:40 p.m.